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Peter Knight

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Peter Knight last won the day on May 16 2016

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    Dublin, Ireland.

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Community Answers

  1. In your example code you have the first before the image. Was that the issue. IE needed images->first()->url
  2. Hey 👋 I'm running a PW site on UIKIT (v3) for many years and I want to migrate to TailWind V4. Sounds fairly simple. I normally just locally update my templates and CSS. This time, I want to do add in TW templates concurrently. The idea is I can add/remove content as normal and I thought a good approach might be 1. I have a template switcher in my config $config->twPreview = true; // Enable Tailwind templates 2. I have a template switcher hook in site/init.php which updates my css paths etc with a _tw (Tailwind) path 3. All my templates have a duplicate called [template-name]_tw.php Same for all my includes It's not going too bad but I didn't factor in for the following 1. I have Matrix field templates and een though I can duplicate with a _tw, the actual field files are hard coded into the PW manager when editing a page Aside from this, it's not going too bad but am I overlooking a simpler method? Cheers
  3. Thanks @breezerThat first answer was a big help.
  4. Hi I’m trying to find an up to date tutorial on enabling remote page creation via API? I’m building a localhost tool / project and want to use that to create new pages in a target site. I can find lots of API docs but unsure of the first steps on target site. Thanks
  5. Hi I understand many of you use Git and I've started to use it more lately in conjunction with Github and GitHub Desktop app. I was wondering what the best approach might be when you've built something you're happy with but then want to create 2 furthers versions of this. IE in terms of git and branches, would you create 2 further branches? Would you instead make 2 local clones of your repository? Lets call these versions Basic, Better and Best. My core product is a PHP page which pulls in JSON data. This Basic version is ready and I have a git repo and have been making commits to a branch called 'Dev'. I now want to create a version with enhanced features which uses the same PHP and JSON files but is called: Better and uses enhanced UI V2 more JSON data introduces some basic imagery Concurrently, I want to build Best which has enhanced UI V3 more JSON data introduces photography Thanks P
  6. Hi is there a way to override a Meta Tag with this Module? My implementation has: <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> But on one particular template, I want to NOINDEX and have added to the Custom field <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> Unfortunately and as expected, my page now has both NOINDEX and then INDEX robots instructions. Thanks
  7. Hi @Matzn Was this referring to the /processwire/ manager login? I just had a similar issue and it was caused by my server having an incorrect time (-1 hour).
  8. Hi @Inxentas I just experienced the same issue. Would this hosting company have a name beginning letter H ?
  9. Hey, no problem at all. I was just flagging it in case it was still in development. Good to be busy. I'll keep a watch on this thread in case any future developments.
  10. Hi @gebeer I'm trying out the module and I had a few issues When it comes to using the Module itself, my preferred method is to allow Pick from any page I add the field to a template and I can see the tree / site structure I drill down to the page which has images and Select this Nothing happens to the placeholder thumbnail at this stage so I save the page When I return to the field, I am asked again to 'Choose a page' When I return to the field setup , I occasionally get an error below even though this is described in the docs as Optional I also note that in the list of possible image fields listed, the Module is not picking up any image fields. Thanks for reading
  11. Yes, using FormBuilder (and have a license) but It's possibly more of a WireMail SMTP question as that's what the screengrab of the UI is from.
  12. Hi I have a webform which asks for Name [Name_1] Email [Email] Message [Message] When the webform is recieved, I would like the Name and Email in the email header what the user has submitted. While I can output these values in the email's html body, I cannot succefully inject them into email header. I am using WireMail SMTP and have tried adding $Name_1 and $Email to the fields below. Would appreciate any pointers as I don't see any related posts on Google or the PW forums. Thanks
  13. Hi @wbmnfktr PagePathHistory only works when a pagesURL changes to something new. In this instance, I was looking to redirect to a completely new page. I never noticed the options under the What other URLs redirect... section but they might be useful. Thanks
  14. Thanks BitPoet. I had that setup but wasn't sure it was using a 301 redirect method for SEO. I also have a nice page created via ListerPro which lists all the redirects I have made. Handy for an at-a-glance view etc
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