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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Ok got it. There needs to be a 5th parameter passed of 1 so that the day selected is the first of the month otherwise it's getting a day that doesn't exist and skips over onto the next month. strftime($monthFormat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $n, 1))
    3 points
  2. I think this was a bug. It affected ordinary repeaters too. It seems to have been fixed in 3.0.180
    1 point
  3. I had your workflow in mind when creating the Module ? But needed a baseline to get it going. I will update the Product Requirements, just hadnt tought enough yet how to merge the different approaches. My inital thought was to let the user define Modules he want to manage with the module, build an array of Modules and Folders according to the user configuration and scan affected folders. Which will result in a structure like /site/migrations /site/modules/XYZ/migrations On a sidenote, I also want to add Template and Field changes done via the ProcessWire Backend under Migration Control just to support a easy "click-and-collect" Workflow. For example you are building some Templates via UI to test things out on your local machine, Migrations will be added automagically and after a Push to your GitRepo you will have your executable Migrations in place.
    1 point
  4. thanks for the warm words webmanufakturer @wbmnfktr. I am happy to walk you trough the concepts of migrations if you want. The most complexity should be abstracted away with RockMigrations and a companion. As a note regarding my module, the FlowtiMigrationsService class has a function called addDefaultValues, I use this method to keep my migrations a lil bit lighter. Unfortunatly, I have to maintain 2 Versions of the module right now. The public version and our internal module. Therefore I forgot to empty the defaultValues Function. I try to push a cleaned up Version later today with a configurable AddDefaults method.
    1 point
  5. I just released the latest version with some fixes from @bernhard. Thanks for the corrections. I also updated the dev branch with latest translations to the core 3.0.180. Enjoy
    1 point
  6. This might be some kind of an unpopular opinion but... ProcessWire gets even better while reading the docs, recreate all tutorials available, and through repeating each and every step from installation to writing a hook within a module. That's how I started to love ProcessWire - coming from Textpattern with a background in Drupal, Wordpress and other CMSs. I'm everything but a programmer, coder or developer... still I can do so many things I always wanted and needed to do. My very first project (2014/2015) with ProcessWire was awesome back in the days. It had so many features, functions, options, and what-ever... yet... looking into the code today... I was a foolish guy back in the days. Yet the project is still alive, running, and the client is happy as ever. You will grow with each and every project, while reading in the forum. Yes... reading each and every post here (top right corner: unread; thats a nice link you might want to add as your starting page) will help you so much. I'm into ProcessWire for quite a long time... yet I find so many things it can do... without even knowing. To be fair... you are right... the community here is way more than awesome than anywhere else! IMO* Final words to this loose rambling... Welcome to ProcessWire! * IMO
    1 point
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