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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, @da², @fliwire, thank you for your help. It pushed me in the right direction. I got my things done and wanted to share with whoever would find that useful. Here was my need: a specific folder to store some classes, usable easily across templates (ie "use Class" and not "include ...". These classes wouldn’t fit (IMO) into a DefaultPage class for separation of concerns matter. And I didn’t want to try to develop a module, seemed an overkill and time is running... I decided to store my custom classes files into some subfolders of the /site/classes folder. At first, I used a /site/src folder (and it worked), but as the classes folder already exists, I thought it made more sense to use this folder. This is my architecture ├── site/ │ ├── assets │ ├── classes/ │ │ ├── Repository/ │ │ │ ├── AbstractRepository.php │ │ │ └── ContactRepository.php │ │ ├── DefaultPage.php │ │ ├── HomePage.php │ │ └── Utils.php │ ├── modules │ └── templates └── wire For autoloading use PW autoloader, in put in init.php $classLoader = $wire->classLoader; $classLoader->addNamespace("ProcessWire", __DIR__ . '/classes'); Then the magic happens. My ContactRepository.php, for example : namespace ProcessWire\Repository; use ProcessWire\Utils; class ContactRepository extends AbstractRepository { // my stuff here... } and when I need it in a template file : namespace ProcessWire; use ProcessWire\Repository\ContactRepository; $contactRepo = new ContactRepository; $speakers = $contactRepo->getAllSpeakersAndModerators(); Remarque: In the init.php file, I tried with and without $classLoader->addSuffix("Repo", __DIR__ . '/classes/repositories'); // does not change anything $classLoader->addPrefix("Repo", __DIR__ . '/classes/repositories'); // does not change anything I can't really grasp in which situation this useful, and the doc is quite short... 😅 So with this file structure, I can really get a step further in logic handling and code maintenance. Hope someone will find this useful. Cheers
    3 points
  2. PageListCustomSort Github: https://github.com/eprcstudio/PageListCustomSort Modules directory: https://processwire.com/modules/page-list-custom-sort/ This module enables the use of a custom sort setting for children, using multiple properties. About This module is similar to ProcessPageListMultipleSorting by David Karich but is closer to what could (should?) be in the core as it adds the custom sort setting in both the template’s “Family” tab and in the page’s “Children” tab (when applicable). Usage Once a custom sort is set, it is applied in the page list but also when calling $page->children() or $page->siblings(). You can also apply the custom sort when calling $page->find("sort=_custom") or $pages->find("parent_id|has_parent=$id,sort=_custom"). Unfortunately this won’t work the same way sort=sort does if you only specify the template in your selector.
    2 points
  3. Hmm, I don't need it on my side. Are you using the correct namespace? I added a directory Test in site/classes/, inside a class Foo with this namespace: <?php namespace ProcessWire\Test; class Foo{} And in a template.php I instanciate it: use ProcessWire\Test\Foo; $test = new Foo(); If you're using the same code, maybe it comes from my composer.json but I would be surprised. I updated the composer.json, but only to add my own namespaces. ** looking my composer.json and... Hoooooo yes I know why... 😁 ** "autoload": { "files": [ "wire/core/ProcessWire.php" ], "psr-4": { "Rfro\\Rfrorga\\ProcessWire\\": "site/templates/", "ProcessWire\\": "site/classes/", "Rfro\\Rfrorga\\WebApi\\": "webApi/", "Rfro\\Rfrorga\\Cron\\": "cron/" } }, I don't remember why but I added a namespace for site/classes. 🤔 Probably for the same problem as you... Could it be a cleaner way to solve your issue?
