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Everything posted by totoff

  1. HI Soma and cstevensjr, thanks again for your replies. Logging out, clearing etc. doesn't make a difference. I'm afraid this is the best answer as I've played around with it for another while and found the trouble to start when I switch to mobile simulation in Dev Tools while on normal desktop size everything is fine ... So presumably this is indeed a Chrome based problem.
  2. This was the first thing I did before posting here (I assume you refer to browser cache). Unfortunately it didn't help. And, as I said, the phenomena occurs on two machines (Win and OS X).
  3. Hi all, I've done some further testing and the problem has definitely got to do with PW's template caching: the cache should be disabled because I'm logged in as superuser but isn't. Is there a way to disable template caching via the api during development? Or, as an alternative, how can I save all pages at once via the api? (maybe $page->save() with a foreach?) Thanks
  4. Hi all, I'm developing a responsive Website with the following setup: PW 2.5.3 Debug = true Template caching set to one month, guests only Google Chrome latest release (not the beta channel) With this setup I'm experiencing weird problems when using Chrome dev tools: changes in my templates are not reflected in the frontend until the page is saved (despite caching is set to "guests only") after each page save I'm logged out from the admin and have to log in again I can repeat this problem since days and on Windows as well as on OS X. In contrast, if I switch to Firefox Developer Edition's dev tools everything works as it should - no problems at all. So presumably it's some interference with Chrome's dev tools. Does anybody has experienced the same? Any hints for debugging? Thanks!
  5. Hi Robert, $root = $page->children('template=xyz_template'); This defines the children of the current page as root page (presumably level 2 in your site tree if I understood you right). So the pages on level 2 and 3 (in the site tree) should show up in the menu if you have the following options defined: 'show_root' => true, 'max_levels' => 2, If they nevertheless don't render I would first of all check if $root = $page->children('template=xyz_template'); returns an empty array.
  6. Ro-bo See the readme file, section "build a menu using a page array"https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSimpleNavigation/blob/master/README.md Sent from mobile
  7. Hi all, finally I just released a major update to my Unsemantic Site Profile. Here are the most important features: runs on Processwire 2.5.3 delegate template approach includes Superfish dropdown menu (requires markup simple navigation module) preconfigured Google Maps implementation includes simple accordion textformatter Module The profile is meant as a starting point for RWD on Processwire. Glad if you find it useful. You can see a preview here. Question: Does somebody know how to update the entry in the modules directory? EDIT: comments, suggestions etc. welcome
  8. Hi Caelan, did you file a bug report? https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues You may want to do so.
  9. Hi Adam, Not according to the timestamp. 1024 was created three minutes later than 1023.
  10. Yes, exactly. $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children("sort=sort"); renders 1023|1024|1031 which is correct $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children("sort=-sort"); renders 1031|1023|1024 See what I mean?
  11. Hi Nico, if($page->numChildren) $session->redirect($page->children->first->url); works. But I would still like to understand why $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children("sort=-sort"); renders child 2 as child 1 while $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children("sort=sort"); renders the correct order. I mean, there is something wrong obviously ... $pages->get(1015)->children->first is not applicable as 1015 is just one out of many sections sharing the same problem.
  12. Yes, you are right, it does. I was wrong. I tried $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children->first; and it returns /child 1/ (id 1023). However, the problem remains if($page->numChildren) $session->redirect($page->child()->url); still redirects to /child 2/ (id 1024) ...
  13. Hi LostKobrakai, thanks for your post. $page->children without selector echoes the correct order. $content2 = $pages->get(1015)->children("sort=-sort"); returns /child 2/ as the last item in the list (that is, the oldest page). However, /child 1/ is definitely older as per its created timestamp ... EDIT: corrected confusion of younger/older
  14. Hello all, I was absent for a while from developing - seems I got rusty in the meantime ... Having weird trouble with trying to redirect a page to its first child. I have the following structure: - /section/ (template A) -- /child 1/ (template B) -- /child 2/ (template B) and so on. Template A has the following conditional: if($page->numChildren) $session->redirect($page->child()->url); However, whenever /section/ is clicked, it redirects to /child 2/ but not to /child 1/. This happens on every section with template A and children. To make this even more weird, the redirect has worked perfectly fine for weeks and the strange behavior occurred today after editing content in the admin. Template A sort settings == none /section/ page sort settings == nothing selected I've tried selector "sort=sort" but it changes nothing (/child 1/ is the oldest page). I've also tried to set child sort order on /section/ to manual-drag-and-drop. Again without success. I'm quite helpless with this and would appreciate any help. Thanks.
  15. Further reading (sorry, German only): http://www.peterkropff.de/site/php/arrays.htm
  16. <nav class="top-bar" data-topbar> <section class="top-bar-section"> <ul class="right"> <li class="divider"></li> <?php $treeMenu = $modules->get("MarkupSimpleNavigation"); // load the module $options = array( 'has_children_class' => 'has-dropdown' ); echo $treeMenu->render($options); // render default menu ?> </li> </ul> </section> </nav> The pattern is very easy. The above example will attach the class "has-dropdown" to every list item that has a submenu. Try to understand the Readme by comparing it to my example and you will understand quickly. Edit: Misspelling corrected
  17. Foundation requires its classes (e.g. "has-dropdown") in order to work fine. Please see the Readme section of Somas module to learn how to apply classes to the elements of the menu.
  18. I suspect they don't even realize ... sad.
  19. This is a good source for a first step into "calibrating" a monitor, though obviously it has got nothing to do with real calibration yellowled was mentioning. But as an easy, pragmatical first step it might be helpful: http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/
  20. And, as you were mentioning it, there is no such thing like "accurate colours" in webdesign. Your best bet is to purchase a monitor with neutral colour balance, sharpness and good viewing angle. The overall quality matters. And that's it. If you would like to make print work that's a different beast. Than accuracy matters a lot.
  21. This site is considered market leader in monitor testing and knowledge:http://www.prad.de/en/index.html
  22. Unfortunately the module doesn't seem to work with 2.5. ctrl+shift+m for example leads to /page/undefined/
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