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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2020 in all areas

  1. This week ProcessWire version 3.0.166 is released on the dev branch. In this post we’ll cover all that’s new relative to the previous version, 3.0.165. Plus we’ll check out the latest new versions of ProCache and FormBuilder— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.166/
    6 points
  2. OK - pretty sure this is broken since processwire 3.0.160 when a "Major refactor/rewrite of ProcessWire's Database classes" was implemented: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/06acbe57a32e18625248382499bb31527484c315#diff-83091c78a3273da557616affcb670296, specifically, the use of $sanitizer->wordsArray was used to clean the BOOLEAN query value (https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/1f293cc4f4092883b4eaf915950ba3c7c5430a7a#diff-83091c78a3273da557616affcb670296R633). The use of this words array function means that "Jul/2021" in the underlying DB query changes to: MATCH(field_event_dates.data) AGAINST('+Jul/2021' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) ) )) (which previously return results) to: MATCH(field_event_dates.data) AGAINST('+Jul* +2021' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) ) )) (which does not find any matches). I'm not sure if the issue of stripping out "\" from ~= searches (and other sanitization via the wordsArray) is a cause for concern generally - or a good thing from a security standpoint? Looking at the use of "~=" in the recurrme module, I'm somewhat convinced that this can be switched to %= without loss of functionality or unwanted side effects (also, performance?) but need to do more testing to tell if this is the case or not.
    2 points
  3. As a follow-up, @ryan had a look at this and made a patch that somehow tests the Mysql version and does something that makes it work fine (at least on my localhost). Technically speaking, I am unable to explain all this, so I prefer let the pros give details if needed, but just know the issue seems solved. As I said on Github, I am quite glad I have been able to somehow contribute to the community. You all have provided me with so much help since I have discovered PW. THANKS again !
    2 points
  4. Check that you are loading jQuery in the frontend.
    1 point
  5. @mlfct, what version of the module do you use? I recently changed a few things that might've been related, so there's a chance that it's fixed already. That being said, I don't use twig/blade myself, so if the issue still exists in the latest version, I'll have to dig in to see what's going on. Also, thanks! I'm really glad to hear that uou've found Wireframe useful ?
    1 point
  6. Hey @teppo, first off thank you for creating this module - really love the approach. I recently took over a processwire project, which pretty much consisted of php/html spaghetti-code. Being an processwire greenhorn (having worked with Typo3 & WP up until now), this drove me crazy - but your module definitely helped me to bring some structure into that chaos. ^^ Anyway, long story short: I was wondering, if i can also use blade or twig templates for the view part of a component? It works flawlessly for all my template & partial views, but i am somehow having issues with components. Always running into something like this, although an default.blade.php view exists for that component: Method Wireframe\Component\SocialWidget::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught InvalidArgumentException: View [SocialWidget.default] not found. I might also just be missing something, as i only have an intermediate knowledge of php. Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  7. Hi @mdaniel! Welcome to the forum! I am not 100% sure if I understood you right, but two things come to mind. 1. If you have the CKEDITOR fields in his default settings a lot of code will be filtered out/disappear because there are different security mechanism. You can change that behaviour by making the filter for input not too strict. If I remember right you can find these settings in the "area" where you create new fields (a ckeditor field) or they are settings in the modules area of the ckeditor. Beside the default settings there were at least two options available to avoid too much unwanted filtering. But be aware if you choose the less strict option because the filter mechanism is then more or less inactive and only trusted persons or admins should be allowed to use the editor without the filtering because otherwise unfiltered input of "bad stuff" could be harmfull for your pw-setup. 2. Something looks strange to me in your provided code but maybe I missed something in the "css school": I never saw any < or > between the quotations of css classes What seems strange/wrong to me and you did this several times <div class="<uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-small uk-padding-small" style="display:inline-block"> I hope I could help you!
    1 point
  8. You may also want to take a look at vscodium. It's the same as vscode but without microsoft's tracking. It is free also.
    1 point
  9. You can also use the following code in your site/ready.php: <?php if($page->template->hasField('name-of-your-ckeditor-field')){ $string = $page->name-of-your-ckeditor-field; //create string replace for blockquote $string = str_replace('<blockquote>', '<blockquote class="blockquote">', $string); //here you can add further manipulations.... //.............. //finally set the value back with manipulations $page->name-of-your-ckeditor-field = $string; } Replace "name-of-your-ckeditor-field" with the name of your field. In this case you can use the default blockquote button from CKEditor. Best regards
    1 point
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