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Everything posted by horst

  1. It's me again - Thanks for the changes and new additions. The sticky header in DefaultAdminTheme is working now, but only for screens >= 960px
  2. Oh! Thats perfect! I didn't know it. - Now I don't need the toggle-icon anymore. Many thanks!
  3. @tpr: I have one wish and an observation to share. My wish is: "Please can we have in AdminReno-CompactHeader-view the toggle icon for the sidebar?" If one do not use autohide for the sidebar it currently is missing with the compact header view. --- For me, on Windows 7 with Firefox, I do not have a sticky header with the default Admintheme. The mastheads position is set to relative, I think it must be fixed. The classes of the html element are <html class="aos_fixScrollbarJump aos_fileFieldToolbar aos_filterbox aos_stickyHeader aos_PagePreviewLink" lang="en"> Do you need more Infos?
  4. Not sure, but I think it is by design. You never can pull something from a DB without first having to save it into the DB. Or do I get something wrong with the issue?
  5. I think it has to do with namespace. Have you tried to prefix your file with <?php namespace ProcessWire; or maybe it also works if you add <?php use ProcessWire; ---- Or you can call it $u = new ProcessWire\User();
  6. this comes regularly: Editor / IDE
  7. ! This sounds very good ! - Multilanguage and Descriptions and Tags and multiple Searchphrases - ! Man, you are awesome! I have seen some third party JS / jQuery scripts that do sorting and filtering, but the good ones wasn't OpenSource, and / or to bloated. Your solution sounds very good. There are one thing I thought of while playing with that: would it be possible to filter for portrait and landscape oriented images? - or for the smallest / highest height or width? And ahm, if you need beta tester, just call.
  8. Interesting! You are right, the õ is already in. In PW 2.7 stable too! But I cannot find one with the u ??
  9. Ah, so you have this ~ with o and u, but not with a? And in portuguese, there is no o and u with that ~?
  10. We can propose that on Github. Done. ... and thanks for noting where the module is (and what its correct name). I know that we have this, but everytime I need it, forget how it is named and where to find it.
  11. ... and what is about a text input filter box, like with my experiment on the croppable image input?
  12. As a fast and intermediate solution, maybe a small link list with our other, up to date Sections? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ https://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/ https://processwire.com/docs/ https://processwire.com/blog/ ... (I must admit that I never was on the wiki.)
  13. They have moved to GrumpyWire and some to ProcessGrumpy because here at PW-Forums are to many friendly and helpful people for them.
  14. How do this fit together? free open source users and Windows (for a webserver environment) @Ivan: just kidding
  15. You should try to disable your thirdparty modules one after the other and see if it changes the behave (what I assume). Especially modules that deal with templates when you encounter issues with templates! At least, the Template Engine Factory states as compatible up to 2.7 and not compatible with PW 3+! But it can be that it works well and the problem is with another third party module. You just have to debug it. PS: There is also a module that presents you an acces rigths screen: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-access-overview/
  16. Hi @tpr, thanks for making this fine tool for us. Is it for PW 2.7 too, or only for PW 3.x? I cannot see a "required" property in the getModuleInfo. In the modules header comment it states ProcessWire 3.x, but then I cannnot see a namespace declaration in the file. This all makes me abit unsure, therefor I ask here. Sorry!
  17. @alan: I just updated the readme: https://github.com/horst-n/WireMailSmtp
  18. On pages like the older images doc, there are links at the bottom (RELATED FORUMS THREADS) in the form of: .../index.php/topic,97.0.html Don't know if those were working before the switch, but now they don't. Also I know that we have the brand new Docs, what are very fast growing! Just wanted to mention.
  19. Hi Jim, you are right, in the older documentation, there is only the older basic image handling described, but for most of it, you can switch to the new Docs, lately introduced with PW 3 branch, also if you use PW 2.6 / Pw 2.7 Here you go: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/size/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimage/suffix/ ...
  20. I can see! You should read a bit about the images and our ImageSizer in the docs. What you are currently missing is, how to avoid the images caching. Add "forceNew" => true to your options array while developing. Otherwise you always will get the previously created and cached variation. If you want to compare different options in one go, you also should read a bit about the suffix property.
  21. This post describes a bit where it comes from: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12151-wire-queue-basic-implementation-of-simple-queues/#entry112809 @Sephiroth: if you find it useful in general, I can assist in extending / building a sqlite version that suites your needs. (define more finegrained sqlite table fields and fetching batches of a given number recipients at once, for example 100)
  22. horst


    Well done!
  23. @diogo: this is a really nice one. Many thanks for sharing!
  24. I assume you are not able to upload and execute binarys on a shared host. I think it isn't allowed / is suppressed by the hoster. At least, that the GD-lib is invoked points to this. You also can force an image engine via API calls: $image = $image->width(500, array("forceEngine" => "ImageMagickCLI")); I think you need to ask the hoster where the IMagickCLI resides and take this path.
  25. I suggest to use Pia. With Pia, you simply can define the (max) outerbox dimensions and it will return you an image with dimensions that fit into it. Means, if you define a 600x600 box you will get back an uncropped image variation where the larger side is 600, regardless if it is portrait or landscape. If you like to have larger landscapes than portraits, you can define width=800, height=600. It is simple. Examples with Pia: $thumbnail = $image->contain("width=800, height=600"); $thumbnail = $image->contain("square=600"); If you have many different aspect ratios with your images, you also should have a look to Pias option "weighten"!
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