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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. I know about that. But I could not get it to work properly) And when I thought I am doing everything right, it just hang. I think Atom still sucks for loading big files, which tags file is sertainly an example of.
  2. @Pretobrazza: Hey! Joomla and Seblod - the same route that led me here) Actually I do not think that proper choice of an IDE matters that much for PW development. The main switch has to be made in the head. You should start reading code to cook PW right. But a proper IDE can help you to read the code faster) That is why I was asking about fast navigation to class and method definition and about the method list in the sidebar. All IDEs like NetBeans and PHPStorm scan you project and are able to help you go to significant points in code in just a couple of clicks. For example you can ctrl+click on a method call in NetBeans and you will be "teleported" to its definition. As PW is written in object oriented style with inheritance and stuff, it helps a lot. Simple text editors are not so smart, at least out of the box. I like to deal with frontend code and backend code in the same editor. IDEs are usually slower and do not have all the cool features as new breed text editors, like ST, Atom or Brackets for html/css/js/git/gulp/grunt... That is the essense of this discussion, as I understand it. How to get all the cool stuff in one product, and preferably for free. I am using NetBeans (as it is free in comparaison to PHPStorm, which is more popular) and Notepad++. I am looking into Atom as it can happen to be "something in between". ...And just yesterday I learned about this thing from kongondo. It can actually help you write code in simple text editor, as you can search for stuff there.
  3. What I need to switch to Atom for PW development is: Goto class/method definition: Function list in the sidebar. Did you manage to find plugins for those?
  4. I guess you are trying to build something like this. It is an example blog profile for PW built by ryan. Here is the source code for that page - a place to copy-and-paste from or get inspired with. If it does not help, feel free to write back. By the way, you don't need those extra fields just for sorting purpose as you will see in the code provided. One date field holds all the data needed to make that tree.
  5. Welcome to the forums, 3Dots! It seems like you got everything right. In PW you almost always deal with the API which creates pages, not with the database directly. This is the best post ever about the form api: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/... ...Ahh, no need to write any further - horst got it all! Edit: But I'll add a link worth exploring: http://store.di.net/collections/software/products/processwire-form-builder. It is an easy form creation module from ryan himself. With it you can create pages from form submissions in no time.
  6. Yep, that's clear to me now. Thanks to PW I know some OOP. But I was confused by User constructor accepting template as parameter, but not accepting parent.
  7. ...ok just do it as with a regular Page $u = new User(); $u->template = "custom-user-template"; $u->parent = "custom-user-parent"; $u->save(); Sometimes you need to spoil your forum karma to get your head working as it should)
  8. I am using this wonderfull feature to create users with different templates and under different parents. Now I need to do it via API. Looking at the source code it seems like I can easilly create a user with alternative template. But is there a way to specify parent page? Certainly I can get still just create the users as pages like here, but that does not read as well and does not allow me to use addRole().
  9. ? @lynnfredricks's thoughts on ProcessWire on @ProductHunt https://t.co/H8p7swY3Fr It is like Seblod but way easier) https://t.co/WsMk8UzIz2

  10. There is a lot of places this have been discussed in the forums. If you want to know what others are using you can check something like: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1576-css-template-framework/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5948-dead-simple-grid/ ...or about anything here. On that materialize thing... Can't tell for sure, but it looks quite similar to bootstrap and is probably some kind of derivative. If use Sass anyway, I prefer Susy 2 as it is almost completely customiable.
  11. I registered with my normal twitter account and voted +1. I do not know how they use those valuable bits of private info about me, but not sure they can do something worse than twitter itself)
  12. Ii is kind of hard to answer such a broad question. Maybe we should narrow it down to something managable? And of course this "already have been asked and answered" a number of times. pwFoo seems to be persistent in building modules related to this problem.
  13. I think PHP Trends gets its data from github. So if we get some significant grow in likes in the latter, we will get to PHP Trends mainpage.
  14. This is great news! Forum integrations and in-house PW realizations have been discussed a few times: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3536-forum-integration-module/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6468-symphony-forum-and-pw/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/572-release-discussions/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9776-forum-software/ But I have not seen one done on a live site yet. If you could expand a bit about it, it would be really valuable. I could not find any login form. Why is that? Is that part of the forum managed elsewhere or is it just hidden from unauthorized? Is there any user integration between PW and PhpBB?
