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Everything posted by hellomoto

  1. I can't get this to work for the life of me. I've tried literally everything, everyone's snippets. I'm on localhost, PW 2.5.3. The closest I managed to get is a shot of the whole world, or a relative close-up of the correct location, without the ability to drag and see anything around it, and sans marker.
  2. So I added the office field back to the user template, since that's not the culprit. However I can't even edit that from the user edit screen, don't know why. I can edit the phone number and full name fields I added. Not this page field though. Doesn't show. Shows in my own uneditable profile edit screen (changed the selector to !=37 which is guest so the field is visible for all internal users) (also shows in the broker's uneditable profile edit screen; I have them both up side by side). I need to be able to edit profiles via profile screen and also need to be able to edit users' "office" value as superadmin or user admin...
  3. Actually I don't know if it was working then, when I added the phone field; I added that value to another user's profile from the admin by editing the other user. However as superadmin I can't even save my own damn profile, without editing myself (/access/users/edit/?id=xx works, /profile/ does not). I have no idea where or when this happened or why. No errors are logged. Profiles just won't save. That's it. No rhyme or reason. There's no reason they shouldn't be saving.
  4. Yeah. It was working the last field I added too (phone, had a number saved). It won't save any profile for any user with any role. What the hell did I do... I've only been messing with the frontend... And like I said, without the asterisk the field wouldn't show, period. But now I have even bigger problems.
  5. Actually I removed the field from the user template and profiles still won't save...
  6. I have a page field "office" that should appear only on users with the role "broker". So, I put under Visibility for the field, Show this field only if roles*=1075. It doesn't show without the asterisk. But when I try to update a user with an office selected, I get error message up top: "Profile not saved". Anyone know why? Update: See replies #5 and 6
  7. Oh well here's something on searching by proximity from Google: https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch_v3
  8. I don't understand why my MarkupGoogleMap won't work... I tried following the Skyscrapers example first, with RCDMap.js etc., that didn't work; so now I'm trying this MarkupGoogleMap and I get a blank map with just a gray background. In my head element, I have: <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script> and this snippet in my listing page template: $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); echo $map->render($page, 'map_location'); and I just get a blank map canvas. No errors in JS console. Anyone know how I might get this to work? Thanks... Although, I've been skimming through this thread, and I'm very interested possibly trying to implement something like what Bwakad did, with Geocomplete... mentioned here. There's the first benefit of having the input validation taken care of, and then also what I'd like to do, I don't know if it can be done using this but I would like ultimately for the listings to be searchable, by proximity... not just location. Like for the visitor to be able to choose "10" or "50 miles from {$location}". Anyone know how this might be achieved? But for now just the maps would be nice.
  9. Yes! Just use the ID! I never would have guessed!
  10. Hey how about allowing ID as an option, in addition to title and date? To auto-generate the name only, not the title...
  11. I wish the Name Format For Children option was more fully developed. What I need at least would be so simple: to equal the page's ID.
  12. Hey! Ok so it doesn't quite work as I expected, though it does work great... but what I'm looking to do is actually use the IDs for pages of one of my templates. I have it set up to Redirect (default), Rewrite Links checked, Rewrite Format = /sales/listings/{$page->make->name}/{$page->model->name}/{$page->id}/ /sales/listings/ is the path preceding each listing anyway, which is the template I have the rewrite enabled for. So it works in my listings index on the frontend, but then those links redirect to their default URLs. I thought this might be accomplished with Load selected for Redirect Type instead of Redirect, but that gives me this error: Lines 5 and 10 are the beginning and ending of that function... So I don't know why that would be happening... Update: I changed my header to include_once the functions. This is fixed But what I really want is to redirect the default URL for each listing to the one I design. Like from the backend, the links still go to /sales/listings/{$page->name}/ when I want them to be what I set too, or at least redirect to what I set. I want the URL I set to be the absolute one. Anyone know how? Thanks.
