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Everything posted by onjegolders

  1. Hi guys, am having a problem with my navigation. For some reason the code I always use and is taken from Ryan's head.inc template is including hidden pages. The pages are also not displaying in the normal tree order. My code is the following: <ul id="main_nav" class="span3 hidden-phone"> <?php $homepage = $pages->get("/"); $children = $homepage->children; foreach($children as $child) { $class = ""; if ($child === $page->rootParent) { $class = ' class="active"'; } ?> <li class="nav_class_<?php echo ($xyz++%4); ?>"><a href="<?php echo $child->url; ?>"<?php echo $class; ?>><?php echo $child->title; ?></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <!-- /#main_nav.span3 hidden-phone --> Strange as this has always worked perfectly on all my other projects. Perhaps it's too late and I'm missing something obvious!
  2. Hi Soma, Isn't that pretty much the same as installing the plugin in wire/modules/inputfield/inputtinymce/plugins?
  3. Bump, just to say that I did go ahead and install the spellcheck plugin for TinyMCE and once I'd figured out how to add it to a textarea, it seems to work fine. Two small points, Firstly, it works on a per field basis (this is probably intended and useful) it just means you have to go into the Field settings for each textarea and add spellchecker as a plugin and a button. Also by default it is off, so you have to remember to click it on before you get those lovely squiggly lines! Finally, @Ryan, is this a contender to be included in the default install? I can see it being pretty useful for end users to be able to spellcheck their copy and can't think the plugin adds that much overhead?
  4. Thanks Ryan, just tried it on Safari which I'd not used before for it and same story unfortunately. The only modules I have on this install are EmailObfuscator HelloWorld ManageFiles Can't think why only some pages are like this and not others? Could it be a database corruption?
  5. Thanks, Pete, tried both those but to no avail sadly. Is there any other combination for the RewriteBase apart from the standard one I should be considering?
  6. Sorry Yellowled, Sinnut alluded to this and I copied out what is already in my htaccess file: When you say setting it, what exactly do you mean? I already have RewriteBase/ in the file.
  7. Also did a quick test. If I rename the url of the page to something else, I can load the page fine so "abouts" will work fine but then when I rename back to "about", it will just show the homepage again. Hmmm, it does sound like anything with that name gets redirected but can't see where this is coming from!
  8. Hi, thanks both of you. Yes it was previously in a subfolder of a different domain and now it is at root level of the new domain. Pretty sure I don't have any absolute urls but will check again. Some pages eg: /news are displaying fine while others eg: /about are showing the homepage (I should point out that the address in the address bar correctly displays /about). I have my .htaccess file in the root and for rewritebase I see: # RewriteBase / # RewriteBase /pw/ # RewriteBase /~user/ Does that look ok? Thanks again
  9. Hi guys, Have just transferred a site over to a live domain. I did the following: Exported old db, Created a new db on new server Transferred files and folders to new domain Changed db details in config.php Imported db to new db The site is up and all looks fine but some (at least half) of my pages are just redirecting to the homepage. I'm scratching my head here, do any of you have any ideas where this may be coming from? Thanks. PS Just to add that the old site was on a subfolder ie: .com/folder, now I'm at the root level Not sure if this makes a difference
  10. Thanks Sevarf for this module! However, when I use your code above in my site, only the Twitter icon shows up. Any idea why this could be? Cheers.
  11. MadeMyDay this looks like it will be a fantastic addition, good work!
  12. Thanks Ryan for another great post. For what it's worth, I'm thinking more along the lines of publishing, groups and the sort of things that could be added to the backend rather than an alternative to the excellent API. As Yellowled says, if we're talking about a gallery, I feel much more comfortable, coding it myself with the help of colorbox or equivalent JS script and I think having one quality module for each purpose is far preferable than having 700 à la Wordpress. I think some things like forms (which is coming), the odd social integration plugin, perhaps publishing workflow would, and will hopefully in time, strengthen this great system further. As Ryan says so well, PW was not built to be all things to all men but to be the cleanest, most efficient way to handle most tasks. Perhaps, with the talk of the web moving towards more specialist services, we can look to use a few "packages" in the future (like the blog one Ryan has posted) to help kickstart certain projects yet keep hold of the lean core. Thanks again for being such a great and responsive group of people
  13. Thanks Pete, yeah I've been looking into any system which may offer me a little bit more of a helping hand with added functionality. ModX was one such system which has a bit more in the way of addons but I found the system and syntax to be confusing and I just felt like I was stuck in a Microsoft 1990s time-warp. The only real reason I'm looking around is that whereas most people here may have the skills to make their own modules or extend the core, it's not really something I'm remotely capable of (at least at the moment anyway). So I can build 10 times more efficiently with PW to an extent and then I hit a bit of a wall. I'm sure with time, more modules will come along, there just isn't another system out there that can touch Ryan's amazing API. Haven't checked out Lemonstand yet but call on Soma's cheatsheet, a fantastic tool!
