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David Karich

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Everything posted by David Karich

  1. Admin Page Tree Multiple Sorting ClassName: ProcessPageListMultipleSorting Extend the ordinary sort of children of a template in the admin page tree with multiple properties. For each template, you can define your own rule. Write each template (template-name) in a row, followed by a colon and then the additional field names for sorting. Example: All children of the template "blog" to be sorted in descending order according to the date of creation, then descending by modification date, and then by title. Type: blog: -created, -modified, title Installation Copy the files for this module to /site/modules/ProcessPageListMultipleSorting/ In admin: Modules > Check for new modules. Install Module "Admin Page Tree Multible Sorting". Alternative in ProcessWire 2.4+ Login to ProcessWire backend and go to Modules Click tab "New" and enter Module Class Name: "ProcessPageListMultipleSorting" Click "Download and Install" Compatibility I have currently tested the module only under PW 2.6+, but think that it works on older versions too. Maybe someone can give a feedback. Download PW-Repo: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-list-multiple-sorting/ GitHub: https://github.com/FlipZoomMedia/Processwire-ProcessPageListMultipleSorting I hope someone can use the module. Have fun and best regards, David
  2. I had already reported this issue on Github, where I posted a problem-solution that works. Hope it helps. https://github.com/kongondo/MenuBuilder/issues/22 David
  3. This wish me to sign. It would be great if you can either upload a new photo in the Image field or can choose from a Page.
  4. Nice. Which server environment and specifications?
  5. Thank you for the update. One small thing I've seen yet: In the hyperlinks single quotes are used. The breadcrumb navigation unfortunately has still the dirty markup.
  6. The current version produces an unclean markup.
  7. I have the same problem with the current dev version 2.5.26 and was not able to login. I've noticed that it was the version of PHP 5.6. With PHP version 5.5 it works.
  8. Hi Marvin, perfect. With you, the project is certainly in good hands. Send me please your contact information, then we can talk about AIOM. Thanks and best regards from Cologne. Dave
  9. Hey guys, sorry for the late feedback. I currently have so much with my company around the ears and stuck in large projects that I currently have no time to maintain AIOM+. I'm sorry. The project will continue to maintain. Did any of you like to take care of to AIOM+? At best a German developer. Then I give him on Github access to the Repositority. Dave
  10. How can the path be different here at once if you have only "images/sprite.png" in CSS? There is no URL rewriting or parsing with direct linked CSS. Stefan, I'm sorry. I can not reproduce your problem. For me it works with your folder structure.
  11. Horst, a very helpful module! Thank you. However, I miss a feature that would be helpful: cropFromCenter(width, height); - Resizing and cropping in the original aspect ratio The image is reduced first to the width or the height. If it does not fit into the new format, the image is automatically cropped from the middle of the image. Regards, David
  12. The generated code can be incorrect if your code is not written cleanly. A missing semicolon can already generate faulty code. Please inspect your script, for example, with jslint.com.
  13. Oh, no. This library has not yet come under my eyes. I'll be looking at this a bit more detail when I have more time again. Thanks for the tip. Yes, check again and let me know, because it is the identical function that is called. If there should be a bug, CSS should not work as well. If you were able to find something, then just open a ticket on Github.
  14. Hi adrian, for sure. JSMin is a little bit outdated and generates not the best compression result, but it is the only stable php port without any conditions to third party libraries. Some other minifications libraries destroyed the compressed js code and JSMin is the only one, with which I never had such a problem. Anyway, i'm thinking about, to integret the google closure compiler as an alternative third party service.
  15. The new version of our @processwire module AIOM+ has reached the stable state! Update to version 3.1.3 on http://mods.pw/5q

  16. Hey guys, i have released a new version of AIOM+. The update to version 3.1.3 includes a few improvements in the LESS parser and CSS minification. Also, I have set the status from AIOM+ to stable.
  17. The same here. Get the module not to work. The feed is loaded and cached, then crashes the Apache (WAMP environment, PHP 5.3.8 + Apache 2.2.22). In the error log (PHP, PW or Apache) there is no entry. Very kurrios. On the production server I have not tried it yet.
  18. I'm not really familiar with Node.js and I have no test environment. You're welcome to implement an alternative and send a pull request on GitHub. I think it requires only an option in the backend more and instead of PHP-based LESS parser an exec-command-line function call. The question is rather, the detour via PHP is really faster? Because you can embed the LESS files directly into the template and can render there via LESS.js or over the Node.js package. The Node.js package has a minimization option on board.
  19. I have the new version of AIOM+ uploaded (3.1.2). From this version it is now possible to disable the directory traversal filter. Also, the LESS parser was updated. Now compatible with the official LESS version 1.7.
  20. The easiest way is by infected third-party applications. Also on Bower or Composer, its possible, that compromised packages can be delivered. I have currently identified no scenario targeted at Process Wire, rather it is one of my personal programming rules. Just do not make it possible. Asset files belong in the template folder. This approach I have always in development, regardless of platform or environment. I have some clients who work with sensitive data, and the safety requirements are very high. Therefore, this is my natural data schizophrenia.
  21. Hi pwFoo, AIOM+ monitors each asset file on the modifikation time and generates a hash for the comparsion with the already cached files. If there exist no cached file, the first function call will trigger that process, but only for files, that are needed (first page load). The average overhead of an average webproject on shared hosting with 128 MB php_memory_limit are round 500 ms for generating, minimization, parsing and writing the cached files. That's at least my experience. The complete Bootstrap 3 source as LESS files is generated in under 3 seconds.
  22. Hi Jonathan , yes, in this function paths are filtered to prevent directory traversal attacks. AIOM+ loads only allowed files that are located in the template folder. I think about it, in one of the upcoming versions, introduce a whitelist for asset folder. For a workaround change the following line (749) in AllInOneMinify.module: $_path = str_ireplace(array('../', './', '%2e%2e%2f', '..%2F'), '', (wire('config')->paths->templates.$_file)); to $_path = wire('config')->paths->templates.$_file; I have not tested it and I can not recommend it too.
  23. Hi ceberlin, no, there is no option, because this ist not the target of a minimization. Every browser has an inspector or dev-tools in which you or your client can see the restructured DOM.
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