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This week we’ve got a few new and interesting core updates in progress, though none quite ready to release just yet. So rather than releasing version 3.0.154 today, I thought we'd instead take a brief look at what’s coming over the next few weeks… https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-updates-and-additions-in-progress/8 points
TrelloWire This is a module that allows you to automatically create Trello cards for ProcessWire pages and update them when the pages are updated. This allows you to setup connected workflows. Card properties and change handling behaviour can be customized through the extensive module configuration. Every action the module performs is hookable, so you can modify when and how cards are created as much as you need to. The module also contains an API-component that makes it easy to make requests to the Trello API and build your own connected ProcessWire-Trello workflows. Warning: This module requires ProcessWire 3.0.167 which is above the current stable master release at the moment. Features All the things the module can do for you without any custom code: Create a new card on Trello whenever a page is added or published (you can select applicable templates). Configure the target board, target list, name and description for new cards. Add default labels and checklists to the card. Update the card whenever the page is updated (optional). When the status of the card changes (published / unpublished, hidden / unhidden, trashed / restored or deleted), move the card to a different list or archive or delete it (configurable). You can extend this through hooks in many ways: Modifiy when and how cards are created. Modify the card properties (Target board & list, title, description, et c.) before they are sent to Trello. Create your own workflows by utilizing an API helper class with many convenient utility methods to access the Trello API directly. Feedback & Future Plans Let me know what you think! In particular: If you find any bugs report them here or on Github, I'll try to fix them. This module was born out of a use-case for a client project where we manage new form submissions through Trello. I'm not sure how many use-cases there are for this module. If you do use it, tell me about it! The Trello API is pretty extensive, I'll try to add some more helper methods to the TrelloWireApi class (let me know if you need anything in particular). I'll think about how the module can support different workflows that include Twig – talk to me if you have a use-case! Next steps could be a dashboard to manage pages that are connected to a Trello card, or a new section in the settings tab to manage the Trello connection. But it depends on whether there is any interest in this ? Links Repository on Github Complete module documentation (getting started, configuration & API documentation) TrelloWire in the modules directory Module configuration2 points
And the next piece of information... Have you ever asked yourself on mondays, what should I do now with my project? Could I start with $method1 or would I like to do $method2? The right answer is, none of them! PLAN YOUR TIME AND TASKS! So far we have learned about basic conceptional work, estimation matrix and components/sub-components. The next logical step would be to use this knowledge and start to manage ourself. Lets say we have 183 Tasks as a result from all our work we have done upfront. Great. We also know how long each and every task would possible take. Better. We can now use a method called TimeBoxing. If you are familiar with Scrum you probably know about sprints. Which is nothing else than a timebox. I dont want to dig deep into the Scrum Framework. So lets take this method and use it for ourself. The typical dev timebox in my teams runs for 2 Weeks. So on mondays we plan what we want to achieve in the next 2 weeks. How can I timebox myself? Lets assume you work 40h a week, for a 2-week timebox we have 80h pure worktime. Typically you dont work 8h straight on your tasks. Maybe your phone rings, you have to answer some emails or you help a colleague. We assume a "task efficency" of 80%. So 80% of our time could be put straight into tasks. Which means 80h * 0.8eff = 64h of effective Worktime for our project in a 2-week timebox. Lets have a look at our tasks now. There are 183 Tasks in our "Backlog". Wow thats a lot. Lets start to prioritize them. What is essential for our project and so on. Once done, great. But there are still 183 Tasks?! You remember our estimation we did? Create a new Backlog for the next 2 Weeks. This could be a Excel file or what ever. Take all your prioritized tasks which fit into your 64h. Congratulations you have now planned your very first timebox. Your timebox should now include so much work to keep you busy for the next 2 Weeks. The core concept of project management is to break complex systems into smaller much more easier and understandable fragments. Therefor, see yourself as a project which has to be managed ? An example Project Backlog and Timebox Backlog down below. Left is the timebox, right is the project2 points
To elaborate a lil bit more on this topic ? yeah yeah yeah I know I know. Project Management sucks and we have a self-organized team yada yada... Could be but...who is the person communicating with clients and stakeholders? This should be the project lead. Therefor you should always have a good understanding about project progress. Lets asume you are not a freelancer and have to manage a dedicated developer team or ui team or whatever. Try to have a minimum viable project (MVP) defined and refined. What does this mean? You have carefully planned and refined a piece of software which is able to provide the basic feature set to satisfy the End-Users needs. In case of an eCommerce project this could be a piece of software with the following set of methods a cart a product page the possibility to create a product the possibility to put a product into the cart the possibility to order the items in your cart We try to cut out every single thing which is not needed to have a running eCommerce system. Things like newsletters, categories, payment methods via modules etc etc. Why should I do this you may ask, well we are humans and we have simple minds. The greater and more complex a problem is, the more problems we have to understand the system. Next comes an refinement. Tackle