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Everything posted by horst

  1. Hhm, it is still the same as before Have tried with IE, what I don't use normally and have the same behave. Also the site was newly setup today as a new (formerly not used) virtual host on my local machine. With FF I have cleared all browser cache and everything else, - completly and multiple times now. Wirefolder was switched, not merged. The old templates-admin folder was deleted after the first successful request with the new wire folder. That old colors came from a custom css file what was loaded with AdminCustomFiles module. But I have disabled that option and now it isn't loaded and the color isn't overwritten, but the behave is still the same. Hhm, so, what else can I check? EDIT: when hovering over the [ uninstall ] header I get lots of JS console errors: passing empty string to getElementById(), but now I can open it by click and can access the uninstall checkbox! But the behave of the pagination is still weird. EDIT 2: FINALLY SOLVED after dropping / refreshing all from browser cache and double checking the sites and wire folders etc. the only logical thing was that it must be something in the DB. And after dropping once all rows from the caches table it works fine now.
  2. Hi, I have updated a site from 2.3.5 to 2.5.29 by changing .htaccess and index.php and switching the wire folder. Now I have some quirks in the admin. The pagination doesn't work. Everytime I press a page number it shows me not only the next 25 pages, it shows me 25 x the next 25 pages! Also it with every additional click it multiplys them! To show this in a screencast, I have set the item number to only 5 instead of 25. . . . Another thing is that I cannot uninstall modules because when hovering or clicking the [ uninstall ] header, nothing happens. . . Is anything like that already known?
  3. hmm, did you overwrite $q in your foreach($qs as $q) { ?
  4. Hi, regarding to a BlogPost from @Ryan yesterday, I want share a simple solution for all windows user, but the comments cannot show <?php start tags. So I post my comment here and link to each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can mimic this, for example on windows, very easy like this: 1) create a php file, here named "pwphp.php", with this content: <?php echo "PHP (" . phpversion() . ") - Interactive mode enabled\n"; $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); define('quit', 'quit'); $in = ''; while('quit' != substr($in, 0, 4)) { echo 'php > '; $in = trim(fgets($fp)); eval($in); echo "\n"; } exit(0); . 2) create a windows batch file like this, (here named as pwphp.bat): @ECHO OFF SET phpexe=C:\php-54\php.exe SET phpparams=-d output_buffering=0 TITLE PHP Interactive Mode :: %CD% "%phpexe%" %phpparams% %~dp0pwphp.php TITLE %CD% Drop both files into the same directory. But this directory must be in your systempath! Now open a windows shell and type: pwphp and have fun! To finish and leave Interactive Mode, you type "quit".
  5. Read the first line of the error: ... $page->setTemplate(NULL) You do something wrong with your template(s) / template file(s). And I don't get what you are telling about the hirarchical setup of your categories. I does not sound very common or I simply do not get it. Do you have already read this: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ ?
  6. can you delete all rows from the table caches via phpmyadmin? or, if not, can you delete the table caches and create a new one: CREATE TABLE `caches` ( `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `data` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, `expires` DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`), INDEX `expires` (`expires`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=MyISAM; This should solve it. After hitting refresh, it rows should be populated again.
  7. have a look here: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/pagearray-wirearray/sorting-and-filtering/a-sort-property/ mainly all multiple results in PW are based on wirearray and thus you can use this to sort them, or you define a sort={property} in your query selector ->find("something=something, sort=title") or sort=-date etc.
  8. it use wiremail() in the dev branch at least: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/modules/Process/ProcessForgotPassword.module#L197 and in last stable too: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessForgotPassword.module#L197
  9. I use it since it exists and it works as expected. Why should it function with one wiremail call and not with another? There must be something different with those calls. I use wiremailsmtp v 0.1.9 and processforgottpassword v 1.0.1 and all is fine. Do you have setup the same emailadress as sender in processforgottpasswords modules config screen like the default sender in wiremailsmtp? DO you have setup a default sender in wiremailsmtp? Do you have setup a valid emailadress with your useraccount? (without typos?) (just thinking loud)
  10. Welcome @J0sh, I also know someone who has built a lot of sites (some great ones too) with ProcessWire in the last 2 years. He also hasn't had a forum account here. (Now he has one because he currently has buyed a ProCache agency licence, but his post counter is still saying 0) And I believe that there are many other out there.
  11. Hey, uhm, not a nice situation. Here is a case study where a agency was able to go another way: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7494-case-study-the-triumph-of-national-geographic-traveller-india-in-processwire/ They should build a big website with one of the other systems, they switched to PW but ommitted a conversation with the client in the first place, ...
