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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. @Enver - i think you are trying to return values of the page selects; that if they are single page selects then you can just output those like: $findit->pageSelect->name_of_field_you_want_to_return_from_the_page_that_is_selected_on_this_page_select_field
  2. you can use the api, and selectors to 'query' your data. For the page fields i believe you can use a subfield selector, like SelectProf.title i'm not totally clear on what you are asking - did you do the following before posting: 1.) Read (study) api section on selectors http://processwire.com/api/selectors/ 2.) Look at the source code of the various profiles including the default, blog and skyscrapers 3.) Carefully looked at the cheatsheet and gained an understanding of the $page object http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/ you should possibly post the code that you are using now and we can try to troubleshoot what you are trying to do. It's hard to help when you only post a sort of theoretical explanation
  3. @J1312 - titanium is right, the option would be that you always have absolute URLs there, but a lot of us use page paths for internal links, so it would be annoying to have to put the absolute url there, especially since the first part of the url might change from development to launch (like you might develop on a dev.example.com and then move to a www.example.com) so i always tell editors to copy the full URL from the page they want to link to if it is external...
  4. right...i guess i would vote for that, unless there is some good reason not to, perhaps there needs to be a way to have a made up url there also (one that is using segments or get vars)
  5. oh right - now i get it! so that panel lets you put in a custom url, and you're thinking that since it's being stored as a page path, that the concern is what if you change the page path; one idea might be the page paths history module, which would automatically handle that redirect; another idea might be to actually enter the page id in that field like /?id=1024/ and then use a module to check for urls that are page ID and rewrite them to the current url..
  6. you can make up your own config vars, like $config->my_special_frontend_login_url = '/login-here/'; i think that is what martijn was implying?
  7. all of my joomla subscriptions are about expired, i think i have 1 wordpress subscription, so once i cancel that i'll be free!
  8. Coda http://panic.com/coda/ Copy Folder: Select Folder, Edit > Duplicate Copy File: Select File > Duplicate Edit: i use these functions so often i can't imaging working without being able to duplicate files and folders on the server. also you can option+drag files and folders to different directories and that copies them also.
  9. have you taken a look at how the formbuilder and the profile exporter are doing this?
  10. have you checked the cheatsheet? http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/
  11. maybe i'm misunderstanding the op, but i copy files and folders all the time using Coda, never had a problem.... (it probably does it behind the scenes, creating the folder and uploading it etc..) and it's transparent to the user; so my recommendation would be to use a good ftp client that supports this?
  12. i guess what you're implying is that the year needs to have leading zeroes; like 0043; maybe add leading zeroes to the year if it is less than 100...? not sure but you should be able to get something to work.. if($page->bfd_year < 100) $page->bfd_year = '00' . $page->bfd_year; // test // echo $page->bfd_year; $year = date(Y, strtotime($page->bfd_year));
  13. this is what i love about the system, i have a client who accidentally deleted some important pages (before i removed page-delete from their permissions) and all i had to do was go in the trash and move them back... i can sleep at night because i know that processwire has been designed from the ground up to be 'safe' in so many ways... edit: @lundy - i should have recommended that you try the batcher module - i recall using that for batch page deleting and i believe that it does actually delete the pages in 1 step; You could then use batcher to find all pages using a template and then batch delete them, then you could delete the template with 1 click.. and also it would probably be possible to write a module that would add a trash button to the page list, maybe look at the modules that are doing similar things with the page tree, such as this http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-publish/
  14. i don't think there is a way to change things to accommodate your complaint; each element has is dependencies, you'll get used to it... have you looked at information architecture and database design? i always plan out on paper the structure of the site before making fields, templates etc.. oh and another pointer - make sure your data and admin structure is really stable before you write any front-end markup
  15. tough one; have you considered using a different system that already has advanced front-end user management, like drupal, wordpress, joomla etc..
  16. users are pages. pages already have auto-id increment
  17. it should work, you should be able to put as many fields there as you want to return results; you can also do stuff like this, if you have different fields on different templates: also notice the % sign $matches = $pages->find("title|body%=$q, template=basic-page|faculty|class"); $kmatches = $pages->find("keywords=$q, template=class"); $matches->import($kmatches)->sort('template,title');
  18. I think what soma is saying is why didn't you use the 'title' field for the band template and then use template context to define that field as the band_title, this reduces the # of fields you need to use, and also simplifies writing the search stuff with the api
  19. also, i wonder if you could set these up not hierarchically - just have concerts, tours, and diary. then when you create a concert you just select which tour it is (page select); so this way if there is a concert that is not part of a tour it doesn't get stuck down in that page tree; depending on the diary entry format, you could have a selector on that for the tour and the concert... the more i work with pw, the more careful i get about pigeonholing certain content heirarchies, since i've run into some issues when the client changed their mind about the relationships of their content; so now i use a lot of page field references to connect things together and less relying on the page tree...
  20. you would create a processwire template that hold the relevant fields for your database, then import or enter your data in the admin; now you have a database that you can 'query' using processwire api selectors and you can also setup all kinds of relational stuff using the fieldtype page
  21. Macrura

    I'm so stuck :(

    for your event calendar, you have to consider how many calendar-type features you need; with PW you can sometimes integrate other scripts, for example this is a very full-featured calendar: http://smartphpcalendar.com as far as forum, that's also something that i would integrate from another script; (ip board is nice!) likewise for shopping cart (i use foxycart, but Shopify is also great and Ecwid is a discreet ecommerce system that can 'float' on any site with a few lines of code). you can take apart the blog profile if you want to build your own blog using PW, or use that profile as a starting point
  22. @lundy - 1. yes; 2. fields (as far as i can tell) are hard coded into the module - you would need to clone the module and mod it for your use. 3. i don't think so. 4. probably not much if you use caching
  23. @pwired you could use hanna codes to create the divs so that there is less potential for editors to screw things up that they can't see. [[div class=special-class]] text [[_div]] then setup hanna code to take that class variable and make it output in the div element; put all of the styling in your CSS; if you do need to do this on the fly in the editor, then add div buttons, background color buttons, font selectors etc to your TinyMCE; I remember in the bad old days of Joomla that the editor had so many buttons that it would sometimes take me a while to find the one i was looking for
  24. the page would be accessed by it's URL; the template markup would define what is presented on the page; you can echo any field on the template, or any field from any other page...
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