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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I was browsing the requests repo and saw a request from @adrian that reminded me of a PW feature I had forgotten existed: from Page List you can open a page for editing in a modal window by long-clicking on the Edit button. This is quite handy for when you want to make a quick edit to a page. But as the request notes, it would speed things up if there was a "Save + Close" button in the modal. Until the request is actioned in the core I thought I'd try implementing it in some custom code, and it's also an opportunity to show an easy way you can add custom JS and CSS to the ProcessWire admin. The first step is to create the following files at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.js and /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.css. The CSS is optional. admin-custom.js $(document).ready(function() { const $body = $('body'); const is_modal = $body.hasClass('modal') || $body.hasClass('pw-iframe'); if($body.hasClass('ProcessPageEdit') && is_modal) { const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const $save_button = $('#submit_save'); if(params.has('quick_edit') && $save_button.length) { $save_button.parent().append('<button type="submit" name="submit_save" value="Save" class="ui-button uk-hidden" id="save-and-close">Save + Close</button>'); } } if($body.hasClass('ProcessPageList') && !is_modal) { $(document).on('ajaxComplete', function() { $('.PageListActionEdit a:not([data-autoclose])').each(function() { $(this).attr('data-autoclose', '#save-and-close').attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + '&quick_edit=1'); }); }); } }); admin-custom.css /* Avoid Tracy debugbar appearing on top of modal */ .ui-widget-overlay.ui-front { z-index:40000; } .ui-dialog { z-index:40001; } /* Place modal buttons on the left rather than the right */ .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { float:none; } The second step is to add the following hook to /site/ready.php One good thing about using a hook to AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup to add custom CSS is that the file gets loaded after any CSS files that are loaded by modules or the PW core, so you can override any CSS rules without needing to add extra specificity. // Add custom JS and CSS to admin $wire->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', function(HookEvent $event) { $parts = $event->return; $config = $event->wire()->config; // JS file should exist at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.js $js_url = $config->urls->templates . 'admin-assets/admin-custom.js'; $modified = filemtime(rtrim($config->paths->root, '/') . $js_url); $parts['head'] .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$js_url?m=$modified'></script>"; // CSS file should exist at /site/templates/admin-assets/admin-custom.css $css_url = $config->urls->templates . 'admin-assets/admin-custom.css'; $modified = filemtime(rtrim($config->paths->root, '/') . $css_url); $parts['head'] .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$css_url?m=$modified'>"; $event->return = $parts; }); The end result:
    8 points
  2. Hi all, I'm happy to share with you this website we launched two weeks ago for a Swiss movie in pre-production phase. The client wanted to have a blog to document the project and allow users to contribute posts through a form but also with a login to the admin which — once approved — gives them access to more options for their contribution’s content. Right at the beginning they came to us with scientific visualizations as references and thus I finally got to try D3.js. I’ve known about it for a very long time but never got a chance to try it out. It wasn’t easy but in the end I managed to get (what I think is) a pretty satisfying result. And here is a sample of the modules we used: - Fluency ⭐ - TracyDebugger - FormBuilder - RepeaterMatrix - AdminRestrictBranch - FieldtypeOembed - PageRenameOptions - MarkupComponents - Login Magic Link: this is a new one allowing to login with a link sent to the user’s email (inspired by this thread). It’s almost ready to share but I want to create a Process to have an overview of the generated links first Enjoy!
    4 points
  3. Very interesting concept, and works nicely! ... but I have to admit that I spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to actually view any content. Clicked the labels, nothing came up, clicked other labels, lines came up but still nothing else, etc. Would've given up if I hadn't known from the screenshots here that there is more to see. I get it now (you have to click those unlabeled sections at the outermost layer of the wheel; assumed at first that they were just a visual thing since there was nothing on them) but you might want to consider giving those sections some kind of label as well. Or add a help text or something. Just a suggestion ? Anyway, always great to see projects that dare to be different.