  14. That link doesn't appear to be working for me, could you give a bit more detail about what it is you're trying to achieve? Most things in Processwire tend to be pretty simple and there's normally a reasonably straight-forward way to do anything.
  15. OK, after lots of research, this video has made my mind up for me Think the PW community needs to hire him
  16. Thanks again, I'm definitely not going anywhere! But I really am not a developer so I will try and help by spreading the word and trying to help in the forums any way I can. I'm really hopeful that having such a solid foundation, the talented guys around here continue to make useful modules that extend the possibilities for guys like me to use it for more and more projects. I also think as long as Ryan is around, PW is in very safe hands
  17. Thanks Apeisa, some really interesting and helpful suggestions. I really am not looking to leave Processwire behind, it is by far the most intuitive, logical and friendly system I have used, I'm just aware that I need a bit more of a power-solution for when I need some extra functionality and I don't have the time or know-how to hand build it. I may have to reconsider dropping Drupal. I could definitely work with it, it's just theming is such a huge waste of time I'd probably use someone else's which is not something I'd ever have considered before... Will check out Silverstripe and ModX a little more though but can't wait to get back to my PW projects!
  18. Yeah I've just been looking into it, I'm not sure I see the advantages personally, every web page has its own folder and file? Seems excessive and like you said i don't want my clients handling ftp. it seems somewhat Processwire-inspired too!
  19. Thanks Diogo, I actually looked at pyro before Processwire as it was CI based (I believe) but was put off by a lack of support, lack of a good community like this one Do you have a different experience? Apeisa, thanks for the suggestions, I was a bit confused between what was Silverlight and what was the framework but will check out the new version 3. Is it a goos system? Kirby looks interesting, not sure what the implications of no db though are?
  20. Thanks Yellow, Sinnut. ModX was a system I have been looking into a bit. It fits the bill in terms of being non-markup generating. Is it really that complicated to use? I see a lot of praise from within their own forums (but I guess that's normal...) Are there any areas where it is more developed than PW? So if you guys had to pick something that stayed at least quite close to the PW way of controlling markup but also had a large number of modules to be able to add extra functionality? ModX? Drupal? An outsider?
  21. Hi thanks for that Yellowled, I have to say I think I share most of your criteria. Perch I think does a simple job really well I'm led to believe, I like the way they present their product. I'm surprised that you'd choose Drupal given your 5 points, I would say that Drupal makes it very hard to control your code (or at least I found it hard). I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on MODx and Contao though, and where the differ from Processwire. Thanks
  22. Thanks Dave we can definitely agree on how much better it is to have complete control, and I feel real nerdy joy when I view source on a site I've built with PW! I wonder whether it is an absolute need for the big modular based systems to have so much markup. I can understand it with things like Wordpress but Drupal isn't really aimed at novices so it seems strange that it's markup is so out of your control. Does it pretty much stand that current PW users are either very competent developers who can build everything themselves or are greener people like me who can only use it to a certain extent before needing to look elsewhere for bolt-on added functionality?
  23. Thank you Ryan for such an eloquent reply, you're totally right that if Processwire can be this good after such a short space of time, in a few years it could be incredibly inclusive. It's true what you say about the trade-off between markup-generating and non-markup generating systems. I guess we all hope that a great non-markup generating system such as Processwire can grow to encompass almost the same level of functionality as the Drupal's of this world.
  24. Thanks Pideluxe, think I have come across Contao before but there was something stopping me from exploring any further - can't remember what though. I realise that there probably isn't an all-encompassing CMS out there and there is so much of PW I would be loathe to give up on. Ryan really has created the most incredible system and the community is so helpful. I also don't really want to go on another CMS merry-go-round - I get the feeling that if I do end up using one, it will be one I have already looked at briefly. This was the case with PW.
  25. Thanks, I'm not really put off by the PHP learning curve per se, I've thoroughly enjoyed using PHP with Processwire and it makes me want to learn more and you're totally right about it being a transferable skill. It's more a case of - I love using PW's API to bring in my data from the database and having complete control of the markup but if I want to add additional functionality, I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel, I don't want to have to code an entire module when I don't have the expertise or even really, the capacity to do so. I certainly wouldn't give up having custom content types though, any system I used would have to incorporate that. Drupal seems like it has everything I need to create more complex sites but I just wish I could control the markup in a way that's even half as good as PW (or EE for that matter).
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