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Everything posted by modifiedcontent

  1. Is there a way to do $users->get( superuser )? Or can there be more than one superuser? Get the first superuser? Without having to use a name like 'admin'.
  2. How do I use this module on the front-end, in a template? My field 'summary' is configured to use CKEditor and it works fine in the admin area. It tried getting something to show up on the front-end by adding this to a template: <?php $modules->get('InputfieldCKEditor'); echo $page->edit('summary'); ?> <edit summary></edit> <div edit="summary"></div> Nothing shows up. I guess I need to add something to head, but could only find very ambiguous info. This info only applies to back-end? @gebeer tried to explain here, but I don't use 'delayed output strategy' and could not get his instructions to work. Is there a dumbed down version anywhere? Where is the js file I should link to? And a css file? I have been using my own CKEditor, with the files in a js folder in templates. I just want to replace it with the "native" Processwire version.
  3. Thanks gebeer. I have also found the instructions here. Did you find solutions for your original question from 2016, CKEditor settings per template and/or role? I'll have to figure that out next and will post here what I find out.
  4. Is CKeditor now part of Processwire? I use CKeditor in a template, but using a version I downloaded in a template js folder. What is the correct way to use CKeditor in a template, on the front-end?
  5. What is in 2020 the best way to provide an image upload feature for members/registered users, for a profile picture etc.? Is there now a built-in option? Or a module? I only found this old non-stable module here and forum threads from 2012-16. I have a cobbled together solution from about 2017 that kinda works. I can post details later if necessary. I want to replace or improve it.
  6. How would I even use Tracy Debugger console for this? I want to test what happens in a Member account, where I don't have access to Tracy Debugger. I don't want to risk messing up my SuperUser admin account by running random code in that Debugger console. What is Process Tracy Adminer that is suddenly also installed in my site? Tracy Debugger installs way more stuff than I am comfortable with and I have no clue how to use it to troubleshoot my particular problem. The variables are fine. This used to work fine in my site. I was just looking for basics of how to edit a field via a simple form on the front-end. Is there an example anywhere? Has anything changed about that in the last few years? This "works": if($input->post->bio) { $user->of(false); $user->body = $sanitizer->text($input->post->bio); $user->save(); } This doesn't: if($input->post->updateprofile) { $user->of(false); $user->body = $sanitizer->text($input->post->bio); $user->save(); } Both with a form like this: <form method=post id=updateprofile> <textarea placeholder='biography or description' id=bio name=bio><?php echo $user->body; ?></textarea> <button type=submit name=updateprofile>Update Profile</button> </form> So I guess using <button> instead of <input> broke it? Apparently yes, changing it back to <input type=submit ... fixed it.
  7. body and fullname are both set to user-editable in their own profile; the code I have used to work, just no longer doesn't for some reason. I set Access control for the User template to No*, but that didn't fix the edit forms. * bad idea? Should my general approach work or does anyone see obvious problems? This just doesn't seem to do anything: if($input->post->updateprofile) { $user->of(false); // turn off output formatting $user->fullname = $sanitizer->text($input->post->fullname); $user->body = 'Just enter something when I click the updateprofile button'; $user->save(); } I have ProcessWire 3.0.161 dev, with as few modules as possible. This page should be all plain code. No hooks used. Code already simplified to bare essentials.
  8. Thanks @dragan. I actually have a super basic password update somewhere that works. I'll update that with some of your suggestions. I stripped down my Member Account management script to bare essentials and it still doesn't work: <?php if($input->post->updateprofile) { $user->of(false); // turn off output formatting $user->fullname = $sanitizer->text($input->post->fullname); $user->body = $sanitizer->text($input->post->bio); $user->save(); } ?> <form method=post id=updateprofile> <div class=field> <label for=fullname>Full Name</label> <input placeholder='Firstname Lastname' type=text name=fullname value='<?php echo $user->fullname; ?>' /> </div> <div class=field> <p>Please introduce yourself</p> <label for=bio></label> <textarea placeholder='biography or description' id=bio name=bio><?php echo $user->body; ?></textarea> </div> <div class=buttonrow> <button type=submit name=updateprofile>Update Profile</button> </div> </form> What am I missing?
  9. @kongondo, thank you again for your response. Yes, just a plain text field to start with, like a body field. Or/and the password field. Basic fields that a member role would need to edit. I did not provide details on why it no longer works, because there could be many factors specific to my site/template, like the use of Ckeditor. I just want to strip it down to the most basic working example. I was not able to find 2020 instructions, only threads from 2012-14 and information about Form Builder and the front-end editing and login/register modules. Can you point me in the right general direction? Did anything change in upgrades since about 2016 that breaks the code/approach posted above or is it still basically the same?
  10. How can I let a Member - or whatever Role - edit a specific field from the front-end? If I do a search on "front-end editing" etc. a lot of stuff comes up that doesn't really fit my case. I'll use the front-end editing module for some cases, but in this case I am looking how to put a structure account management interface together. I also know there is now a login/register module, but I already have my own login/register system and don't want to start over. I also know about Form Builder, but that looks like overkill. I am trying to understand basic principles that I can use across my site, don't want a module "to do it all for me out of the box". I had a front-end edit form for members that used to work fine, something like this with role checks etc.: But it no longer works. I know there is a better way to do that password update form - what is it...? - and it is probably a bad idea to mash up several things in one form. I also use Ckeditor on the bio/body field which may cause issues. I also had a messy profile picture upload in the form, years old, probably better ways to do that now. So going back to basics, if I want to give logged-in Member a simple front-end form to edit a specific field, what would I put in the template? Which directions should I follow?
  11. I still haven't found a solution for this. Any suggestions what could cause it or how to troubleshoot it? Has anyone else seen this issue? It works fine in some pages, but not in others.
