Hey folks!
Took a couple of late nights, but managed to turn this old gist of mine into a proper module. The name is SearchEngine, and currently it provides support for indexing page contents (into a hidden textarea field created automatically), and also includes a helper feature ("Finder") for querying said contents. No fancy features like stemming here yet, but something along those lines might be added later if it seems useful (and if I find a decent implementation to integrate).
Though the API and selector engine make it really easy to create site search pages, I pretty much always end up duplicating the same features from site to site. Also – since it takes a bit of extra time – it's tempting to skip over some accessibility related things, and leave features like text highlighting out. Overall I think it makes sense to bundle all that into a module, which can then be reused over and over again ?
Note: markup generation is not yet built into the module, which is why the examples below use PageArray::render() method to produce a simple list of results. This will be added later on, as a part of the same module or a separate Markup module. There's also no fancy JS API or anything like that (yet).
This is an early release, so be kind – I got the find feature working last night (or perhaps this morning), and some final tweaks and updates were made just an hour ago ?
GitHub repository: https://github.com/teppokoivula/SearchEngine
Modules directory: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/search-engine/
Demo: https://wireframe-framework.com/search/
Install SearchEngine module.
Note: the module will automatically create an index field install time, so be sure to define a custom field (via site config) before installation if you don't want it to be called "search_index". You can change the field name later as well, but you'll have to update the "index_field" option in site config or module settings (in Admin) after renaming it.
Add the site search index field to templates you want to make searchable.
Use selectors to query values in site search index.
Note: you can use any operator for your selectors, you will likely find the '=' and '%=' operators most useful here. You can read more about selector operators from ProcessWire's documentation.
By default the module will create a search index field called 'search_index' and store values from Page fields title, headline, summary, and body to said index field when a page is saved. You can modify this behaviour (field name and/or indexed page fields) either via the Module config screen in the PocessWire Admin, or by defining $config->SearchEngine array in your site config file or other applicable location:
$config->SearchEngine = [
'index_field' => 'search_index',
'indexed_fields' => [
'prefixes' => [
'link' => 'link:',
'find_args' => [
'limit' => 25,
'sort' => 'sort',
'operator' => '%=',
'query_param' => null,
'selector_extra' => '',
You can access the search index field just like any other ProcessWire field with selectors:
if ($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) {
$results = $pages->find('search_index%=' . $query_string . ', limit=25');
echo $results->render();
echo $results->renderPager();
Alternatively you can delegate the find operation to the SearchEngine module:
$query = $modules->get('SearchEngine')->find($input->get->q);
echo $query->resultsString; // alias for $query->results->render()
echo $query->pager; // alias for $query->results->renderPager()
ProcessWire >= 3.0.112
PHP >= 7.1.0
Note: later versions of the module may require Composer, or alternatively some additional features may require installing via Composer. This is still under consideration – so far there's nothing here that would really depend on it, but advanced features like stemming most likely would.
It's the usual thing: download or clone the SearchEngine directory into your /site/modules/ directory and install via Admin. Alternatively you can install SearchEngine with Composer by executing composer require teppokoivula/search-engine in your site directory.