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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. I looked at my database and there was no field called Supply_Partner_Logo But there was a supply_partner_logo (lower case). Having updated the field name to lower case, I can now see the Crop button.
  2. Hi Horst I'm running CroppableImage on 2.5.17 for the first time. I've created a field Type of CroppableImage and set Input Type to CroppableImage too. When I set the Image name and dimensions in Crop Settings, I get the following error Table 'brfsel_prowire.field_Supply_Partner_Logo' doesn't exist SELECT pages_id,count(pages_id) FROM field_Supply_Partner_Logo GROUP BY pages_id ORDER BY pages_id
  3. I removed the SystemNotifications table from the database which allowed me to login and re-install the Module.
  4. I moved a site from my local machine to a staging server over the weekend. The site (front end) displays fine but the backend gives error of I checked the files on the site under /wire/modules/System/SystemNotifications/ and can confirm SystemsNotifications.module exists. Opening this file up and looking at line 346 ... // convert runtime Notices to Notifications and bundle into array if($this->placement == SystemNotificationsConfig::placementCombined) { The SystemNotificationsConfig mentioned above is a PHP file which also exists and has the same permissions as the working version on my test site.
  5. Solved partially https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8975-plesk-on-pw-not-working/ Apologies for the cross post too. Feel free to delete this one.
  6. I've found an acceptable work around which I can live with. If I switch the Preview setting to Quick Preview based on a domain within the VPS, I can get a URL structure as follows customer-site.tld.192-0-2-12.your-domain.tld. This is much better albeit possibly just a workaround. Website Preview Your customers can preview their websites during domain name propagation. The two preview modes are available: Quick Preview and Limited Preview. Quick Preview, the recommended option, presents customers' sites as subdomains of one of your domains. For example, customer-site.tld will be available for preview as customer-site.tld.192-0-2-12.your-domain.tld. Here 192-0-2-12 is the site's IP where dots are replaced with dashes. Note that if you do not specify a preview domain, the site preview function will be unavailable to your customers. (Default) Limited Preview is used in earlier Plesk versions; it presents customers' sites as directories on the Plesk server. For example, server-host-name:8443/sitepreview/http/your-domain.tld/. This mode has two major drawbacks: Only authorized users can view such websites and some scripts and Flash animation might not work well on them. We recommend to use this mode only before the Quick Preview is configured. Note that both these options do not work properly for password-protected directories. The preview selector and the form to configure the preview domain name is located in Tools & Settings > Website Preview Settings.
  7. It seems to be a big problem. I've been googling away over the weekend and the work arounds are very hacky and mixed. Wish I'd know prior to buying the Plesk license. Perhaps a move to cPanel might be in my future. Yes, this particular site is working fine when viewed normally. It's only the preview mode which breaks PW. Doesn't seem exclusive to PW though.
  8. Hi all Does anyone here create their PW sites on Plesk (12) on Linux on a VPS? I have a general web dev question for you. When you've created a web space and installed PW, does the Plesk Preview link ever work for you? I'm really interested in this as I'm new to VPS and Plesk and seem to be having issues with PW sites prior to the DNS propagation. My hosting company is telling me this a Plesk "feature" while someone else blamed PW. For example, have a look at my own site which does have the DNS kicked in. Clicking Preview brings up my site but none of the CSS loads and the paths are clearly broken. I've tried numerous combinations of changing the rewrite base and yet nothing works.
  9. Google Analytics isn't real time AFAIK. However, there is a real time feature in there. Load up your site and check if your own session is showing on your RealTime dashboard. BTW, your site checks out fine on http://www.gachecker.com/
  10. >> Inline adding of new tabs, which will then generate the corresponding pages. Should be "new tags" ?
  11. Because the site is in development. Top secret
  12. Hi guys I'm running PW on a VPS on Plesk for the first time and having some problems. The DNS hasn't yet kicked in so I have a funky IP address, port number and webspace name in the URL which aren't helping. I've obscured the real address here but you get the picture I can load up the login page but the css isn't mapping correctly and looks like Is it the htaccess I need to edit by changing # RewriteBase / to RewriteBase /sitepreview/http/mydomain.com/ or something else? Currently above doesn't work. If I look at the source, the css is mapped as follows: <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/styles/main-classic.css?v=12' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/wire/modules/Process/ProcessLogin/ProcessLogin.css?v=101' rel='stylesheet' /> <link type='text/css' href='/wire/templates-admin/styles/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css?v=12' rel='stylesheet' /> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryCore/JqueryCore.js?v=183'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/JqueryUI.js?v=193'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/templates-admin/scripts/inputfields.js?v=12'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/scripts/main.js?v=12'></script>
  13. Hey - Glad you're getting there. No worries. The forums are full of helpful PW users. If you've any probs in the future, just shout.