    1 point
  4. @monollonom, the edit button sounds like a generally useful feature so I've built an option for this into v0.3.0. There is also a hookable InputfieldSelectImages::getImageButtons() method if you want to add to or replace the button markup. @mel47, the module itself doesn't impose any limit on how many selectable images you can have, but I think it would be poor usability to have more than about 100 images to wade through. I don't see anything wrong in your hook code, so if it's timing out perhaps you are returning a very large number of images. The inputfield uses the standard admin image thumbnail, so if you have added images to a page using the API rather than in Page Edit then it can take a while to generate the admin thumbnails the first time they are rendered. Probably you should work out a way to present fewer images for selection. For example, you could have a Page Reference field on the page to select a particular meeting page, and then the Select Images field would only show the images on that meeting page. $wire->addHookAfter('FieldtypeDynamicOptions::getSelectableOptions', function(HookEvent $event) { // The page being edited $page = $event->arguments(0); // The Dynamic Options field $field = $event->arguments(1); if($field->name === 'image_selection') { if(!$page->selected_meeting->id) return; $options = []; foreach($page->selected_meeting->images as $image) { $options[$image->url] = "{$image->basename}<br>{$image->filesizeStr}"; } $event->return = $options; } });
    1 point
  5. <?php // site/init.php namespace ProcessWire; if (!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) die(); $classLoader = $wire->classLoader; $classLoader->addSuffix("Service", __DIR__ . '/services'); $classLoader->addSuffix("Form", __DIR__ . '/forms'); $classLoader->addNamespace("ProcessWire", __DIR__ . '/utils');
    1 point
  6. FontAwesome Upgrade ProcessWire's backend with the latest Font Awesome free icons (solid + brands). Install Link: https://github.com/PWaddict/FontAwesome Copy all files included in this module into new directory /site/modules/FontAwesome/. In the ProcessWire admin, go to Modules > Refresh. Click install for the Font Awesome module. IMPORTANT: The module has a duplicated folder of the core's InputfieldIcon module where only 2 files (icons.inc, InputfieldIcon.js) have been modified so you must select the InputfieldIcon version from Font Awesome module to load. To do that go to InputfieldIcon module screen by using search or refreshing modules (you will get the duplicated notification) and on the section "Module file to use" select the proper version and click on Submit button.
    1 point
  7. Thank you so much @Robin S. Your answer is more than I expected... That’s what I love about you guys, in this forum. I don’t get only the answer I was asking for... I get detailed help that anticipates my need!😊
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Just tried out ddev for the first time and it looks like it is working really well. Thanks @bernhard and others for contributing to this thread. Ddev looks way easier then my previous setup based on homebrew https://getgrav.org/blog/macos-monterey-apache-multiple-php-versions. Here's the steps I had to take to get started with ddev. I'm writing it here so that other people don't have to spend much time with this. `ddev config` - Choose `php` project. Docroot location = `wwwroot` and let it create the folder `git clone --branch dev https://github.com/processwire/processwire.git wwwroot` - Downloads the latest PW dev branch into the 'wwwroot' directory `ddev start` and open the site's url. It will look something like https://pwtest.ddev.site/ Go through Processwire Installer and enter the configurations The Processwire installer might complain about " Unable to determine if Apache mod_rewrite (required by ProcessWire) is installed. On some servers, we may not be able to detect it until your .htaccess file is place. Please click the 'check again' button at the bottom of this screen, if you haven't already." - Just click the "Continue to Next Step" button `ddev describe` - Shows the name, urls, and ports of the running servers Enter the following in the Processwire Installer DB Name = db DB User = db DB Pass = db DB Host = db DB Port = 3306 Character Set = utf8mb4 - if you want emojis? DB Engine = InnoDB Done. Just follow the rest of the prompts to access your site Maybe it could automatically create a site/config-ddev.php that gets automatically included into site/config.php? https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/users/topics/cms_specific_help/ and https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/developers/project-types/. Something like: // Automatically generated include for settings managed by ddev. if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/config-ddev.php') && getenv('IS_DDEV_PROJECT') == 'true') { include __DIR__ . '/config-ddev.php'; } Looks like all of the custom CMS projects are located at https://github.com/drud/ddev/tree/master/pkg/ddevapp After looking at some of the .go files, it looks like it can get a little complex? https://github.com/drud/ddev/blob/master/pkg/ddevapp/drupal.go Oh well. Now it's time to have some fun with ddev and Processwire!
    1 point
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