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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. Hi @adrian could you please provide instructions how to add new panels and what code to use for the panel? I tried it with something like my helloworldpanel - the panel showed up in the panel selector panel but when I enabled it I got Error Class 'TestThirdPartyModulePanel' not found search►
  2. Make sure the file does exist on your system and also try using the file path instead of the url: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/filename/
  3. I'm getting the error with the default Windows desert sample image when using this: $hash = $page->pic()->getBlurhashDataUri($page->pic()->width, 100);
  4. Hi @markus_blue_tomato just doing my first tests and still get lots of those undefined offset errors: https://github.com/blue-tomato/ImageBlurhash/blob/4914e31322cff5042e0632058c20d2a3a734c833/ImageBlurhash.module.php#L113
  5. Custom panels shipped with my own modules would be great ? Maybe Tracy could scan for /site/modules/***/TracyPanel***/ folders? So I could ship my module with two custom panels: /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanelFoo/Foo.php /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanelFoo/Foo.css /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanelFoo/Foo.js /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanelBar/Bar.php /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanelBar/Bar.css // or like this? /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanels/Foo/Foo.php /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanels/Foo/Foo.css /site/modules/MyModule/TracyPanels/Bar/Bar.php thx again for this brilliant module!
  6. Thx, this looks nice ? https://laradock.io/getting-started/#B That sounds like a lot of steps for adding a new project?!
  7. Thx @axelino and welcome to the forum ? I tried to test the library quickly but could not make it work. Could you please provide a PR and usage instructions for the readme so that I can check it quickly? Then I'm happy to add it to the module ?
  8. Don't know if that would really be easier for reports from our side and for @dotnetic for implementing them? For me it's easier to just report issues here. But if @dotnetic prefers PRs we should of course respect that.
  9. Hey @dotnetic --> bitte 2x "Sie" groß, thx ? wire--modules--process--processpageedit--processpageedit-module.json
  10. Is this what you are seeing? https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/812
  11. Sorry, I don't understand what you are trying to do ? 20 + 20 + 10 would work? What is the reason for that request? What is "one upload"? I think you need to be more precise to get better answers.
  12. Hey all! I want to rebuild my personal website in the near future.. I thought it might be nice to serve my content as targeted to my audience as possible. In German we have the informal "DU" and the formal "SIE". I'd like to give visitors the option to choose whether they want to be addressed formal or informal. Depending on their choice, I'd serve content like "schön, dass SIE DA SIND" or "schön, dass DU DA BIST". I wonder some things though... How would I tell procache to serve either one or the other phrase based on a cookie (or something else?)? How would I do that properly to not ruin my seo? Any ideas welcome. It's a brainstorming post, thx ?
  13. http://tabulator.info/docs/4.7/download#pdf
  14. Of course it can: https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/RockMigrations/blob/a034abce7e7fa5436756a2506d9d5f17d8a1b361/RockMigrations.module.php#L622-L638 https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/RockMigrations/blob/a034abce7e7fa5436756a2506d9d5f17d8a1b361/RockMigrations.module.php#L725-L736
  15. As number? As chart? As PDF? For that part (when using ProcessWire), I'd have a look at RockFinder3 and http://tabulator.info/ (and definitely go with a one-page-per-question/answer route!)
  16. bernhard


    Yes ? Just wanted to share my experience so far and point out that I still think it would be nice to have. No idea about the complexity behind, so of course it's better to think twice ? Also no idea about Wireframes caching yet. I'll throw everything to ProCache in the end ? --- What I wondered during the last days of working with Wireframe is if all those different concepts (controllers, views, components, partials) are really necessare or make sense? I found myself rewriting some partials to components because I added some business logic. Now I have only one partial left ? Maybe I'll have to add others, maybe not. I don't know yet. But I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to have just one concept for all blocks? So everything would be a component and work the same. I understand that Controllers are tied to the template of the viewed page, but couldn't that also be handled by the component? I'm not sure I like that all my content is split up in different "types" and it's not instantly clear where I have to look for markup portion xy... Maybe that feeling is even stronger because I'm using custom page classes a lot. So there's not really a need for controllers at all, because my pages are already some kind of controller?! But even if that was one part of the "problem", the other part still remains: Why partials + component? Wouldn't it be easier to merge them to one single concept that always works the same? I know, that would bring in lots of breaking changes, but I'd be interested why you built the module like that. Maybe there is a good reason for that I just didn't realize until now ? Please don't take this as criticism at all. Just trying to find the right way for doing the frontend part of my projects ?
  17. bernhard


