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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Could it be that for square image crops, only width to add, and use that for the height too? portfolio-item-small,360
  2. Sorry for the wrong topic. Yes, my goal is to create a PR, just wanted to know if there's something I should know before. This seems a trivial feature to me, wonder why it was not added so far.
  3. Yesterday I got frustrated that it's hard to rename existing link that I looked into ProcessPageEditLink module and pwlink CKEditor plugin and added a "Link text" feature. The modal window doesn't have a field for this that I've added now: Anyone knows why it's missing there? Judging from the code it seems it was intentionally left out.
  4. I hardcoded top: 47px as I remember until it got fixed officially. But that was for the top menu items, not the submenus.
  5. tpr

    Auto Smush

    Only started it Then came @matjazp and fixed a number of issues, added local tools and so on. I kinda lost interest when I made it work on my sites and do not wanted to invest more time to improve and make it ready for public. So big thanks to matjazp, and hopefully after a few iterations it will be more stable.
  6. Perhaps pulling up the dropdowns with translateY(-1px) would suffice if it's a subpixel issue.
  7. No success in reproducing. Tried with PW 3.038, PW 3.0.40 and RepeaterMatrix 0.0.3 (according to Module Information) and AOS 1.0.4 && Chrome / Firefox. Nothing comes to my mind that could cause something like this. AsmTweaks certainly not, perhaps some Inputfield::render hooks could interfere. Could you narrow it down to a submodule? (disable all and try enabling them one after other)
  8. A fix I found is to add a pseudo-element :before to make the dropdown list overlap with the button.
  9. I can add a CSS fix for that but where does it a happen? (browser, theme)
  10. It's controlled by jQuery and I don't know how could I add a delay. I've tried several tweaks in the past but haven't worked exactly I wanted. Anyway, I'm kinda like how it's working now, maybe because I got used to it. Do you see the submenu vanishing? It's flickering here a bit if I move the mouse from the button to the submenu and vice versa, but it stays visible.
  11. This would be a nice feature but I think this would make things much more complicated.
  12. Always visible pagelist actions - this is what you have thought of?
  13. Table Cells Selection is a great addon to CKEditor tables: http://ckeditor.com/addon/ckeditortablecellsselection https://github.com/likemusic/CKEditorTableCellsSelection Make sure to download latest from GitHub, there's a Js error fix in it.
  14. Having an access would make things easier. Did it stop after an upgrade?
  15. I haven't experienced anything with column breaks, I use it on several sites, including latest dev too.
  16. @bernhard This has came up earlier too, and could be useful without doubt. But it would require a different structure plus a well thought-out system that allows such modularity. In current state of AOS this is a no-go, and if someone would start it I would recommend to start with creating a new admin theme instead of patching Reno (or Default).
  17. FYI, AOS can also add custom js/css: https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids#add-custom-css-or-javascript-to-the-admin
  18. Always show page list actions: you mean the non-extra items, right? I'll have a look, but interesting idea. What I could imagine is putting the action in a second row, like in WordPress. You mean the filefilter on the arrow? It's a workaround to populate the dropdown.
  19. Just tried this and it works: <img <?php echo $page->portfolio_images->first()->getCrop('portfolio-item')->srcset('portfolio-item'); ?> class="lazyload" alt=""> This was the first time I added CroppableImage to a project and it seems great. Some UI facelift here and there could be beneficial though
  20. Thanks, I have moved it from body to html but it's still not perfect, though the bug doesn't appear here. I've removed it now entirely.
  21. At first I can't reproduce but there was a similar issue earlier with AsmSelect fields. The cause was that the "body" had an overflow-y: scroll; in CSS, removing that fixed it. If it happens again, could you check what happens if you add/remove "overflow" on body/html tags?
  22. Another tip today: a filter to easily get pages in templates Usage: // homepage url (1: page ID) <a href="{(1|getPage)->url}" class="logo"> // custom selector <a href="{('name=about'|getPage)->url}" class="logo"> Filter (add to ready.php): $view->_filters['getPage'] = function ($selector) { return isset($selector) ? wire('pages')->get($selector) : false; }; I wouldn't recommend to use it with selectors but it's there if needed. It's better to use with variables set in template php files.
  23. Looks like there was a bug in the module, allowing only one macro to be added. I've pushed a fix for this (v022).
  24. Here are two macros that I started to use recently to avoid passing full page objects and make things easier. I usually set "common" pages in ready.php like this: // Pages $view->homepage = $pages->get(1); $view->contactPage = $pages->get(1033); // PageArrays $view->menuItems = $pages->find('id=1010|1020|1030,sort=sort'); But instead of this I set only ID (selector): // Pages $view->homepage = 1 $view->contactPage = 1033; // PageArrays $view->menuItems = 'id=1010|1020|1030,sort=sort'; Now in latte template files I use the macro "n:page" or "n:pages", which automatically sets the "$p" variable ("$pArr" in case of n:pages). Basically it sets the context: <a n:page="$contactPage" class="contact" href="{$p->url}">{$p->title}</a> <ul n:pages="$menuItems" n:inner-foreach="$pArr as $p"> <li class="{$p|activeClass|noescape}"> <a href="{$p->url}">{$p->title|noescape}</a> </li> </ul> You can use this if you prefer "normal" macros instead "n:macros": {page $contactPage} <p>{$p->httpUrl}</p> {/page} And here are the macros (put it in site/ready.php): $view->_addMacro['page'] = array( 'page', '$p = \ProcessWire\wire("pages")->get(%node.word)', ';' ); $view->_addMacro['pages'] = array( 'pages', '$pArr = \ProcessWire\wire("pages")->find(%node.word)', ';' );
  25. @adrian I've changed the lister row hover to show actions only on hovering the first cell. @Robin S I'm thinking on how to make things better configurable, but for this time I think I'll make the bold page names optional in PageListTweaks. Here is the preview of the iconified pagelist (and lister actions): On hover after a few milliseconds link text becomes visible to have some hint. Link colors will probably need a bit of JavaScript because using CSS inherit doesn't seem to pull the right color.
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