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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Folks, Pete and I have a solution for the most commonly encountered password reset/login feature requests encountered across various large-scale membership sites we've worked on, including feedback from a site with ~40k users. We are polishing it up at the moment and will announce more in the next couple of days.
    9 points
  2. New release — 0.18. This version adds Tracy panel for Wireframe: Obviously the panel will only show up if both Wireframe and Tracy are installed. Currently it displays some content I thought could be useful while developing, but I'm open for suggestions. Tracy doesn't really enforce any rules here, so in the future the panel could also provide interactive developer tools or something along those lines... just not sure yet what would be useful ? Thanks to @adrian for adding support for custom panels!
    4 points
  3. Looks like someone (apparently a single user) has been going around forums and vulnerability databases posting about a ProcessWire "local file inclusion" vulnerability, claiming that in a specific old version of ProcessWire (2.4.0) simply passing "download" GET attribute to index.php is enough to download any local file on the system, including files that may be outside the ProcessWire installation path. This is not a real ProcessWire vulnerability — this kind of argument has never existed in any version of the system. Simply put the report is either fake, mistake, or there could be some custom-built vulnerable piece of code (or other vulnerable software) on the host resulting in this behaviour. We take such claims seriously, however unlikely they may seem, so just to make sure I've just checked parts of the codebase in both 2.4.0 (where this is supposedly occurring) as well as various later versions, and there's zero evidence to back this claim up. I've also manually tested this on various setups, including a brand new 2.4.0 installation, to no avail. (Note: I wouldn't post about this here unless the original claim was relatively widely spread. Just felt it made sense to clear things up.) --- That being said: as one builds sites using ProcessWire (just like with any other system) they need to be careful not to introduce vulnerabilities of their own. ProcessWire is armed with brilliant tools for preventing common vulnerabilities — the selector engine helps avoid various SQL issues, Sanitizer has many tools for cleaning up dirty data, SessionCSRF makes implementing proper CSRF protection downright trivial, etc. — but it can't protect you automatically from every mistake ? More security tips: https://processwire.com/docs/security/.
    2 points
  4. FieldtypeFileS3 https://github.com/f-b-g-m/FieldtypeFileS3 The module extends the default FieldtypeFile and InputfieldFile modules and adds few extra methods. For the most part it behaves just like the default files modules, the biggest difference is how you get the file's url. Instead of using $page->fieldname->eq(0)->url you use $page->fieldname->eq(0)->s3url(). Files are not stored locally, they are deleted when the page is saved, if page saving is ommited the file remains on the local server until the page is saved. Another difference is the file size, the default module get the file size directly from the local file, while here it's stored in the database. There is an option to store the files locally, its intented in case one wants to stop using S3 and change back to local storage. What it does is it changes the s3url() method to serve files from local server instead of S3, disables uploading to S3 and disables local file deletion on page save. It does not tranfer files from S3 to local server, that can be done with the aws-cli's through the sync function. Files stored on S3 have the same structure as they would have on the local server. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Been struggling with this for quite a while, but i think i finally managed to make it work/behave the way i wanted. All feedback is welcome!
    1 point
  5. Hi all, After seing the website featured in the latest Processwire weekly (thank you @teppo !!), I thought it could be nice to post some details here. I have actually made a few websites using Processwire, but it's the first time I'm posting one in the showcase. Backstory I made a first version of this website in end-2017 when I was starting to use Processwire after a friend recommended it to me. I was in charge of the front/back-end, and helped a bit on the design. At the time there was a slideshow of featured projects as the homepage, the project page was the only template with content blocks, and the information pages (about / contact) were specific templates. About the content blocks, I didn't know about the Repeater Matrix module so I kinda implemented my own, having a simple Repeater with a Select Options field defining which fields to display. All in all the website was pretty nice when it came out and I learned a lot in the process, but this year the agency wanted an update to fit their new narrative, so it was a nice opportunity to make some due changes. Back-end Modules I used : Repeater Matrix ProCache Seo Maestro Email Obfuscation Inputfield Chosen Select Color Minimal Fieldset Page Field Edit Links Runtime Only Tracy Debugger (of course!) This new version is all about content flexibility. The information pages now all share the same template, allowing them to create as many as they want. Each visible templates ("home" / "page" / "project") contains a Repeater Matrix field for content blocks, with 15 different types to choose from and options to add variations in the layout. Front-end To answer to the PW Weekly : it is indeed all custom-made except for three external libraries : plyrjs, flickity and lottiejs. I really like sveltejs but I still have to figure out how I could mix it with PW in my process. The animation in the introduction is described by a .json file and displayed as a SVG using Lottie. The transition colors can be changed. The menu order is defined by the manual sorting in the admin... I don't really know what to say here since it's all hand-made, let me know if you have any question! Screenshots Thanks !