  15. Good job! Starting to write modules is like a rebirth - a few lines and suddenly you are a programmer. Congrats! I also mentioned inconsistency in naming. Better pick one name and go with it.
  16. I am really glad this topic is brought up in the community discussion. I think we all can benefit from PW being more known and used all around the world. It does not pay off to be good at something nobody else around want to use. It is not like karate secret move you can win the fight with. Your customer has to agree and preferably desire that you use PW. More like Kamasutra than martial arts. But those are common words you all understand those thing better than me. I said about "known" and "used" in the same sentence, but those are quite different things although connected. I do not think that we can or should expect PW to be as commonly used as Wordpress or Joomla, as it is obviously targeting a narrower target audience. But we definetely wish and can expect almost everyone in the web-dev world to at least be familiar with the name. And we want it to have a positive connotation. This is a task, and if we want to achieve it, we need to know, when it is achieved. I think that we need to set goals for 2016 and track the porogress. Site visits might not be the best parameter to evaluate for this particular purpose. I am well aware of Symfony 2 framework and I entertain my thought that once I will learn it and use, but I do not visit their site anywhere near often. What other measurable metrics can we track? Backlinks? Google trends? Maybe even conduct some kind of sociological survey now and in the end of 2016? I also suggest we organize ourselves in our effort. What about conducting a number of marketing campaigns with defined goals, timeframe, and summing up in the end? I can propose a few right now: Get PW more stars on Github. So we can be rated closer to the top in the searches like "PHP CMS" and so. If we do it in condensed period of time, we can even make it to trending, which can bring us quite a number of newcommers. Get PW more reviews with stars on bitnami, which will position PW closer to the top of the apps list. Get PW atop of syn.in on alternativeto.net. I think we deserve at least No. 4 . It could be beneficial to make a dedicated forum thread for the campaign to encourage forum members to participate. We also probably want to investigate the target resource's anti-spam policies if any and organize against them. What do you think?
  17. I did a quick search and could not find one either. Guess you are lucky: You can make a new Language Pack and take all the fame. You can make it your own - all the translation errors will fit you taste. You can learn quite a lot about the system while making a translation. You can help the thing that helps you!
  18. Come on! Martijn steps in and gets all the likes. But what about a man who did all the diagnosis . Just kidding, glad you got the question solved .
  19. Well, I am in confusion. I cannot understand what are you trying to do Could you write a bit more about you case? 1) What fields does the $page we are writing output for have? I assume it does have a Page Field named pageField, is that right? 2) What pages are allowed to be selected for pageField? 3) Is that right that you can only select 1 page for pageField (as you stated before)? And so on... Please provide more details.
  20. if ($page->page_field->id == 123) { echo $page->page_field->pageUrl; } Maybe something like this?
  21. Sounds great. But I still can't get what a task is - is it a php script, an PW API call, a bash script... Maybe I should read some code) But if you could explain... I have a need to import a hell load of pages with multiple images on a regular basis via cron job. Images should be processed before the import. Can I use the module for this, or is it an overkill and I should do shell scripts or something else?
  22. Really good work. Looks solid and corporate. Even with the team at the ping-pong table . Could you please write a little more about how is it done. Espesially the forums. What modules did you use for it and other functionality? I really like the multi-column layout here and there. The meny semi-transparent is not enough to make the white menu items visible on some background images on the frontpage. And the open source ERP platform from Belarus is something to know about.
  23. Could you please pick one: a) You need to check whether the page field has ANY value or b) You need to check whether the page field has a specific value (a specific page) or c) You need to check whether the page field even exist on the page's template. If a) or b) please check the Details tab of you field to see how is the field presented in the API - as an array or single page.
  24. Hey, mr. horst! Looks like something I could make great usage of... But not sure that I understand the thing right. Could you please write a few words on what it is, what and how it is supposed to do. Maybe a use case... I understand It as a way to add multiple pages through the api without the risk of running out of execution time. Am I close?
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