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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I'm sure your module is very useful, just wanted to mention.
  2. Thanks adrian, so I don't have to take care once again. Looks like it got through...
  3. You would even save more time when creating a profile of your basic setup. Next time install it with the profile and you're ready.
  4. Yeah party is over time to go home now nothing to see.
  5. Btw with my brillant memory I remembered this one https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/358
  6. Issue https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/378
  7. I was able to reproduce when using a %= on multiple fields before the checkbox=, it would return results found with the %= search and checkbox checked. As soon as I move the checkbox=0 before the title|body|summary%=value it works again.
  8. it does not for checkboxes, actually.
  9. It is the same as "checkbox=0" or "checkbox=" (these all return the expected results for me) Can you tell where or how you know it's not returning expected result? I mean I use checkboxes all the time and never noticed something wrong with it. Maybe a mysql thing? What PW version?
  10. I meant for checkboxes !field doesn't make sense, does it?
  11. !field=value doesn't exist. (Edit: for checkboxes)
  12. They all work. I mostly use check= Never experienced what you say.
  13. If you would try it would give you an error saying that you have to first save the page, I think.
  14. Not enough spam on twitter we also need here I often work in the dark at night and having a white background is killing my eyes...
  15. Soma

    Your hourly rate?

    I charge ~100'000€/h for advanced stuff and my expertise. Depends.
  16. But don't think module config supports multilanguage. It's saved as serialized data. You'd have to make some trickery but can't think of any In case of the events example boilerplate I'm not sure it's possible . Again with massive tweak to also db schema and hooks to really support mulling fields. I could be wrong though.
  17. RT @fixateit: @rc_d wow, @processwire 2.4’s new admin is super fast, and so easy to use! Excited to dive into the new features. Great job!

  18. Works for me but only with =. Of course only inside repeater.
  19. I'm not sure I can follow myself, but that's what I thought might happening. It did a lot for my coworker when editing various fields and pages all over the place.
  20. If you open two pages to edit one will always be forged cause the CSRF token...
  21. RT @yellowled: [devblog] Karten mit ProcessWire und gmaps.js http://t.co/FyOQEWFja3

  22. It's nothing just a little game. Yeah he needs still bigger glasses!
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