each component and identify sub-components. Something like this CART Order button -> createOrder() Remove Product -> removeItemFromCart() List my Products -> getCartItems() Every bits and pieces we need to develop a basic version of our Cart. Next should be an estimation meeting. What do we think each component of our MVP would take to be completed? Depending how granular you have been in your refinement you could come up with something like this (estimation in hours, you could use days, story points, apples, eggs what ever) CART Order button - 4h Remove Product -> 2h List my Products -> 2h Total: 8h Do this for every single component! You, your team and your client now know what it takes to create V1.0. But be carefull, v1.0 doenst necessary mean you have a shippable product. We just try to cut out complexity ? Once done with every component create an estimation matrix, example below. The power of project management starts to unfold ? You can start to create tasks based on your refinement and estimation and furthermore you can prioritize. You have to discipline yourself to do all this work, I know. It could be a bit tedious and boring, but once implemented you have the knowledge and the insights about project progress AND your project is well planned, well tought and manageable.2 points
Hi huseyin, just to put things into the right perspective. I studied design with an emphasis on concepting digital media and I am a certified scrum product owner. My projects are in the range of 100 - 500 dev days with usually 5 - 10 project members and a variety of stakeholders on top. Usually I start with a blank piece of paper writing down my ideas, thoughts, possible workflows etc. call it a typical mindmap. This should give me a brief understanding of the problem we try to solve. From this first rough idea I iterate into several pieces our project may need, something trivial like a login or newsletter register. The output of the second phase usually are all needed views and workflows we try to tackle. This could but doesnt have to include wireframes. Lets call it the refined product/project concept. Depending on the team, client and project we involve UI/UX for information architecture and design or use an existing Frontend Framework. But, not involving UI/UX doesnt mean we dont need a rough Design Wireframe. It is in yours, your developers and your clients best interest to atleast provide rough wireframes of every single view. At this point we should have the following documents project mindmap Initial concept with workflows wireframes for every view What could help to understand your project/product better is to create a product canvas. I attached 2 examples below. I highly recommend to try this method out. It helps to communicate, share and maintain a general overview of your project troughout the whole team including your client. Next we start to refine the concept into a technical concept, which means my developers have to provide an architecture blueprint. What servers are needed? How do they communicate? etc... What we also need is a planned database, how do our models look like? How are they organized? What services do we need? You get the point. This looks like a lot of work and it is. Usually 30-40% of our billable time is from concepting. If your client says a conecpt isnt needed, he knows what he wants. Believe me, he dont and he needs. Do yourself a flavor and plan your projects èn detail before touching your IDE. It will save you a lot in the longrun. [edit] You asked about tools, we use the following JIRA Confluence Slack good ol Excel If you need any help I would be happy to anyswer your questions.2 points
At Blue Tomato we use Logstash/Kibana to monitore nearly every application. Now we use it also for our ProcessWire Logs. For this reason we created this module to send the logs to the Logstash HTTP-Input Plugin: https://github.com/blue-tomato/ProcessLogstash1 point
You can use AdminOnSteroids to enable this on the text fields you need them, it's super handy, no need to install justify plugin or configure each field!1 point
Thank you @teppo! This was just the feedback I was looking for. On both counts, that I was on the right track, and that I might be losing some fancy functionality by going away from elasticsearch. Appreciate all of that. I'm going to give your module a try as a replacement!1 point
Hi @d'Hinnisdaël First of all congrats to this beautiful module. I have some suggestions and remarks: The panels do not have proper dependencies set. All panels are installable (and throw an exception, when installed): IMHO the Dashboard master module should be the only installable module. https://philippdaun.github.io/processwire-dashboard/#/configuration?id=dashboard-as-entry-point Any reason why you chose this version over a module setting (eg checkbox) that adds a hook? I was hoping that your way of doing it would solve the problem that when clicking "Save & Exit" one would be redirected to the dashboard. But still one gets to the page tree. This also happens when trashing a page. This is one thing annoying me for a long time, but I didn't try to find a solution for it yet. Maybe you can have a look, because imho when having a dashboard it's more likely that one wants to see the dashboard than the page tree ? Edit: Just saw that changing the main admin page's process does at least help after trashing pages ? I think I'll also redirect all user requests from the page tree to the dashboard... DashboardPanelChart uses jsdelivr CDN to load chart.js - this means that the panel will not work on offline applications (intranet). I think it would be better to ship chartjs with the module. This brings me to the next and more important point: Have you thought of making panels Inputfields? The last point needs some more words ? I really wonder (not to say dislike) why you made the dasboard work on your own panel implementations rather than using regular PW Inputfields. Please don't take this as devaluation of your module, but after all it's just a ProcessModule like all the other admin pages (just really looking a lot better!). I've created a very simple Inputfield and posted a thread in the tutorials section: Take this screenshot of the Grid Dashboard demo: This is VERY similar to your Dashboard module - with the big difference that it is based on PW Inputfields that can be used everywhere in the PW ecosystem! Your panels can not. As I said your