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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. hi devs, i have an uikit drag&drop upload on my project and it's working fine. i have this request in my dev-tools: it sends a POST with the image data and returns a smaller version of the image (GET) in my php-code i handle it like this (some lines collapsed): can someone explain what exactly counts as $config->ajax request and what does not? thank you!
  2. And of course you should explain them that maintaining a pw powered site is totally different than with most of the other cmsses! Updates are (almost?) never needed...
  3. sendgrid has a free plan of 25.000 mails if you signup via their google partner site: https://sendgrid.com/partner/google
  4. hi fliwatuet, i really do not understand this question. have you done the hello world tutorial i mentioned above? it seems you are still not familiar with the basic concepts of processwire? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/ it's a fully flexible and customizable system and NOT a click-click-and-ready-but-take-it-as-it-is-thing like so many other systems. to your question regarding a file manager. there's this module right now in development - but it will be a commercial module and only kongondo knows when it will be available https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11224-media-manager/
  5. hmmm, ok i see you really didn't get me i was writing a more detailed answer but while i was writing i found a better solution for my usecase. i think i wanted to use the queue in a way it is not built for (but not the way you understood me, but thats no factor any more)
  6. hi horst, i tried it on a fresh install today and got it working. don't know what was the reason but i'm too busy right now to investigate further i was not sure what all the fields where doing my questions where like this: "select users" what is this doing? is this controlling access? will only users selected here see the switcher? "start UAS session" what is an UAS session?? ok got it now... user account switcher, but i thought that was a technical word i didn't know. and therefore i didn't know what this checkbox is doing at all. i think step by step instructions would be good, like: if you want to show the user switcher proceed as follows: check the box "enable user account switcher select users that should be shown in the switcher-panel check the box to start the user account switcher (UAS) session select the time, how long the UAS should be active (no good english i think) click on "submit" button and go to frontend. the UAS-Panel should show up edit: i think it would help to change the field label from Configure and start the fast User Account Switcher to Configure and start the fast User Account Switcher (UAS) maybe that sounds too much to you, but it was really not clear for me as i did not know anything about the workflow. edit2: maybe a screencast with licecap would have also solved those questions
  7. hi horst, i need a little more help, sorry. i don't really get the concept. for example when i have a queue to resize images, how would i setup this? when i have a queue "resizeimages" i could add all resize requests to this queue and then run the resize for every item. so far so good, but what if i have different users with images from different pages? user A adds 100 images to queue "resizeimages" and user B adds 100 images to the same queue. the queue now has 200 images in it if that happens at the same time. how does the queue know which images belong to wich user? the "worker" is empty for new entries so i can't use this. or should i do an additem() and right after that an updateitemstate(...worker...)? or am i completely on the wrong track with what i want to do? thank you edit: ok i don't think that would work because there would still be all items in the queue and there's no kind of "selector" to get only the items from one worker, right? so would i have to create a queue for every page where i want to resize images? i didn't try it so far, but i think that sould be possible via standard api creating new pages and setting the appropriate values?
  8. $pages->get(SELECTOR_TO_DESIRED_PAGE)->WireQueue() You have typos in your first two examples: it should be wireQueue and not WireQueue ok no problem, but i think there should at least be a warning that this is an irreversible action
  9. hi horst, doing first tests with your module: how can i re-open a queue after closing/archiving it? thank you
  10. that is awesome!!!! exactly what i wanted, thank you very much yes, i'm a huge fan of wirerenderfile what do you think of having your module render a file with the name of the field by default? field "examplefield" would render /site/assets/FieldtypeRuntimeMarkup/examplefield.php field "examplefield2" would render /site/assets/FieldtypeRuntimeMarkup/examplefield2.php
  11. hi kongondo, sorry, it seems i was not clear enough. in the markup field settings i have return wireRenderFile(...); and in this file i have code like this <?php // some code here $out .= 'xxx'; $out .= 'yyy'; echo $out; so i think at least this should not be a problem as i am only returning a string of html. i was also confused why $modules was available in the file from wireRenderFile() but i guess it has something to do with that method. but to be honest i did not investigate that further.
  12. What the CPU measure exactly? Peak? Current? Average?
  13. hi horst, i can't seem to get the user switcher working... after some setup problems i finally got the user-buttons to display. but when i click on "guest" i am logged out and don't see the user buttons any more. also the "enable login-button" seems to have no effect. can you please help me how i can debug this? thanks!
  14. thank you adrian, that's a good idea and i would definitely be able to do that. i'll try the other way first to learn a different approach. the reason is related to this post: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10804-module-runtimemarkup-fieldtype-inputfield/?p=114147 i have a button that does some additional logic on page copy (copy the event but remove all available bookings). after copy the new page has a path like "event-1". i don't think that my client will find his way into the settings tab so i put it in the content tab and it is the first thing he sees after the copy. but its only a workaround for the linked post...
  15. ok i wanted to make sure that i did not miss any settings only visible when doing additional things like "show also system fields" and so on... i guess hooking into buildform and then something like that: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5294-field-columnwidth-via-api/?p=50948 ? will try that later
  16. ok, adding buttons is easy and helpful. can someone help me out when i want to add input fields as well? usecase is a simple form with one inputfield and one button to copy a page and save it with the name specified in the textfield. i was able to display the field + button but i was not able to get the data of the field. my $input->post was empty all the time. i tried it like this: return wireRenderFile('markup/_createcustomcopy'); <?php $field = $modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->label = "Name"; $field->attr('id+name','name'); $field->required = 1; echo $field->render(); // append the field to the form // oh a submit button! $submit = $modules->get("InputfieldSubmit"); $submit->attr("value","create copy"); $submit->attr("id+name","createcustomcopy"); echo $submit->render(); echo print_r($input->post, true); i hope someone can point me in the right direction
  17. is it possible to change the position, name + description of the field after moving it to content tab?
  18. How many entries do you have for both fields? Maybe some jquery is easier than ajax..
  19. hi adrian, of course i can, my module has several advantages: i tried your awesome tracy debugger for the first time i learned something new i found out about soma's much better module and will have a look how he did it thank's for pointing me to soma's module! should have found that earlier... would have saved me lots of clicking
  20. this module is intended for superusers during development and alpha state (although there should be no critical parts) only tested with chrome and pw 2.7.2 https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/InputfieldEditLinks todo: - check if it works with ajax fields - add icon to view current page template to change template specific field-values bugs: - two icons on page fields
  21. hi kongondo, just wanted to say thank you again how awesome this apigen is!!! want to know all hookable methods in a class? easy as using your search...
  22. looks cool thanks for sharing dave! i think i have to try that
  23. great adrian, that did it and i can also see the panel now, it was related to my browser.
  24. hi adrian, PHP Version 5.4.45 and tracy 0.5.4 the error came when i tried to reach the admin in a different browser where i was NOT logged in. in the browser where i installed tracy it seemed that everything worked but i could not see the debug panel. don't know if that's somehow related so my laptop or if i did not setup it correctly? i checked both checkboxes (frontend + backend)
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