  12. Hi Hari, ah, ok. That's great. So I can pass it the path to a custom profile in a zip archive to install this instead of one from the PW distribution. Thanks for making it.
  13. There is an option --profile={value}, but it isn't working for me with the default profiles of the download package. When I try it, I get those error messages: D:\TEMP\pw2>ws new pw2 --profile=site-languages Downloading ProcessWire... Preparing project... Extracting profile... [RuntimeException] The profile can't be installed because the downloaded package is corrupted or because the installer doesn't have enough permissions to uncompress and rename the package contents. File "site-languages" does not exist I have also tried with --profile=languages instead of site-languages. The downloaded package isn't corrupted, without setting the profile option it works perfect, but installes only the default profile automatically.
  14. link = https :// www.google.com/ search?q=site:processwire.com/talk+-%22Viewing+Profile%22+module+translation gives me back way too many results, but it gives me Not sure, - do you already know these: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7298-google-custom-search-for-your-browserbookmarks/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6196-easy-search-on-pw-forums-with-google/
  15. Hi @fliwatuet, welcome to PW. You can achieve this easy, without the need of buying a ProModule. You can achieve everything without ProModules in PW, but if you once have worked with a ProModule, you never want miss it, You need to build a strategy for your site in regard of how to store / categories the uploaded files. And besides what the others already have pointed out, there is a new possibility with serving the files (if you create pages for each uploaded file): PW 2.5.26 has content type support on templates basis If you start building your strategy, you can ask here for tips.
  16. @marcus, when I have read this about status, it came to my mind that we already have those Diagnostic Tools. Do you already know them? Maybe it is possible to integrate some of the submodules into wireshell by calling status:(submodule)?
  17. Hi Kent, yes indeed, there were some thoughts behind this. The naming scheme for images in PW core has changed somewhere between PW 2.4 and 2.5, but finally and fully functional it is implemented since 2.5.11, if I remember right. The naming scheme is: // original image name looks like basename . ext // all variation descriptions are appended to basename, introduced by a . (dot) basename . {variation description} . ext // variation descriptions start with sizes, if present basename . {WxH} . ext basename . 0x100 . ext basename . 80x80 . ext // sizes can be followed by cropsettings, if present basename . {WxH}{cropsetting} . ext basename . 80x80p30x40 . ext basename . 80x80nw . ext // resized variations also can have suffixes, introduced by a - (minus sign) basename . 80x80 - soft . ext basename . 80x80 - medium . ext basename . 80x80 - strong . ext basename . 80x80nw - soft . ext // variations also can have ONLY suffixes, without a resize part basename . - suffix . ext The goal with this was and is: the core pageimage class only should (be able to) handle the cleaning of variations, regardless if variations were created by the core imagesizer or by any third party image module. And the authors of third party image modules should not be made responsible for that. The only thing they have to do is to follow the naming scheme. There are also possibilities that image variations are passed through a chain of manipulations from different modules, e.g. Cropimage -> coresizer || pia -> pim, what results in a much more weird looking filename. But there never will be an image variation stay orphaned when an original image gets deleted. This is even valid if you have variations created by third party modules where the module is uninstalled already! So, if you have suggestions to the naming scheme, please first do a check if the above requirements can be fullfilled with them. (see: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/core/Pageimage.php#L607)
  18. CroppableImages and its mother "Thumbnails" are not intended for use in RTEs. But since PW version 2.5.19 Ryan has introduced cropping, rotating, cloning of images in RTEs. It isn't fully implemented yet, (or I must have missed some updates ), but is still very good working already. see: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-image-editing-features-2.5.19/
  19. How it can look like with the current dev branch version PW 2.5.27: //Find all gyms sorted by location $gyms = $pages->find("parent=/gyms/, sort=location"); //Do another find on gyms to find the top three ratings and echo output directly echo $gyms->find("limit=3, sort=-rating")->each("{title}: {rating} Stars"); // output all $gyms echo $gyms->each("{title} in {location}"); Wow, very clearly laid and less writing.
  20. a good one may also be this with track changes (see Somas post there)
  21. Aha, but in your first post you was talking about "severe quality loss" of images, without showing an example. What have you expected as (serious) answer? (please keep in mind that I know that GIF does not have an option for quality setting. There is no chance for me to think of something in regard to quality-setting.) ------ GIF does not have any quality- setting / option by design of the image format. PNG also does not have this. PNG has an option for compression, but this does not affect the visual quality. JPEG is the only image format that has a setting for visual quality. ------ So, when ever talking about visual and also (by its nature) individually different interpreted aspects of images, it is best to show an example.
  22. Unfortunately no. Because I do not have a glass ball
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