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Everything posted by owzim

  1. Hi @thlinna this has come up a couple of times, here's a selection of topics, perhaps you can find something useful in there. Tip: use google search for searching the forums every now and then, I find it spits out more useful results at times: search: sync live dev site:processwire.com/talk
  2. Never heard of valet, looks great. Have to try it out later. How can PW run in valet, when there's no apache?
  3. You can not delete a field, that is added to a template anyway, not even via api. Same goes for templates that are used by pages. I agree with @Juergen, some variation of this would be useful. For unused fields. Maybe in $config->advanced mode?
  4. I just made it compatible with both PW 2.5+ and 3+ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-yaml/ https://github.com/owzim/pw-fieldtype-yaml
  5. Thanks sinnut, i tried that out but I ran into tons of issues with the installations modules compatibility with pw 2.8.x so unfortunately this is no option. I am having endless issues with the blog module and multilang, so I'll move the discussion there.
  6. Hi, I am trying to install a German-only blog (with Kongondo's Blog Module) on a multi language site, which is making me pull my hair out since I have next to no experience with multilang PW. The site uses the gateway approach, splitting the url into /en/blahblah and /de/blahblah English is the default language, so when I post a post, I have those two urls and I have to activate the german version to be even available. So, I only want /blog/blog-post-title/ without /en/ or /de/ and I don't want the user to have to activate (see checkbox on the screenshot) German version altogether. How? Thanks!
  7. Hi Ivan, please file a feature request on Github so I don't forget about that, thanks. I still have not touched PW 3 ... might be my first contact. Is there a way to make modules compatible with both PW versions? That would be great.
  8. Hi, I want to get a page which is one of the current page's siblings. It's hidden and the following problem occurs: Case 1: Works if specified page is not hidden, but it has to be hidden, so not an option. $page->siblings->get("name=some-name"); Case 2: Returns a null page $page->siblings->get("name=some-name, include=hidden"); Case 3: Works $page->siblings("name=some-name, include=hidden")->first(); Case 2 should work, but it doesn't. Bug or feature?
  9. I see. Still. I stumbled upon this issue many times in other contexts. Pages did not show up, where not viewable or something similar, because some other page in some relation to it had no template file. In processwire we often use pages if not more for data storage and not to be an actual frontend page, so there should be a and additional flag the the page class or something which helps with that.
  10. Thanks @kongondo that helped. There were child pages without template files. I added those. But I had to reinstall the process module to show up again as an admin page. I think this is very unintuitive and odd behavior isn't it? Should the be an issue on GitHub?
  11. Interesting, if I uninstall an reinstall the ProcessBlog module it won't show up either any more. So something fishy is going on while installing?
  12. Same here, the Blog module's process page shows up, like you described ...
  13. Hi, I have a Process module, with a permission 'my-permission'. The user 'user1' has role 'editor' which then has 'my-permission'. The process page under admin is still only showing up for the superuser. Anything else I missed? On 2.7.2. Thanks.
  14. Hi, I've got the same problem with our German uberspace hoster. No Idea what's happening there. It also happens only when I try to login into admin. White page, and the rest of the site spits out white pages too. After some time, pages are accessible again. Admin still white, can't login ... debug true, doesnt help. I ordered an error log from the hoster, let's see what that brings. 2.7.2 btw. Webdev ... *sigh*
  15. Looks great. Thanks for your effort and for making it open source. Earlier this year I wanted to make a calendar module myself but without the actual need, so I left it alone. Nice to see that you have integrated it with the FullCalendar jQuery plugin. Seems like the goto JS calendar solution atm. Right now I need it for an actual project, so yay.
  16. I'll be at the warm-up too.
  17. I think for the whole data and user handling PW is very well suited. If it's a browser game in the classic sense, that's all you need. If you want real-time user interaction, you of course need something like @adrian mentioned. I once fiddled around with a couple of HTML5 2D game engines and found Phaser to very fast (webGL with canvas fallback), powerful and flexible. It's built on pixi (which is the HTML5 successor of a once very popular flash gfx engine, can't remember now).
  18. Thanks, I already use sorting, but this is not reliable enough, since I would have to make sure that that items with type one come before items with type two. And if I want to, for whatever reason make two the prio type and one the fallback else where I would have to resort. Is there another way to mimic the WireData behavior? Hmm, I might just as well wrap the additional logic I wanted to prevent in a method and hook it into WireArray and be done with it
  19. Hi, I want to get one item of a WireArray with a certain type or a fallback type. $wireArray->get('type=one|two'); Unfortunately if the array has items of type one AND two, a type two item is returned, but I only want type two as a fallback. I basically want the same behavior like on WireData objects. $wireData->get('headline|title'); does correctly return the headline field, even if a title field exists. Am I missing something? Note: I really want it as ONE selector string, I know I could do multiple and check for null, but I don't want that.
  20. @Soma thanks, that worked. I did not associate the name and description of that config setting with this kind of functionality.
  21. Hi Soma, is it possible to make all parents active of an active child? Example, active pages in bold. - page 1 - page 2 --- sub 1 --- sub 2 ------ subsub 1 ------ subsub 2 (the actual active page) ------ subsub 3 --- sub 3 - page 3 I somehow cannot get the parents to have an active class. How would I do that with the module? Thanks!
  22. @Mike Anthony, thanks for pointing that out. It was implemented but got lost in refactoring. I fixed that in the latest commit. You now can set it on the asset type level: 'jsAppendNewLine' => true, 'cssAppendNewLine' => true, 'imgAppendNewLine' => true,
  23. I pushed some updates, see the change log in the original post.
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