    1 point
  6. @picarica Could you please use a more civilized language in here? I'm no PW forum admin, but I'm pretty sure the F*** word is not welcome here. If you have a problem with that particular module, you should post your question in the respective support forum instead:
    1 point
  7. ProcessWire 3.0.168 contains 16 commits relative to 3.0.167 and is focused largely on minor issue fixes and improvements, with 8 reported issues fixed and 8 improvements. This week the larger focus was on the ProcessWire modules site. I finally got some serious work done with that this week, and am building good momentum. The front-end of the modules site is being moved into the main ProcessWire site, though the back-end will remain an independent ProcessWire installation. The main ProcessWire site uses multi-instance support to boot the modules site whenever it needs to pull or update data from it. Here's a simplified example: $site = new ProcessWire("/htdocs/modules.processwire.com/"); $items = $site->pages->find("template=module, sort=-created, limit=10"); echo $items->each("<li><a href='/module/{name}/'>{title}</a></li>"); The nice thing is that I’m finding performance to be excellent here, about the same as if I weren’t booting multiple ProcessWire installations. I’m sure there’s some overhead if measured, but it sure isn’t felt. One thing I did learn is that when it comes to pagination, if you want your separately booted site to be aware of the current site’s pagination, you need to tell it the page number. Otherwise the bit of code above will always return the first 10 modules, regardless of pagination number. It seems obvious now, but it took me a minute to realize why. So if pagination is being supported, you'd add this before the $site->pages->find(...) in the example above: $site->input->setPageNum($input->pageNum); For front-end work like this, it's also a good idea to tell your booted site if you want output formatting enabled, so that page titles and such come out entity encoded, for example: $site->pages->setOutputFormatting(true); ...or if you prefer the shorter alias: $site->pages->of(true); One big difference with the new modules directory is on the management side for module authors. This part is powered by LoginRegisterPro so that now you have an account to manage all of your modules within. Further, you have the option of maintaining your module author public profile and protecting your account with PW’s two-factor authentication. That's just for starters. All of this is in the early stages of development, but if the development schedule remains as planned, I’ll be following up with more info over the coming weeks, in addition to the regular core and module updates. Have a great weekend!
    1 point
  8. Recently i have released the new version 1.0.4 of AppApi. In this version I use ProcessPageView::pageNotFound instead of the previous used ProcessPageView::execute hook. This hook is triggered later in ProcessWire's boot process, which should allow features like multi-language fields and other modules to initialize before the api tries to access their values. Let me know, if it worked for you! Besides that you can now configure the path to the Routes.php file, that is located under site/api/Routes.php per default. If you need to have it somewhere else, you can set any location (relative to ProcessWire's root directory) in the module's settings. Thanks to @thomasaull and @spoetnik for supporting me with issues and comments in the AppApi Github repository!
    1 point
  9. Here is a simple tutorial how to enable the Justify capability in CKEditor First, download the plugin at http://ckeditor.com/addon/justify . Copy the "justify" folder to the "plugins" folder under ckeditor in your modules directory and upload to server. Edit the field that is using the ckeditor and go to the input tab.. Under CKEditor Setting > CKEditor Toolbar insert the following line where you want the icons to appear: JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight, JustifyBlock Use ACF? choose "No" Under Extra Plugins insert: justify
    1 point
  10. A good place to start reading would also be the Map Marker field module, which Ryan created as an example. In short: The Fieldtype is responsible for taking care of saving to and loading from the database as well as sanitizing values, creating the database table(s) and assembling the correct database query from a selector. The Inputfield renders the input form elements and processes form input. InputfieldMapMarker generates its input elements manually in the render method, but you can also use InputfieldXXX modules (like it does in ___getConfigInputfields) and add those to an InputfieldWrapper, then render that.
    1 point
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