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Everything posted by Soma

  1. If you set the textarea to content type html, in the field settings, PW will take care of it. If you set the textarea to content type html, in the field settings, PW will take care of it.
  2. Just set to a variable and test if it got any markup... $pager = $a->renderPager(...); if($pager) $out .= "...";
  3. Just open the field or module where the thumbsettings are and save it again, I think the settings doesn't have a default when never saved. This should/could be easily fixed within the Fieldtype module, and this has come up many times already. Also would be good to post in CropImage support thread.. There's same issue for example there http://processwire.com/talk/topic/643-release-thumbnails/?p=27282 and: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/643-release-thumbnails/?p=27446
  4. $languages does not return languages in the order as they're in the tree. But you could get language yourself since language is a page with template "language"... and add a sort=sort. $allLangs = $pages->find("template=language, include=all, sort=sort");
  5. @pwired http://www.wifi.dnwx.info/ the "www" is one too much, there's already subdomain wifi. http://wifi.dnwx.info/ works fine for me.
  6. $page->fields is better. Does $page->template->fieldgroup work? Thought more like $page->template->fields or fieldgroup->fields.
  7. I dont get the logic here. Shouldnt parent be /test1/test2/ ? Parent /test2/ doesnt exist.
  8. RT @processwire: Video demo of Lister, a new ProcessWire module in the works – http://t.co/nUGWnR1knEhttp://t.co/p69WbroEMz

  9. Cannot redeclare class HelperFieldsLanguageLabel Means you have the module two times installed or put in modules folder... like the class already exists.
  10. Optical illusion? For me both are the same exact brightness, resize browser and open both and switch between them.
  11. And here's a example module you can install and then use: in templates $label = $fields->getLangLabel("body"); in modules or function scope. $label = wire("fields")->getLabelLang("body"); https://gist.github.com/9534415
  12. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3601-field-label-language-problem/
  13. Argh screw it include=all has it all...
  14. Soma

    New Logo

    And I see stupid people everywhere.
  15. There was posts about this already. Search with Google. I'm on mobile.
  16. Still nope. There was same question some time ago. Module config is stored as json and you use Inputfields not Fieldtype. There's the pager module I think where Ryan has text per language . Maybe worth a look. Sorry I think its in LanguageSupportPageNames module.
  17. It's on purpose so you have to think a little and not just blindly copy paste! Seriously I fixed them a while ago I thought, must have messed up something with having various versions. I'll correct them. Thanks (I'll remove you're code as it's not interesting to leave a copy of it here)
  18. Guess this will follow us for the next years to come This setting that is.
  19. But master do i more painting. Avatar is done a self portrait using my bug (you call mouse) in photoshop 17 years ago actually. So i look little older now.
  20. I'm probably not the slowest but by faaar not the fastest. I have my own finger system and writing English and code half blind and writing on computer since 26 years now may helps a little. But by no means do I master coding or using all potential of editor. I'm a creative who loves coding.
  21. Just corrected a few names on the last one, as it was copied.
  22. Here's another one that does the "same" with a different hook on Page::addable. It's basicly the same, but this time we just set Page::addable to false and since the page list tree actions do check for this permission to add the "new" button, they simply won't get rendered anymore. So two ways, same result. The difference is that Page::addable is also used by ProcessWire in other places not just page tree. So will not be able to add a page and see an error when you try to add a page manually with a link like /processwire/page/add/?parent_id=1001. So this may the better solution here. Here the example module on my ever growing gist archive (hmm btw are those limited?) https://gist.github.com/somatonic/9494427
  23. Well it requires some knowledge and understanding of ProcessWire, so I lied when I saids soo easy. It's the where to hook what and how and when and what is returned and what are the arguments. Some are rather simple to figure out and some are very hard. Some even took me long time to get right, try and error But nonetheless the basic concept is easy to grasp and some good and simple hooks are in the HelloWorld.module, that's where I started too 2 years ago. This is example module that does remove the "new" on second level basic-page pages in the page tree. This only modifies the actions and does not prevent adding child pages via API elsewhere. This hook is tricky as it also is all called via ajax in the page tree, so you can't simply echo something to debug. ProcessPageList.module is the module where the actions are done, but it contains 3 classes actually, and you need to hook into ProcessPageListRender::getPageActions, catch the $options array this method returns which contains all actions as a nested array. If a method returns something you can catch it with the $event->return. So all you need to do is to remove the "New" action from the array and set it back to the $event->return. Easier said than done. Here's a basic example module https://gist.github.com/9493877
  24. Hooks are sooooo easy that I have hard time seeing what people are afraid of. Once I get a minute ...
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