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  1. Thanks all for the input! ? I ended up re-creating the site from scratch and doing the (now finished) import workflow one final time (and for any subsequent updates via API made sure to just update existing pages when possible). It worked OK for me as I didn't have too much manually set up pages, so I could redo it all in under an hour anyways.
  2. I have a case where I have been troubleshooting a page import script (via commandline) by repeatedly importing a bunch of pages (a bit over a hundred), deleting them, adjusting my import process and then redoing this, over and over. The result is now that page IDs are starting to be up over 10 000. Not an actual problem of course, but it would somehow look nicer if those early pages had page IDs starting from a lower number. Thus I was wondering if there is a way to "restore" the increasing page ID number to start by a low number, when deleting pages? Can it be done through the API somehow, or would I need to dive in and fix the AUTO_INCREMENT value in the database, and would that risk to lead to other problems?
  3. Just seconding this here, as @kolewu is completely right. This has nothing to do with security AFAIK, but with the ability to install multiple CMSes in a single database. I have in many situations (for customers using obscure ISPs etc) been dependent on the ability to prefix the db tables of different CMSes we ran on the single MySQL database provided by the web hotel.
  4. Since I didn't see it mentioned in any changelogs, I just want to give a heads up to the new ability to import field values via JSON files, which @justb3a implemented in top notch quality after my fiddly proof-of-concept patch . I find this to be a major improvement, since it enables so much easier import of data from e.g. Drupal, so just wanted to make you all aware of it. I have outlined in very broad broad terms how I went about transferring data from a Drupal 7 site, to processwire, in this post.
  5. Thanks a lot @tpr, @cstevensjr and @kongondo! Admin Restrict Branch looks exactly right for us! (Don't know how I missed it) Cheers!
  6. Hi folks, I'm trying to find what is the best strategy for role-based edit access to subtrees of the page tree, as of today, in February 2016? We will have a varied group of editors who all need edit access to their particular pages and subtrees of the page tree. I find it a little hard to find what is the most up to date strategy and information. I found the PageEditPerRole module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-role/) that seems to come close, but it is stated to only support PW up to 2.4, and also requires other modules, so I was hesitant to install it. What would you recommend?
  7. Well, I managed to solve this now by just saving the page twice: Once before populating the page's fields, and once after.
  8. I'm creating a general function for batch import, for a site migration, and while looping through fields (field names) to be imported for a page, I need to check whether the field is an image (or other file type), so that it can be imported after the first pave save. What would be the recommended way to check this, with PHP code?
  9. Well, I made a little hack to it now, so it can take field contents as a JSON string on the commandline. Will try it out a bit and see if it fulfills my importing needs. EDIT: Updated link to new pull request.
  10. Btw, just found the wireshell tool ... wow! ... but it doesn't seem to be able to import page content, only creating pages?
  11. Anyone knows a good way to create a php-file that can be executed by php on the commandline (php.exe on windows), to do the same thing?
  12. We have to make the world know! Discuss and upvote: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10345280
  13. I realize setting the created date programmatically is very important when migrating content from an old site (I do that now, from drupal). I would very much be able to do that at least from the API. So, is SQL the only option?
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