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  1. Not true, actually. You can: See these lines, here and here: $str = sprintf($this->_('%1$s %2$d of %3$d'), $label, $pageNum, $totalPages); // Page quantity, i.e. Page 1 of 3 $str = sprintf($this->_('%1$s %2$d to %3$d of %4$d'), $label, $start, $end, $total); // Pagination item quantity, i.e. Items 1 to 10 of 50 Here's how to do it ? Setup -> Languages -> Your Language Find Files To Translate Look for \core\PaginatedArray.php under Translatable files in /wire/ Select #3 Click Submit Translate!
    4 points
  2. Anyone else experiencing weird behaviour with the external_media option while opting in/out of it? A recent project needed a little overhaul therefore external media is now only available after opting in to it BUT... it's not working out as expected after you later on decide to opt out or in to it. Thought about issues with some custom JS but even on a clean install the issue occures. It's not happening with any other option so far - so I could work around that issue for now. As you can see the values in local storage are already off for external_media.
    1 point
  3. Ok, you are right @Robin S. I think, now i understand you. ?‍♂️ Your idea to use a field for the parent-child relationship works great: I add a empty repeaterfield to template. In ready.php i add to a edit button (each children page) include pagination. It looks like it´s a repeater field items (old page situation). All happy. $this->addHookAfter('Inputfield::render', function (HookEvent $event) { $field = $event->object; $form = wire('modules')->get("InputfieldForm"); //get edit page $page_id = $this->input->get('id'); $page = $this->pages->get($page_id); //add child pages to empty repeater - items not moveable, deletable or to clone if ($field->name === 'products') { $childPages = $page->children('limit=15'); $pagination = $childPages->renderPager(['getVars' => array("id" => $page_id)]); foreach ($childPages as $childPage) { //build the fake-repeater header $wrap = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldFieldset'); $wrap->addClass('InputfieldRepeaterItem InputfieldStateCollapsed InputfieldRepeaterMinItem InputfieldNoFocus'); $wrap->name = "repeater_item_{$childPage->id}"; $wrap->label = $childPage->index + 1 . ': ' . $childPage->product_title . ' Art.: ' . $childPage->title; //if all fields are filled out mark the header $isFilledOut = ($childPage->product_keyword && $childPage->product_type); ($isFilledOut ? $wrap->addClass("text-black", "headerClass") : ""); //add the edit button for the child page (class pw-modal for modal edit) $submit = wire('modules')->get("InputfieldButton"); $submit->attr("value", "Produkt Details bearbeiten"); $submit->attr('data-href', wire('config')->urls->admin . "page/edit/?id=" . $childPage->id); $submit->addClass('pw-modal uk-margin-bottom uk-margin-left'); $wrap->add($submit); $form->add($wrap); } $field_style = '<style>.text-black{color:black !important;}.InputfieldRepeaterItemControls{display:none !important;}</style>'; $event->return = $form->render(); $event->return .= $field_style; $event->return .= $pagination; } });
    1 point
  4. Try this: https://processwire.com/api/ref/paginated-array/get-pagination-string/
    1 point
  5. Thanks @MoritzLost - should be fixed in the latest version.
    1 point
  6. Version Update 2.0.0 The current version has got some improvements, bug fixes and new features. Many thanks to @Autofahrn, who created the idea and code base for copying multiple items at once! Amazing feature! Also, there is now the option to disable the copy and paste dialogs. Last but not least, thanks to @joshua, for suggesting a bug-fix in context with normal repeater fields. All information and downloads are updated in the first post.
    1 point
  7. Managed to solve my issue, documenting what I done here for others and future reference. So basically I never actually figured out the specifics of what was causing the fatal error, however as mentioned previously it did seem related to the custom module that was setting up numerous webhooks. After trying numerous things, I ended up deleting the contents of the cache table within the database, which got rid of my inital fatal error and let me render pages. Now that I could see pages, albeit with some errors I was able to then log into the backend. Wherein I refreshed the module cache which appears to have resolved the issue. Hopefully the above will be of use to someone in future... more than likely myself as I have a habit of running into the same odd errors. ?
    1 point
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