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There have been a few small bug fixes made to the core this week on the dev branch. I think we’re really close on the new version and hope to have that ready around the upcoming holidays. The module I mentioned last week (InputfieldSmallSelectMultiple) also got a new version this week with support for optgroups, support for “1 of 3 selected” type labels (Adrian’s suggestion) and a couple small fixes. Some fun news: The ProcessWire site is currently going through a redesign. This time there are a couple of professional designers and long time ProcessWire users collaborating on the design. I won’t mention who’s working on this just yet, as I’ve not asked them if I could, so want to respect their privacy. But I’ve been able to see some of the work in progress, and it’s really fantastic, a major upgrade for the look of the site. Along with this will be some visual improvements to the admin theme as well, which will accompany or come after the site redesign. There’s no launch date for the site redesign just yet, I wanted to let you know it was in progress and looking great, something to look forward to for sure. Thanks and have a great weekend!12 points
Sorry to hear that! At least your issue should be easy to fix: // site/ready.php // REMOVE THIS AFTER LOGIN!!! // visit yourdomain.com?logmein=somesecretstring if ($input->get('logmein') == 'somesecretstring') { $session->forceLogin($users->get("roles=superuser")); $session->redirect($pages->get(2)->url); } This will log you in as the first superuser it finds and redirect you to the backend. There you can reset users/passwords as you need.4 points
Also, it would be nice to fix the softaculous text to not say "ProcessWire is a free PHP5 content management system and framework ". That is a bit of a turn-off.3 points
hi again, being a little slow to answer i see thet @bernhard has given the other on i spoke about, this one be sure to remove it as soon as you're in as it will keep working whetever password is or will be, i remember the first time @bernhard gave it saying thet it was even a little more fun to do, it is but please be careful, don't act like a wordpress user leaving it in the file 🤣🤣🤣 have a nice day2 points
Hi, like @Jo J said, if you have access to the templates, you can add anywhere in one of them <?= 'admin: ' . $pages->get(2)->name . ' login: ' . $pages->get(41)->name; ?> which will display sommething like "admin: ueloftheadmin login: themainuseradmin" if you have access to the db (i hope for you 🙂 ) you could also fing all this in the table "pages" id 2 for the admin url and 41 for the main user but now you need to recover the password, don't try to get in in the db as it is encrypted so you'll have to use one of those well known tricks, once more, you'll need to write in a template this simple one by @bernhard is a little less dangerous than another one i like a lot too... in your site/ready.php file if($input->get->resetpassword == 1) { $admin = $users->get(41); $admin->setAndSave('pass', 'yournewpassword'); die("admin url = {$pages->get(2)->httpUrl}, admin username = {$admin->name}"); } and the go to your website adding ?resetpassword=1 to the url, done of course, remove it when it's done and your new password is set a little less dangerous as if ever you forgot to remove it immediatly it will just reset the password with always the same one, the other one gives a permanent access to the admin no matter the pasword is and everyone may know it, see, i do 😂 have a nice day2 points
If you have access to a front-end template or a script that can execute PHP within your ProcessWire environment...add this code temporarily. echo wire('config')->urls->admin; This will output the admin URL, e.g., websiteurl.com/processwire/.2 points
Hi @BitPoet and anyone else interested. An initial release of this module is available here: https://github.com/MetaTunes/PipeEmailToPage Still quite a lot of refinements to add (and no doubt some bugs to fix), including adding a queue as discussed above. Also you need to install the zbateson parser with composer at the moment. Any feedback is appreciated.2 points
Very exciting news! Thanks for letting us know! Can't wait to see the result!2 points
The module can help you to make your website content more accessible. It synthesis text fields via the Google Text2Speech Api. Synthesis jobs are placed in a queue and processed one after the other. The text fields can be configured by selection or via SSML. Voice, language and speed are configured via JSON. The module's queue supports LazyCron, but can also be triggered manually. Features Simple integration via the native file field. Support SSML. Direct synthesis via save action Queue for many synthesis jobs Process page for an overview of the queue Download & Install Github: https://github.com/neuerituale/ProcessTextSynthesis Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/process-text-synthesis/ Composer: nr/processtextsynthesis1 point
