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Everything posted by 3fingers

  1. This modules authenticate a user giving it a "facebook-login" role. At that point you can do whatever you want, like Martin suggested.
  2. There is a tutorial here in the Wiki that fits exactly what you're looking for,
  3. Do you mean a slideshow of pictures, an animated gif(gosh...) or a flash content?
  4. Really nice and usable site, congrats! From a SEO point of view there is unconsistency with urls when user change language, they still remains in italian...
  5. Thanks for your answer ryan, yes...that try/catch is just there to print out those messages and let me know if login authentication succeded or not I'm still investigatin on what is happening but as far as I can tell the problem is that the token I got (after authenticating the user through apesia module) is different than the one needed to let my app perform further operations. I have to study fb php sdk better and understand how to let my users authenticate correctly without the need of this module, since (by now) is out of my skills modify it to perform as I need.
  6. I've installed this module and played a bit to achieve what I'm trying to do. I'm going to explain my situation and relative problems I got. - What I'm trying to do : Create a facebook web app (a processwire web page nested inside a facebook tab, let's say this url "myurl/facebook-login") where the user logins (into processwire) through apesia module and (after been redirected to "myurl") can upload a picture inside his pw user page (from a form upload I've created). So far this is working, user gets created,been redirected, the form works and the image gets uploaded to his profile. Good! - What I cannot achieve: After the is redirected I'd like to post to his timeline a picture and a description. To do this I've slightly modified @apesia module to let user accepts the permission necessary to handle content upload to his timeline. Here you can find my modification (link). This works! User get prompted by facebook to accept further permissions. To post a picture to his timeline I'm playing with facebook's example (here). Here is the code I'm trying to implement (a simpyfied version just to test it): <?php require_once('../fb_sdk/facebook.php'); // THIS IS PLACED CORRECTLY $config = array( 'appId' => '', // APP ID IS PRESENT IN MY CODE 'secret' => '',// SECRET KEY IS PRESENT IN MY CODE 'fileUpload' => true, ); $facebook = new Facebook($config); $userid = $facebook->getUser(); $access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken(); $photo = 'facebook_test.jpg'; // Path to the photo on the local filesystem $message = 'Photo upload via the PHP SDK!'; if($userid) { // We have a user ID, so probably a logged in user. // If not, we'll get an exception, which we handle below. try { print_r('Success!'); } catch(FacebookApiException $e) { // If the user is logged out, you can have a // user ID even though the access token is invalid. // In this case, we'll get an exception, so we'll // just ask the user to login again here. print_r('User is logged out'); } } else { // No user, print a link for the user to login // To upload a photo to a user's wall, we need photo_upload permission // We'll use the current URL as the redirect_uri, so we don't // need to specify it here. print_r('User not found'); } ?> And here is the problem : I've always recieve a " User not found" response, but user shoud be logged by the module.... What am I doing wrong?
  7. Hello @Niko Knoll, any updates on your module? I'd really like to post a facebook post on a specific page save
  8. Thanks apesia, I'm going to look into it and trying it out right now! OT : Since some days I'm not receving any notification by the forum for new posts/replies to threads I'm following...
  9. What do you think could be a better solution to let people register to a pw site with facebook credential? I'd like to create (just abstracting in my mind right now) a facebook app where users can upload a photo to processwire backend, using their existing facebook informations. Any suggestions other than your module, @apesia?
  10. Hello all! Just here to ask if anybody has used this module on recent stable/dev version of Processwire and has experienced some problems. I'm in pre-production phase of designing an app and this module is needed, and wanted to be sure it stills works as expected Thanks!
  11. I'm interested and always reading and watching everything about front-end performances and related tools. Thanks for posting them (and keep up the good work on the new admin interface...let's code it and make us play with it )
  12. What about doing it in css instead of a php function? .post { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .post:last-child { border-bottom: none; } Isn't that much much easier?
  13. Nice one! Sorry if I'm delaying my online portfolio, but I still had no time to finish it.
  14. pjax is ajax + pushstate, a nice way to use regular ajax but having urls changing accordingly to the page you are looking at. ( more here ) Since left sidebar always remains at the same place (and didn't noticed any flashes when i change pages) I thought you were using that method to manage transitions ( it's a good thing IMHO ).
  15. Nice one, I really like it. Are you using pjax for page transitions?
  16. Hey @fmgujju did you solved your difficulties with this? If not, I will be glad to help you out since I've managed how to make Sevarf2's code work while ago. In case, let me know
  17. Nice....btw, what's "kongondo" stands for? (Something very important if you've dedicated that huge space for the logo ).
  18. Hi gtoirog, from this page ( http://processwire.com/api/modules/markup-pager-nav/ ) you can see all the custom options connected to the Pagination in PW. The one you are looking for is "currentItemClass" that determines the css class for the current/active/on button list item. From the documentation : <?php echo $results->renderPager(array( 'currrentItemClass' => "active" // "active" is just the class name I choose. )); From there, in your css you could style it however you want. Since css, by now, hasn't a common solution to disable a link yet, you should disable it via Jquery. Something like this might work as expected : $('.active').attr('disabled', true); Give it a try
  19. I'd love to be added there but honestly I'm not a "PW Developer" per se...you could add me, and I will be glad to be useful to other italian people who wants to get closer to PW In the next 2 weeks or so I'm going to go live with my new portfolio built with PW, and then you can add it to the showcase... In the next months I'm planning to build a big corporate site too.
  20. I found on this page ( http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_plugins ) the following statement : I think that this could be easiily recreated in PW, after installing the CKEditor plugin...I maybe wrong due to the fact that I didn't tested yet. Could be useful?
  21. Try to re-install and open the admin panel with different browsers and then report here how you have solved the issue (...you're going to solve it, don't worry ).
  22. Hello Misja, did you have any problems installing processwire, no error whatsoever? Did you delete some files inside "site/template" folder?
  23. You are right @Diogo, we should write in english here, most because I hate Nanni Moretti and I don't want to have his voice in here That said a little recap : Alessio Del Bianco is playing with the german site profile and he is porting it in italian language. We were deciding if the words "custom fields" should be translated in italian or be left as is. Just little personal decisions I suppose. I've noticed a strange behaviour of the ShadowBox script, the one that let the page scroll on nav>li clicks. It seems to snap badly cutting the transition as it get close to the target anchor. I don't know if this situation it's also present in the german site profile, I didn't check. That's all, no big deals by now
  24. Sull'ultima versione di Chrome noto un anomalo comportamento dello script che fa scrollare la pagina. A volte, cliccando su uno dei link nella navigazione principale, la pagina si calamita in modo scattoso al div target, altre volte invece non succede. Non so se è un comportamento che già si verificava sulla versione tedesca della pagina...
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