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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. Maybe but if it works, I'm gonna give you big kiss on your hairy … …or not, you know.
  2. Oh god, I absolutely make no sense. let's say you have following modules installed: Master FunctionsThese FunctionsThose FunctionsWithBoobs Now, when you open a page, Master sees (in the textarea, somewhere), that you'd like to use functions 'cut' and 'paste'. It looks into its data store, and sees that both are located in the 'FunctionsThose' module, so it loads that module and runs those functions. The main idea is to go somewhere (module config? custom page?) and save records like these there: function: cut, module: FunctionsThose function: copy, module: FunctionsThose function: paste, module: FunctionsThose
  3. I've been playing with modules for like for hours, and other than I'm idiot, I also realized that I have no real clue if/how can I modify one modules config values from within __install() of another. (so far, I am testing it through $othermodule->init(), because I can run it multiple times easily
  4. @Soma: except if you do it via 'title template.label', it will comma separated and there is nothing you can do about it, right?
  5. Woohoo want this right now. My new favorite theme and very close to what I wanted to do )
  6. The error is here: (from w/core/mod/Proc/PPA/ProcessPageAdd.module:265) $this->parent->child("name=$name")->id This code actually returns id of first child of 'parent', so I'd look either in query builder or for MySQL bug. Edit: DEBUG Log from the query: array(4) { ["time"]=> string(21) "0.26071100 1347894072" ["action"]=> string(4) "find" ["details"]=> string(51) "parent_id=1007, name=0, limit=1, start=0, sort=sort" ["result"]=> string(4) "1008" } Edit: tested query with mysql select * from pages where name=0 returns all pages.
  7. Wasn't this changed so that limit=1 queries returns one page only, or do I confuse this with some other system?
  8. Joshua, I am in no way 'expert' when it comes to PW, but one thing I've learned so far (and one to keep in mind, maybe I should make a nice print ) is that developers often apply traditional CMS thinking (for things like tags, categories, etc.), and that gets in the way of the flexibility of the PW Tree. You often need to step back, visualize the target outcome and try to create tree that gives you the outcome.
  9. What does this output: echo gettype($product->wcart_image);
  10. joshuag: and why can't you change the tree, so all the articles are children of /articles/? There may be a different take on this.
  11. Also, this seems like a good place to test out alpha version of FormBuilder
  12. I think that this can be further simplified with: if (wire('users')->find("email={$username}, limit=1")->id){ //... }
  13. Also: if you have one file field, and upload new version of that file (= same filename), while setting the previous file for deletion, overwrite with no confirm is in place, I think.
  14. I've built my software for this purposes from scratch (and albeit doesn't work well ), sorry. Can't you build this on PW?
  15. Voted Actually my top 5 nominations are ProcessWire... the rest I have no experience with.
  16. I absolutely want aviator. Fantastic glasses.
  17. I use whatever I can remember, so I have about 30 different accounts and apps here and there Photoshop still beats all, for the design; Mockups seem to not work with clients I deal with usually; for the really big project we did (and are working right now), we at Bonetics are using HotGloo. Works rather well, basically 'balsamiq in cloud' (ahum)
  18. Adam Kiss


    Then go to 'work' section and read the descriptions there, dammit! ... Thanks for suggestions, will slow it down a little… maybe.
  19. You could do some bash magic in post-merge hook to delete the default stuff (site-default, possibly). One thing I'm not sure about is .gitignore
  20. Adam Kiss


    Thanks Sinnut! We usually at least try to have 'sort-of' correct dimensions and some contrast to read the content on IE7/8/9, but this site has been in dev so long, we probably forgot what was tested and what wasn't
  21. I'm super curious what page has urls like 'gallery/ladies' and 'albums/jane'. High Hopes for something naughty.
  22. Adam Kiss


    Antti! Bah! I knew that that gallery needs more work… but, since you're checking it on cell, try swiping over the gallery (once it's loaded, of course) I'll play with this… next year, probably. >.>
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