Hi @Klenkes, Thanks for the purchase. Sorry about the issue! I got the same error (incorrect table name) on a fresh install in a multilingual site with PHP 8.2 and ProcessWire 2.0.241. I am not sure whether it is coming from Padloper or ProcessWire. I wasn't able to find the root cause. In the end, I just refreshed that module page and the error went away. After that, I was able to install Padloper (configure) as usual. I didn't see the second error in my case. Are you able to please try again, this time refreshing the modules pages first. Thanks. If you manage to get to the 2nd part of the installation you will hit an error when you try to access the Padloper payment gateways, Stripe or PayPal. I have a fix on my end but not pushed that yet. You can implement the fix manually in your install like so: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/modules/Padloper/traits/loader/TraitPadloperLoader.php // in the method getPadloperClassByName() near line #39 // FIND if (!empty($options)) { // stuff } // REPLACE WITH THIS if (!is_null($options)) { // stuff } Thanks.1 point
Apologies to anyone ( @BitPoet, @teppo ?) who may have downloaded the module - I left some code in by mistake which crashed it. Now hopefully fixed.1 point
There’s not a huge amount to tell (currently), we’re using it in a very simple way. So if a client needs a lot of video on their site we’ll provision a library for their site in our Bunny account rather than using Yotube embeds (or similar). We then embed videos to the site using a ‘video block’ in repeater matrix with the video loaded by its Bunny ID. Specifically we use Bunny’s stream platform which provides encoding to multiple formats/resolutions/sizes for different devices, analytics, geolocation options, customisable player etc and then optimised delivery to the site visitor. At the moment video upload is manual via their dashboard, however they have a full upload API hence the plan to explore doing this via a module soon. They do provide things like edge caching, DNS and a standard CDN too (I believe Stream is built on top of their CDN) which I why I think it could be used with ProCache. I’m just not sure if you go down this route how you simultaneously achieve the benefits of the stream player etc - I still need to test this to determine if a separate module is needed or not.1 point
Great news about the site redesign. We all know how beautiful ProcessWire is at its core (great api, great extendability, and great developer experience overall). I hope that the redesign will set our beloved CMS on par with some of its competitors as long as marketing is concerned.1 point
Hi, A bit of background. I am creating a website which lets you navigate through a protein database with 20 million proteins grouped into 50 thousand categories. The database is fixed in size, meaning no need to update/add information in the near future. Queries to the database are pretty standard. The problem I am currently having is the time it takes to create the pages for the proteins (right now around a week). Pages are created reading the data from a csv file. Based on previous posts I found on this forum (link1, link2) I decided to use $database transactions to load the data from a php script (InnoDB engine required). This really boosts performance from 25 pages per second to 200 pages per second. Problem is performance drops as a function of pages created (see attached image). Is this behavior expected? I tried using gc_collect_cycles() but haven't noticed any difference. Is there a way to avoid the degradation in performance? A stable 200 pages per second would be good enough for me. Pseudo code: $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $trans_size = 200 // commit to database every _ pages try { $database->beginTransaction(); for ($i = 0; $row = fgetcsv($handle, 0, " "); ++$i) { // fields from data $title = $row[0]; $size = $row[1]; $len_avg = $row[2]; $len_std = $row[3]; // create page $page = new Page(); $page->template = "protein"; $page->title = $title; $page->size = $size; $page->len_avg = $len_avg; $page->len_std = $len_std; $page->save(); if (($i+1)%$trans_size == 0) { $database->commit(); // $pages->uncacheAll(); // gc_collect_cycles(); $database->beginTransaction(); } } $database->commit(); } I am quiet new to process wire so feel free to criticize me ? Thanks in advance1 point