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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. I use prettyPhoto. It is reasonably fast, has autosize, has auto-hashbang, has reasonable themes (I pretty much keep them vanilla, there isn't much to 'style' anyway, once you have the photo opened).
  2. Adam Kiss


    Yeah, we don't care for IE much :/ maybe I should test and fix it, at least a little @Diogo: thanks, there seems to be some js/css overlap problem in that breakpoint... I may check that out later thanks
  3. Adam Kiss


    Ha! Design by Matej - http://dribbble.com/mhrescak - and parts by me as well, coded by both of us, we FINALLY launched our website, after months of 'we'll work on this tomorrow, for sure'. It's kind of responsive, was a bitch to make (probably because we went the hardest way possible (and possibly not the smartest one as well) - no framework/grid, multiple pixel breakpoints. Well... http://bonetics.com/ Warning: IE unfriendly
  4. Textile has some support for typographic quotes and such, not really sure of markdown. But seeing how this is basically a subset (precursor?) to markdown, I think this should be in markdown. (haven't heard of this before as well; however, there are textformatters for textile and markdown)
  5. ^ +1 for the patterns thing; that will make the 'module' section of documentation instantly over 9000
  6. 'lean' => 'leading' 'iron' => 'irony' Thanks, in my native language, iron is the same word for metal, so that's what I meant - metallic object (without specifying what metal). Anyway, thanks
  7. Isn't word press printing technique? You know, you put words together from iron letters and then press it?
  8. I have an app built on top of PW running, which is currently on 6.5k pages; of those, 3.5k are children of one page (!); The app feels a little slower, but that is probably due to no performance review/check on my side. Also live generating statistics over those 3.5k pages takes a few (4-8 ) seconds, but it's just because it's always regenerating statistics, iterating the pages multiple times.
  9. I always considered Joomla an UMS... Universe Management System. Nothing less can be that complicated. End of Off-topic.
  10. FTFY: Soma is faster than anyone. Ryan's main philosophy is to be 'loved by everyone', thus having like 5k posts, 600 karma and not making difference between question about PW core and children() query Antti is always bragging about how awesome his life is, with all that saunas there. Pfsh please. Pete is on twitter once a year.
  11. This is just my personal opinion: Until the fucking Joomla is on top with 10k upvotes, which is 10 times more votes than any other CMS has, the opensourcecms.org is useless POS. I once believed that site too, and used to look for CMS there. Not anymore.
  12. Also, something else: since I've started using LESS/SASS, not once I needed to 'look up CSS by line', mainly because everything is neatly tucked in their own partial files...
  13. Oh my god, you're such an oldschoolers. LESS/SASS FTW! And let me repeat myself: you don't have to go to to CLI to install nothing. There are simple apps for everything; And there are even more advantages, if you design in browser, mainly variables. Also I find something like this much easier on the eyes: font: 1em/2.5em $family; // make it or for
  14. ryan: I don't want it as installable site profile; just dump my site code to github for people interested in it to see.
  15. Gazley: excuse WillyC, he's... special. Actually, it does; XDebug on + default nesting setting (100) give this error; More here, for instance: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/cake-php/F6uRlDOwOvs%5B1-25%5D
  16. I would kill myself if I had to use pure CSS - Less and SCSS are such lifesavers; even if you're just using variables, color methods and a little bit of nesting. I started using less since it's easier to get into - install app and you're done (later, they introduced paid application with SCSS ability as well), now I'm pretty much okay with anything, be it SASS, SCSS, LESS with less (and sass as well, I believe), you just rename your current css file to .less or .scss, install one app (there are both sass/less apps for os x or win or linux), and just use the language you chose. If you start to modularize your css instantly the moment you work on something, you are fully on less or sass in two days. Note: this was actually tested. Colleague of mine took 4k line css, and while working on that project, it took him two days to clean it up (about half went gone), modularize, and add new features he was actually working on.
  17. Well, for starters, you should not return event->object; which is unmodified object you got as an argument. Probably (and this is huge pseudocode), you should do something along: <?php $img = $event->object; // create image copy $img->setUrl($newPath); $event->return = $img; --- Or you could do <?php $event->return = $newImgUrl; and use it as following: <?php echo $img->size($x,$y)->kelvin($args);
  18. Ouch, I didn't see this one coming. I want to put whole source code of my website online; disregarding any passwords in custom modules, what files should be ignored by .git [along /site/config.php]? There won't be db dump, just for reading through code, I guess. Seeing how different people deal with ProcessWire in real situations. Seemed like a good idea ATM
  19. @Gazley: that was meant to sound sympathetic, sorry.
  20. The update was super pleasant. Great work.
  21. Hey man, I can't help you (no-IDE guy here), I must say you seem to struggle with PW the most I've seen yet. Good luck.
  22. Let's say there was a guy who was willing to open source of his code; Which files should not be included in the open git repository, so his site won't be compromised? Thanks Note: /site/config.php is a no-brainer
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