  14. Have used the Dev on most of my projects without any problems. There's a great little Module called CoreUpgrade which allows me, within a few clicks, to upgrade my PW installations to the latest Dev branches. I know I shouldn't be so eager to have a site running several versions ahead of the Stable version but it's just too addictive.
  15. @Kongondo Thanks for the quick reply. I assumed the Date field was called date. As you point out, it's actually "blog_date". I've installed Somas Helper Field Links and this has made the field names more obvious. I'm not sure either. I don't do this in my current projects and I wondered if it was a legacy piece of code. Clearly just an error though. Yes, we use it for a tiny summary on the blog overview page. You probably have something like this native now but this is an older version of Blog Module I've yet to update. Also, wanted to apologise for the abrupt request for help in the original post. My client is presenting this at 10AM this morning and informed me 30 mins prior to the meeting that they needed the posts in a particular order. The order had been fine for the past few days. Anyway, thanks again.
  16. I have a series of blog posts on my blog.php. It's just rendering a preview image, date, title and summary. I want to control the order of the posts but neither sort=-date or sort=sort is working when added to my two selectors. <!-- CENTRE COLUMN - MAIN --> <div class="small-12 medium-9 large-9 columns "> <!-- START Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary --> <?php $blogposts = $pages->find("template=blog-post"); foreach ($pages->find("template=blog-post,") as $b) { echo " <div class='row row-spacer'> <div class='small-12 large-6 columns'><img src={$b->blog_images->first()->url} /></div> <div class='small-12 large-6 columns'> <div class='posts-date'>{$b->blog_date}</div> <h3><a href='$b->url'>{$b->title}</a></h3> {$b->blog_summary}</div> </div> "; } ?> <!-- END Nested Column containing featureimage and post-summary --> </div>
  17. Have a look at Field-Name > Input (Tab) > Input Field Type There's a few options for handling tags. I found they're not brilliantly documented but worth a fiddle to see what they produce and how they handle text.
  18. Back up now. Looks well. In another life, I'd love to run a print gallery so I enjoyed looking through this
  19. Tara - when you create Alex as a child page, can you actually see a list of other staff members? I have a feeling that individual staff members are created somewhere else within the tree. Possibly theres a different folder for Chairman Board Senior Mgmt I could be wrong but thats worth a look.
  20. Currently showing Maintenance Mode for me. Have you taken it down?
  21. NP. Assuming the page which lists staff is called "Our People", find that in the tree of pages. Click the Edit button to the right of the Our People page. Once you're in edit mode, look for the Settings Tab and there should be a Template field listing the template used. Hmm, this might be a problem. Templates in PW are often PHP files and usually live on the server itself. They're not usually directly editable within the PW admin. Do you have FTP details to the server or some way of connecting? The only alternative I can think of is to install a Module called Template Editor (link) which will allow you to at least copy and paste the code here. By the way, I can see on your site that there is code being generated for the new staff member (beside Steve) but there's no content being outputted. Are you sure you're updating the right part of your site?
  22. Here's a nice little PW story. Working on a large-ish PW site at the moment. I'm not dealing directly with the business owner right now. Rather, my contact & client is a friend of the business owner. Having provided him with login details and a PW admin account, we agreed that the business owner should not yet be given login details. We've a few months before training is supposed to begin and site needs a little back-end housekeeping. IE fields need to be labelled correctly templates named more sensibly etc. I discovered recently that the business owner had prematurely been given login details and is already making content changes. This is so contrary to my client experiences with other CMS's that it's cheered me right up. Normally, even after extensive training, clients can choose the wrong templates have problems uploading and adding images generally have *some* issues adding content This is not a fault of the client but rather a problem with the CMS thats built for technical end-users instead of content editors. It just confirms to be completely why PW is the right CMS for this site. And BTW, the business owner isn't very tech-savvy and has never used a CMS before.
  23. Hi Tara Welcome to the PW forums. What template is actually displaying the list of people on the front-end/ public website? The code generating the template above could be set to only display X members of staff or people. If you had access to template and pasted the code here, we could confirm.
  24. @Kongondo Can confirm I meant blog-post.php. IE The template files. Best thing for me to to is grab some time and actually try it
  25. One of my clients has some pretty specific layouts in mind. I feel more comftrable creating the layout directly inside my own templates. What I had in mind was to replace the various blog php templates with my own code.
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