    @teppo just a short heads-up ? I'm building my new design mostly of components. The homepage view looks like this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; echo Wireframe::component("Header"); echo Wireframe::component("Search"); echo Wireframe::component("Slider"); echo Wireframe::component("Welcome"); echo Wireframe::component("Visions"); echo Wireframe::component("News"); echo Wireframe::component("Quotes"); echo Wireframe::component("Newsletter"); echo Wireframe::component("Partner"); echo Wireframe::component("Footer"); This is pseudocode of the Welcome component: <?php namespace Wireframe\Component; class Welcome extends \Wireframe\Component { public function __construct() { $this->setBg(); $this->setEmblem(); } private function setBg() { $this->bg = null; try { $item = $this->wire->gg->home()->get(HomePage::field_slider)->first(); $img = $item->get(Slideritem::field_img); $this->bg = $item->imgUrl($img); } catch (\Throwable $th) { $this->log($th->getMessage()); } } private function setEmblem() { $this->emblem = null; $img = $this->wire->gg->settings()->get(HomePage::field_emblem_white); if(!$img) return; $this->emblem = "<img class='tm-emblem uk-margin-large-left' src='{$img->maxHeight(100)->url}' uk-svg>"; } } While this is really not a big deal, I wonder if it would be possible to get rid of the bypass of having to set component properties manually and have them listen to getMyprop() methods automatically? Maybe they could even do a try catch automatically and log the error silently on production and throw an exception on dev? The component would then become a lot cleaner: <?php namespace Wireframe\Component; class Welcome extends \Wireframe\Component { public function getBg() { $item = $this->wire->gg->home()->get(HomePage::field_slider)->first(); $img = $item->get(Slideritem::field_img); return $item->imgUrl($img); } public function getEmblem() { $img = $this->wire->gg->settings()->get(HomePage::field_emblem_white); if(!$img) return; return "<img class='tm-emblem uk-margin-large-left' src='{$img->maxHeight(100)->url}' uk-svg>"; } } Thx
  18. Well, all of our suggestions were just offers to help. If you don't like to go in that direction that's totally fine ? I'm pretty sure that we can live without your modules being on GIT as well ?
  19. I'm quite sure it will not be the last one ? IMHO version control is critical for building and maintaining good software. It helps you in a lot of ways! For example two days ago one of my modules that uses git webhooks to auto-deploy changes via a PHP script that bootstraps PW stopped working... I checked the script - it didn't do anything after the include('index.php') statement. I thought: Maybe because of the core update... checked a clean install: Works. Then checked diabling all modules via tracy debugger... still not working. Then I looked at the logs of the script... last logged event was at 15:09 --> I checked my git repo and quickly found the problem: I added a $session->redirect() in ready.php for non-logged in users that shows a coming soon page (which obviously also redirected the git webhook request and so the script never fired). That's just one example of how useful a git workflow can be. Others are reverting code because you break something, etc, etc... VSCode has GIT support on board. It's really easy to use! (watch at 1,5x speed ? )
  20. I'd recommend VSCode + Intelephense + PW Snippets
  21. bernhard


    Yeah, but that sounds like a good usecase for a regular PW module as this could likely also be useful for other projects ?
  22. Nice, thx ? Is the module somewhere on github or on the modules directory?
  23. Hi @tcnet, welcome to the forum, great first post ?? Do you have any screenshots to share how the statistics look like?
  24. bernhard


    Thx @Craig I did read about them and then forgot that they exist ? Sounds like a good usecase for them! So I'd build a utility class "LocalTime" and then call LocalTime::local("d.m.Y H:i:s")? Sounds like a good solution!
  25. bernhard


    Totally agree and please don't forget to validate all my requests before implementing (as you already do) ? I'm just throwing in ideas and questions as they arise. What would really be great would be some kind of illustration of the process that one has to go through when adding content to a site (layout). As you said: Decisions, decisions ? They should be made as simple as possible ? built with https://www.yworks.com/products/yed (free and all major platforms); Of course this is totally simplified and missing other decisions that have to be made, like "could it be reused in other projects? --> build a module" Hm. One thing that made me really curious about wireframe was this: Thx for the clarification! This feels like a quite big limitation for me. What if I have some piece of code that is needed on several templates (controllers are out) that has some business logic? Should I create a pw module for that? I think that's often too much overhead (you need to install it, define moduleinfo stuff etc). Imho there should be an easy way to handle such situations. Components sound great, but accessing methods should also be easy. I've now tried this: <?php namespace Wireframe\Component; class Slider extends \Wireframe\Component { public function __construct() { $this->component = $this; } public function foo() { return "foo!"; } } <p class='uk-container'>I am a slider! <?= $component->foo() ?></p> I am a slider! foo! Ok, that would be a quite easy solution. I'm wondering 2 things though: Couldn't (shouldn't) that or something like that happen automatically? Just like it's done in controller view files? Shouldn't Controllers and Components work the same with the only difference that one is applied automatically to the loaded template and the other one has to be loaded manually via Wireframe::component('foo') ? Or are there any other important differences that I'm missing? --- Thx for all your efforts on this!! ? Looking forward ?
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