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Everything posted by netcarver

  1. Hi Tim and welcome to PW. Just posting this in case you hadn't spotted that there is a ProcessWire IRC channel from your lurking in the forum.
  2. Not sure about the duplicate warning but for the latin1 to utf-8 import then one option might be to use a DB management tool to copy the source table and then change every text-based field / text-based index (if you need to maintain/import them too) over to utf-8 prior to attempting the import.
  3. Hi jukooz, please see this post for more information. In theory: great idea. In practice: could be more difficult than expected, not necessarily due to PDO (which does allow good connectivity between backend DBs) but perhaps due to the little differences in the dialects of SQL that they all use which could be sources of incompatibility. This needs careful investigation as, AFAIK, ProcessWire's selectors can generate some pretty complex SQL.
  4. ROFL! I was hoping that was a ProcessWire logo on the garment.
  5. Hi Lance, I believe Tom Reno (renobird here in the forum) has done something pretty similar to your OP already. Try messaging "renobird" directly here on the forum if he hasn't posted in a little while and see what he comes up with.
  6. Hi porl, yes, fulltext indexes are available in multiple other DB systems (SQLite, Postgres and InnoDB on MySQL to name a few) and there has been a discussion of this with Ryan. Although I don't see it on the roadmap at the moment, I think that Ryan has commented positively about the possibility of making PW flexible enough to use different DB backends although this might not be as easy as it sounds due to the fact that not all SQL dialects are the same. Just to let people know that I have personally managed to get PW running using the InnoDB engine on MySQL v5.6 with very minimal changes to the PW code. Once MySQL 5.6 goes mainstream in linux distros we will, at least, have the choice of a transactional DB engine for PW.
  7. Ah, I see. Yes, that would be more useful.
  8. Hi teppo, Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your point but if I am, then what I've misunderstood is scaring me a little :-. There are many more URI schemes in use than just mailto. Some of them are also very useful in allowing contact-type details/locations to be used (like fax, callto, tel, sip, geo, sms and webcal.) Are you suggesting making this field a truly generic URI entry field that allows all of the above and the likes of file, data, snmp & javascript? All of the schemes mentioned here are either already accepted as official URI schemes or are common but unofficial.
  9. Hi diogo, If the language selection mechanism is made part of each page (eg, in the masthead as a drop-down selection) then perhaps redirecting a neutral homepage to a specific language home wouldn't be an issue, as visitors would always have the ability to switch from wherever they land in the site.
  10. Could landitus' method work if you made the home page (or any page lacking a language marker) redirect to the same page with the language marker added? So, given this structure... Mysite.com/pt = Portuguese home page Mysite.com/pt/contact = Portuguese contact page Mysite.com/es = Spanish home page etc... You'd do this... Mysite.com --redirect--> Mysite.com/es Mysite.com/contact --redirect--> Mysite.com/es/contact
  11. Antti, As far as I can tell, URIs are all represented in a subset of ASCII characters (see RFC3986) but allow for the embedding of other characters (including unicode characters) by allowing them to be percent encoded into the URI. Browsers understand this and decode URIs to display the correct characters in the address bar and they allow you to enter the unicode when typing the characters in the address, converting them on submission using URL encoding. You can do this yourself in PHP using urlencode() or rawurlencode(). Looks like copy and paste out of chrome is pulling the encoded string out of the address bar. Edited to add: Just found the relevant part of the article I linked...
  12. Hi Rob, Glad to see you're not giving up and that you've ended up here. Welcome to the forum. If you didn't care about it being under your own control so much then I can think of easier ways to getting what you want published using services such as blogspot. The install documentation is in the readme file in the source code repository here. Let us know how it goes.
  13. Hi recyclerobot, I don't know if this will help but here's a quick rundown of what I did to get this working. I setup a new Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit server in a fresh virtual machine & configured it as an SSH server with a static IP address (Actually, I just cloned one I'd prepared for something else). Then I followed this HowToForge tutorial about installing nginx + mysql + php-fpm. Only thing I did different to the linked tutorial was that I setup APC instead of Xcache. Following that I installed vim-nox, git & phpmyadmin and then created a new DB and DB user for ProcessWire to use. I then did a git clone into /usr/share/nginx/www/pw and added an entry to /etc/hosts called "pw-nginx.test" and also setup this config file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/pw-nginx.test ... server { listen 80; server_name pw-nginx.test; root /usr/share/nginx/www/pw; index index.php; try_files $uri /index.php?it=$uri&$args; location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php5-fpm.sock; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } } That's about as bare bones as I could make it. Next, I created a symlink to this file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, reloaded nginx and pointed my browser at pw-nginx.test (I had to add pw-nginx.test to /etc/hosts on my client box too) and I saw the ProcessWire installation page. You may need to fix any permission issues and definitely ignore the warning about .htaccess problems in order to install ProcessWire. Well, to cut a long story short, ProcessWire installed fine and, as far as I can tell, the admin and public interfaces work correctly too. But note this: This configuration is totally insecure. All the protected assets that Ryan posted about above (except for the .htaccess file) are accessible from publicly accessible URLs. As I'm new to nginx, I've not had time to lock down what I posted above. All the above is from memory and I may have missed something. If something occurs to me, I'll update the above. Anyway, hope that helps.
  14. Ok, 2nd dumb question from me: is your submit handler getting called when you press the submit button?
  15. Hello Nikola, is your submit handler posting to the right location -- and is that location accessible to the web server (ie, your scripts folder is under the site root, with permissions to allow the server to access it?)
  16. Hi Alan, Right, I see. Sounds like they must have spellcheck="false" on that textarea/iframe or whatever it uses. Isn't there an TinyMCE plugin for spellchecking?
  17. I think diogo is right -- this is a browser feature. If you are using firefox see this, chrome see this.
  18. Update: I now have PW running on nginx. It took a little longer than expected & I'll post more when I've investigated it further.
  19. Hi Teppo, I wouldn't consider it 100% stable just yet, and I've not touched it for about a month. That said, most of the features are fixed because the DSL takes its shape from HTML syntax and, if anything, there will be additions of helper functions rather than changes to existing ones. There are some major portions that need work and there is no upload ability in there yet. If you are thinking of putting this into a client site I'd err on the side of caution. You can also ask Apeisa for his experiences with it as I know he started using it recently.
  20. Since Ryan posted that his prototype idea for a PW form builder I've not done much in this area. Rather than have the code sat under-utilized in a private repo I've now posted it as the fxForm repo under my github account in case anyone is interested. Currently you need the controller-element branch to get the latest code.
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