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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. Multiple things: [#] Not sure whether this is the best thing ever or worst thing ever [#] Could those stacked fancy boxes open kindof like basecamp does it? (that would be rad)- [#] This actually needs it's own theme, or should be made as a theme, I think. God job.
  2. http://ace.ajax.org/#nav=production We're on the fourth line
  3. +1 for this; and I as well wanted to package ChromePHP into a module... You beat me to it, will install this ASAP
  4. I don't think that is correct, is it? Are you running latest version? I thought _() function was added as multilingual helper, as a global function? Anyway, I'll look into it, just post it int github as an issue please, thanks --- Actually, thinking about it: you make changes in your repo, commit as usually, push into your repo on github, then go into mine and make a pull request That would be first pull request, so if you want to go the extra mile, I'd be glad
  5. Adam Kiss


    Why is koding.com going to Soma's module manager?
  6. Yeah, I had that problem when DB server was overloaded (or maybe, our clients' account was at MySQL size limit)
  7. So, besides little bughunting, I was thinking what would be the best thing to provide. And, I decided to focus on content creators. Check this super-cool thing out (you might want to go to youtube to see HighRes )
  8. I know that this might be weird, but could you add support for MD-style headers? /#{1,6}/ That would be superb! --- Also, I know it might be too much, but could you checkout CodeMirror ans see whether it would be feasible for you to create Textile mode for it? Thanks
  9. It's quite undocumented and it's rather chaos, but it's here: https://gist.github.com/4233629 • it's temporarily shortened version of WIP full module, so comments may make no sense you input {{ anything:function pw=like, params=1 }} and it will call "function" from inside the class (with parsed $params as parameter, should be array. Do with it whatever you want.
  10. Yeah, I already did (almost) that. I could post you the code if you wish In my case it's more like {{ figureimage index=2 figindex=1 title="What is this?" }}, but totally simple to adjust. I also has far more robust system for parsing textareas and using shortcodes inside text fields, but that one is far from done… so I'm just bragging here.
  11. ^ that guy doesn't realize how that sounds. Sorry for off-topic. I couldn't let this slide.
  12. christoph, it's like talking about a dream you had. Major thumbs up for your taletelling skills.
  13. Ah, yeah, I didn't think of that. I think something like 'alternate' might be appropriate
  14. 1.) Hm, I'll have to look at this. That would mean there are some tabs appended? probably 2.) Textareas have the resizing system-forced… Use Rows in the config 3.) Thanks, I'll do it. Surprising that field doesn't know about itself, in your case?
  15. And, if you have huge pile of time on your hands might work here as well
  16. Marco, it's usually very simple: item has one category, but many tags. In your case, I'd go either with repeater with two values (application, use), or rather create pages like this: application_use (you seem to have only three uses): water_jointing water_repairing water_hottaping gas_jointing gas_repairing gas_hottaping
  17. Quick, dirty version: https://gist.github.com/4215822 First argument is 'key' so the function can globally remember its index, then how many arguments you like - those are strings that get looped. Can be upgraded to do the string break up (so you'd pass something like "left|center|right"), and if you added autocreating the key (by sha1-ing the argument string), you could get to <div class="<?=switch('left|right|center')?>"> But I'll leave that up to you -- Of course, you can use this for the zebra table as well <tr class="<?=switch('zebra','odd','even')?>">
  18. Hey all! Finished 1.0 version! Updates for version 1.0 [add] Added Textile mode, with huge number of enhancements [add] Added auto mode select (yes!) [add] Added PHP mode, even though there are no means to invoke that yet [enh] Enhanced quote rendering in markdown [enh] Added many styles (sup,sub,cite,code,ins,del,…) [fix] Fixed the default values (and saving the default values) [cng] Show invisibles is off as default Note: Still testing in various browser Please, let me know on github, what works and what doesn't. Thank you!
  19. In the preview, you have 'carfull' in the note, should be 'careful'
  20. Textile has support for much broader spectrum of features, like classes, ids, tables, and that is a huge plus. Markdown has support. And that's even bigger plus, e.g. there is probably around 200x more text editors for MD, rather than Tx. All the cool kids play with MD
  21. Nice, the black with the yellow never gets old. I do love the simplicity of the homepage though.
  22. Yeah well, Willy is… special.
  23. v0.9.7 released - I added version check (it's easier than making it work on old PW installs )
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