There have been a few small bug fixes made to the core this week on the dev branch. I think we’re really close on the new version and hope to have that ready around the upcoming holidays. The module I mentioned last week (InputfieldSmallSelectMultiple) also got a new version this week with support for optgroups, support for “1 of 3 selected” type labels (Adrian’s suggestion) and a couple small fixes.
Some fun news: The ProcessWire site is currently going through a redesign. This time there are a couple of professional designers and long time ProcessWire users collaborating on the design. I won’t mention who’s working on this just yet, as I’ve not asked them if I could, so want to respect their privacy. But I’ve been able to see some of the work in progress, and it’s really fantastic, a major upgrade for the look of the site. Along with this will be some visual improvements to the admin theme as well, which will accompany or come after the site redesign. There’s no launch date for the site redesign just yet, I wanted to let you know it was in progress and looking great, something to look forward to for sure. Thanks and have a great weekend!