  13. @lsag: I had the same issue trying to install via classname just now, on v2.5, but it installs fine if you just download from the module page and manually upload to your PW.
  14. Ah, sorry. Re-reading my own post I was almost confused again... A listing (single) may not have children. The "New" link shows up beside the parent, for a "new" child; while the "edit" link shows up beside the actual pages. So the ones I can edit are the individual listings; but the "new" listing link shows up in its parent, which is plural Listings... so I guess since this user doesn't have permission to edit the listings (plural) template (listing's parent), the "new" listing (single) link isn't showing up beside it.(?) I'm sorry if that's confusing. Maybe someone knows what I'm talking about... or tomorrow I'll post a screenshot... like today...
  15. Hi, I have listings (listing template) that I am now adding a field to called Listing Broker. I made a role, listing_broker, and set the field to page field type, select input type, from users parent, user template, with roles=listing_broker. So the test_broker user appears just fine. But when I try to save, I get this: Page 1100 is the user test_broker. Can we not relate page fields to users? There must be a way. I just thought it was that easy. Apparently not quite?
  16. Also, regarding this newfound non-superuser experience: I always thought to put settings fields, intended for site admins, who aren't superusers, in hidden pages, for things like content blocks or random settings that control content output on the frontend... Now I see all the hidden pages are actually hidden from me as a logged in user. Is there a way to display certain hidden pages for certain users? Because if I have a page strictly for some global settings, that's not going to be publicly viewable... or even viewable at all, just editable. Right?
  17. I'm playing around with permissions for THE FIRST TIME and I'm quite excited about the whole thing because when I log in as this other role I made I realize how much cleaner it looks of course to somebody who isn't developing the site. Anyway I have a template listing that is the default/only created under template listings. (A listing may not have children.) So then I made a role, listing_manager, you know... to manage the listings... granted permission to view, edit, and create them. Problem is, when logged in as the listing manager, I can edit the listings, but there's no "New" link to create any? I guess that's because that link is part of the listings page/template's row/branch, so... it doesn't show for its children though... which are all of the same template where the role does have permission to create. This seems like a silly bug. Any suggestions as to what might be the simplest, cleanest fix for this? or maybe I have something set up wrong? Thanks.
  18. Thanks. I'm still mulling around on different parts of this anyway, but will definitely give the Dashboard a try, sounds like a good place to start.
  19. Damn thanks, I'm trying to do this right now, but wrap this up in a function. Does anyone know how that might be done? I tried this: function getValueLabel($fieldname) { foreach(explode("\n",$page->fields->{$fieldname}->select_options) as $option) { $valueLabel = explode(':=',$option); $value[$valueLabel[0]] = trim($valueLabel[1]); } return $value[$page->{$fieldname}]; } echo getValueLabel("currency"); but... yeah that doesn't work...
  20. That's what I did, but I prefer to have more like groups of settings in one page, not a page for each option of every setting... know what I mean? Like new/used, own/rent, 1/2/3. Could always change in the future but for now I want to keep it simple as possible, really just trying to get a widespread proof of concept... Thanks though. So I just adjusted that Select Drop Down module to be a radio select instead. This is fine for simple options such as those I described above, no? from a performance standpoint? Say for a few thousand listings heavy with fields, a good amount of them searchable, including these ones I want to make non-pages.
  21. I'm looking for a way around that though, for fields such as Condition where there are only 2 options: Used and New, or Mobility Type, for which the two options are Power and Sail. Those seem like slight overkill to include in the page tree. This https://github.com/Hani79/Processwire_FieldType_Select_Drop_Down may work... What do you guys do when you have such simple sets of options? Pages, unanimously? Thanks.
  22. I've seen that, but I haven't tried it. Probably should.
  23. I need to make these fields for a particular template: Condition={New,Used} and Style={one,two,three}. Is there really no simple way of doing this without making Condition and Style pages with their respective children/options?
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