  12. @kongondo, this worked very well. Thanks! Just followed your last post. In the 'delete confirmed' template file I added some last warning text, like: 'If you click the button below, all your data will be removed from our system and you will be locked out. Are you sure you want to do that?' Button like this: <form method=post> <input type=submit name=terminate value='yes, delete my account'> </form> The first 'delete account' button is similar. And then your code wrapped in something like this, on top of the 'delete confirmed' template file: if( $input->post->terminate && !$user->isSuperuser() ) { ... } Checking for superuser again is not strictly necessary I guess and there are probably better ways, like in the first part. I made the 'delete confirmed' template file hidden and only accessible for 'members', not for random guests. I'll keep testing with this and will report back if I find problems or improvements/additions. That use of $cache was new for me. Very interesting, useful.
  13. My member role does not have any create/add/edit rights, but members can still access /admin and see the page tree etc, although they can't create/add/edit anything, only view. Is there a way to keep members out of /admin altogether? I double-checked; 'member' does not have access permission on the Admin template, so I don't understand why they still get access anyway. On the other hand ideally I would like to give members targeted access to specific /admin pages where they do have create/add/edit rights, like their profile? I thought that was the way it was supposed to work. What am I missing?
  14. Thanks kongondo, I was just working on this - UK coffee/brunch time - and getting nowhere. I'll go over your very clear instructions and report back.
  15. I am looking for a solution for this again this weekend. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Anyway I'll post more findings later and hopefully a solution.
  16. Thanks bernhard, but no, I just get the horizontal scrollbar in every view, full screen on a laptop. The scrollbar also doesn't really scroll to anything; something is 1 or 2% over somewhere.
  17. Thanks @diogo - for one random admin page that identifies the following elements: <div id="pw-panel-container-1" class="pw-panel-container pw-panel-container-closed pw-panel-tab pw-panel-left" data-href="/admin/page/?modal=panel&pw_panel=1" style="outline: red dotted 1px !important;"><a class="pw-panel-button pw-panel-button-closed ui-button ui-state-default pw-panel-button-text pw-panel-button-hidden" href="/admin/page/?modal=panel&pw_panel=1" style="right: -46px;"><small class="ui-button-text"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-tree"></i><span>Tree</span></small></a></div> <div id="pw-panel-container-2" class="pw-panel-container pw-panel-container-closed pw-panel-tab pw-panel-left pw-panel-reload" data-href="https://mywebsite.com/?modal=panel&pw_panel=1" style="outline: red dotted 1px !important;"><a class="pw-panel-button pw-panel-button-closed ui-button ui-state-default pw-panel-button-text pw-panel-button-hidden" href="https://mywebsite.com/?modal=panel&pw_panel=1" style="right: -46px;"><small class="ui-button-text"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-eye"></i><span>Page View</span></small></a></div> I have tried changing widths and paddings etc., but nothing makes the horizontal scrollbar disappear. I know I can just put overflow-x: hidden somewhere, but tried that once and it caused a problem somewhere else and I didn't want to spend more time on it. Isn't this a (known) bug in UIkit? I vaguely remember seeing something like that the first time I looked into this.
  18. Small annoyance: I get a horizontal scrollbar in UIkit admin area - or actually Admin Theme Boss based on Uikit 3. I tried to fix it with CSS, but had trouble isolating/targeting it and don't want to mess with module or core files. I think this issue has been reported before. Is there a recommended fix?
  19. Issue 1: Why do I get lots of random Russian (?) text when I try to look up addresses? And the location search results are awful; the system suggests random street addresses (with lots of Russian) when you type in something basic like 'London, England'. Full addresses seem to work better, but only without postal codes - 'nothing found' when you try to search with postal codes included. Issue 2: Maps show up in the admin area, but not on the front-end. I have another version of the same site where they do show up on the front-end without problems, so am a bit puzzled where the problem could be. What are typical causes I could check? Edit: The problem with the map not showing up on the front end (Issue 2) had something to do with this error showing up in Chrome Inspect/DevTools: Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function at (index):529 Something with jQuery. The error disappeared when I copied module files from another site where Leaflet Map did work. Not sure where the cause of the error is exactly.
  20. Thanks for response Pip. The template's name is 'event' and I just create the usual way via admin, Add New etc. It's probably something dumb in my particular templates. I may have old code/configuration somewhere that does something with the slug creation. Can't find where. Edit: Nevermind. I found it. In the parent template 'events' under Family there was a 'name format for children' defined. Also 'allowed template(s) for children' was not set - weird that page creation was possible at all...
  21. Annoying small problem; when I create pages for a certain type/template, they initially get created with the slug /untitled and empty title and name fields on the next page. I have to enter the title and slug again to create the page. Has anyone seen that before? Why does it happen and how can I fix it? Same issue reported here, with no solution.
  22. I had a simple 'Delete My Account' link for users in my site that used to work fine, with a function like this: But it no longer works, after upgrades I guess. I get a fatal server error: cannot be deleted: it is the current page being viewed, try $pages->trash() instead Or when I use trash(), I get: Exception: This page (id=XXXX) may not be placed in the trash That error is thrown in core/PagesTrash.php by a check for isDeleteable(). I can't find info what makes a page 'deleteable' or not. What is now the recommended way to do this?
  23. Has anyone else seen front-end editing not working on certain pages? When I try to make an edit and click Save, I get a javascript pop-up with 'No changes to save'. Anyone have any idea what causes this? Javascript conflict maybe?
  24. Did anyone ever find out how to solve this? Or at least make that error disappear... Edit: Just switched from Reno admin theme to UIkit. I think the error message is now gone.
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