    3 points
  4. I guess best would be to either have a help popup, which I’m not fond of, or display the help text differently. I’ll stick with this for now as I think I’ve made enough changes but maybe I’ll come back to this later on. Thank you again for all the feedbacks. My bad on this one, thanks for pointing it out.
    2 points
  5. Interesting concept. I'm with Bernhard when he suggested making the help text fixed in the middle. Half of the time the instructions are upside down (being in the bottom half of the screen) and moving - so hard to read unless you wait for it to make it back up. Could also do with some more contrast for those of us with slightly compromised sight. Thanks for sharing though.
    2 points
  6. Same experience as Teppo for me. Without his comment I would have not made it to show any content at all. For example when I click on "Full Spectrum" this happens: I really didn't get that I now have to click on one of the outer rings... Maybe you could show a message in these cases in the middle of the circle - something like "Click one of the outer rings to show content" ? Or Just show the first outer circle by default? Hats off for mastering D3.js ?
    2 points
  7. The issue is fixed now in a commit on the dev branch: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/3e90cb74faa46b63ff9b5920d1c4e5b971aac591
    2 points
  8. Is my 100th post I wanted to do something special. I edited a video, hope you like it Just for fun Edited: Now with subtitles
    1 point
  9. @ngrmm both ! I make a fetch call from js and then check in the back-end using $config->ajax to only echo parts of my templates and exiting early to avoid my _main.php to be appended (because of the markup regions output strategy).
    1 point
  10. Not sure I entirely understand the question, but it sounds like you need Hanna code.
    1 point
  11. @monollonom nice work! Do you use PWs $config->ajax in the templates or is the content switching done completely with custom js?
    1 point
  12. https://github.com/baumrock/AdminStyleRock is the way to go. You can override all uikit variables, for example this: @global-font-size: 30px;
    1 point
  13. Just to add another solution to the original question, this is how I hide not editable pages in admin tree: $this->addHookAfter('Page::listable', isPageListable(...)); function isPageListable(HookEvent $event): void { if ($event->page->path == "/") $event->return = true; else $event->return = wire()->user->hasPermission("page-edit", $event->page); }
    1 point
  14. Hey Robin! Thanks for this. I haven't had time to test this, but looking the code I see uk-hidden class on button. Would button even show? (and I know it's there for a reason)
    1 point
  15. This is pretty neat, thanks for sharing! Until now I was adding these admin css tweaks through $config->styles in admin.php and thus I had a plethora of “!important” in my CSS...
    1 point
  16. There is actually a help text: the one on the rotating circle inside (desktop) / outside (mobile) but it’s dismissed after the first click wherever. I’m going to change it so it remains as long as you didn’t click on a “post” strand. Also, were you on mobile when seeing the website? It’s a tougher UI there for sure without hover... If not, did you notice the title of the post appearing in the bottom bar when hovering a strand? Maybe I could add at least a title="Open ”Title of the post”" so you have another hint when hovering. In any case, thank you for you comment @teppo! Edit: changes applied ?
    1 point
  17. Looks like now is a great time to dive back in!
    1 point
  18. Yeah the same technique applies to custom page classes as well. Just add methods there with a talking name and your code will get a lot cleaner and better. Think for example of a situation where you are using $pages->find("template=something") in your template files in several spots and you realise that you forgot to change the sort order to random. When using $pages->find() in your template files you need to find all instances and change the code there. When using $page->findRandomSomething() you simply change the logic in your custom page classes method and everywhere it will be changed immediately. Check out my videos on youtube for that topic: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CoIj--u4ps&t=2124s 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D651-w95M0A
    1 point
  19. Hey, thanks for this theme. I really like the magenta color (although it was a bit overused some years ago). I made a very small PR: I really want to see quickly, where I can click, so I added an underline to links inside the content body the image background wasn't dark yet in edit entry
    1 point
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