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Everything posted by maxf5

  1. feuerwehr-teisnach.de ProcessWire 3.0.62 Screenshots show the management of operations, where they can choose the date, age-group, vehicles in operation and they can write a text and put some gallery into it. Modules: Uikit v3 admin theme Auto Smush Markup Sitemap XML Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse Upgrades Checker Simple Contact Form CSS (SASS) & JSS compression with: grunt-sass grunt-uglify grunt-contrib-cssmin Libraries: UiKit 2 jQuery Owl Carousel hamburgers
  2. Hi @psy, flywithmehorses.com.au is extremely slow. 27 seconds loading time and 3.2 MB. ( jill_smith_170325_012-2.1920x1280.png - 1.9 mb) cttcfilmcourse.com almost the same. Maybe it's because iam loading it from germany, Canada needs 4.6s (gtmetrix). But you can try to compress images. Although you sponsored the website, i know improving everything is a time/money factor
  3. just upgradet to the newest dev version and tested it. Loving it, Ryan! That's what is best about processwire; you are free like a bird and have countless possibilities to realise your ideas with core functions.
  4. findOne() only finds one, made my day You check if the page exists. If not = error, else= create page. You can post your code when you have further questions.
  5. The previous topic seems to be deleted. So is there any solution for dynamic / moveable fields in PW? (Besides the Pro Module: Repeater Matrix, PageTableExtended from @MadeMyDayis just for One-Page websites from what i saw ). This would definatly bring it to a new level. I am thinking about grids, columns and a way to switch/drag positions of fields in a page. If not, do you have any ideas to implement this feature? I would build a plugin if i have the time realise.
  6. Sorry for the question, FieldtypePageTable is requested. Is that the Pro Field or is it for free?
  7. Can you post your code where the page from the formis being created? It's just a IF/ELSE request.. Something like (not tested): <?php $firstname = $sanitizer->text($input->get->firstname); // firstname should be the name of the input field $lastname = $sanitizer->text($input->get->lastname); $fullname = $firstname . $lastname; $sitetocheck = strtolower($fullname); if ( $pages->count("name=$sitetocheck") { echo "Sorry, seems you 're already registered"; } else { $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'basic-page'; // set template $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/about/'); // set the parent $p->name = '$fullname'; $p->title = '$fullname'; $p->save(); echo "Thanks for registration"; } ?>
  8. Nice and clean site! the parallax lacks a bit. On Chrome at least. Did you tried background-position instead of top? Grüße in den Schwarzwald
  9. <?php $bodyout = $page->name . " template-" . $page->template . " page-id-" . $page->id; ?> <body class="<?php echo $bodyout; ?>"> here you go.. like @tpr said:
  10. Simple Contact Form and Template Cache? Hey all, thanks again for this wonderful module. How can i manage my forms with template cache turned on? You will get an internal server error. Respectively what has to be written in the post variables? best regards
  11. maxf5


    Great job! but this is not very safe..
  12. Wow, thank you all for the nice and quick help! the pw community is unbelievable! this works perfectly for me: <?php $startdate = date('Y') . "-01-01"; $enddate = date('Y') . "-12-31"; $zaehler = $page->children("einsatzdatum>=$startdate, einsatzdatum<=$enddate");
  13. Hi devs! I have multiple missions on a fire department website. Now i want a counter to show all missions in the current year. I tried: <?php $year = date("Y"); $zaehler = $page->children("einsatzdatum$=$year"); echo "<p>{$zaehler->getTotal()} in {$year}</p>"; ?> the "einsatzdatum" field is a datetime field ( dd.mm.yy / 10.03.2017 ) But i get all the items (8) instead of only the one's in 2017 (5). Best regards, Max
  14. Installing the module on another site, i get the following errror message: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\**\**\site\modules\SimpleContactForm\SimpleContactFormConfig.php on line 125 ProcessWire 3.0.42
  15. Ahhhh. thank you! my log said: [FAILURE] Number of fields does not match. IP: xxx I had two fields for the email input ( one for confirmation ). deleted it, now it works fine
  16. First of all, thank you for this great module!! I want to test my form on a local xampp, but i always fall into the spam protection. Spam > Minimum Time and Maximum Time: is it in seconds?
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