module does indeed look a lot better than a regular PW form. For example as far as I know grid spacing is not possible using InputfieldFieldset. Also the admin width settings are somewhat limited (see this old issue on github). But this is my point: Instead of creating a new module that handles things in its own ways it would be a lot better to improve or extend the PW internal tools. This means we could either create nicer CSS for PW Inputfields (here the InputfieldFieldset) or we could create an Inputfield that wraps other inputfields in a Uikit grid (as Uikit is already on board). This approach would also make it possible to use the "panels" that you create for your dashboard in other places like PW page edit screens or in other ProcessModules. I really like the look & feel of your panels, so it would be great to be able to use them all over the PW backend and not only in your module! Thx for creating and sharing this - I hope you get my point and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about converting panels to Inputfields ?1 point
During testing of the https://processwire.com/talk/topic/22847-processwire-dashboard/ module I've created this simple demo inputfield to show how Inputfields can be used as presentation blocks in ProcessModules. The result is this little inputfield that shows the getting started chart of chartjs: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/ https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/InputfieldChartDemo It comes with 2 ProcessModules 1) One single chart inputfield 2) Grid Demo Creating an Inputfield is really nothing more than creating a module file having 3 methods: <?php namespace ProcessWire; class InputfieldChartDemo extends InputfieldMarkup { public static function getModuleInfo() { ... } public function ___render() { ... } public function ___processInput($input) { return false; } } Place this in /site/modules/YourModuleName, name the class exactly the same as your folder and you get an installable Inputfield that you can use everywhere in your admin and share across projects! Creating a ProcessModule is also very simple (see this old post): You do even need only 2 methods in this module! <?php namespace ProcessWire; class ProcessInputfieldChartDemo extends Process { public static function getModuleInfo() { ... } public function execute() { ... } } Using these internal tools it is really easy to create totally tailored user experiences for your clients in the PW backend!1 point
Hey @Confluent Design, Sorry for the delay. Your message slipped my mind, thanks for pinging me ? You're correct in that SearchEngine stores its index in a ProcessWire field, so yes — since your database is already shared, there's nothing else to do in that regard; unless I've very much misunderstood something here, it should work right out of the box. From a basic technical point of view, no, I don't see any issues here. It's worth noting, though, that elasticsearch is quite a bit more complex and feature-rich than this little module here. Depending on your needs that might or might not be an issue. Basically with SearchEngine you get a searchable blob of all page content that can be converted to text without toying around with additional APIs or libraries (so no file data at the moment), and the search itself is done using a simple selector string — no advanced weighting, stemming, etc. I do have a few "advanced" features on my todo list, but at the moment there's no timeline for any of that ?1 point
Thanks! I was hoping the screenshot would do that ? Maybe I can give the screencast a go this weekend ... though I'm just now realizing I don't even have a headset any more ? Lockdown because of Covid-19 mostly ? No but really, the README on Github has two examples, and the first one is basically the client project that started this off. This project is a lead generation platform with multiple contact / data collection forms. Our client's team manages all requests on a Trello board. This works really well once everybody is used to it, they use many custom labels and lists to organize all requests / leads. Currently all the new leads are entered manually, but after the relaunch every request will create both a ProcessWire page and a Trello card for the lead. After additional data is entered through one of the forms, the cards are updates with more information and appropriate labels. This is what the status change handling options are for; if the ProcessWire page is trashed, the Trello card can be archived and so on ...1 point
And some background on why you built this would be really interesting too! Looks great!1 point
Hi there, If I understand correctly you don't want to have selected none page? If that is the case, just drop down pages for select, find that one which is selected and choose "unselect".1 point
I hope everyone here is doing well, staying in, and staying healthy. Our town here is under a “stay at home” order, and it’s now the law that you can’t get within 6 feet of any other person when out walking. So haven’t left the house (other than for walks and bike rides) in about 2 weeks now. Though with the whole family home all the time, it admittedly feels a lot busier than before this Coronavirus stuff, I think because there’s now a lot more people to attend to during the day (especially kids). Not much silence compared to before. ? Not a bad thing, just very different. If we’ve got to spend a few months, or even a year this way, it’ll be alright, so long as the internet keeps working. I’m just thankful to have a job where I’m already used to working this way, as I know many of you do too. It seems that this whole situation is going to move a lot of activity online that previously wasn’t, so I anticipate it’s going to be potentially a very busy and important year for web development. Online communication and content delivery is going to be that much more important for the world, making reliability, scalability and security every bit as important. These are always our focus, but just want to emphasize this even more as we look forward. With a world in temporary disarray, you can count on ProcessWire to be an especially stable and reliable tool that gets even better every week, and our community always a friendly and helpful place. I’ve got several things in progress in the core, but nothing far enough along to write about just yet. I’ve also been putting a lot of work into ProCache this week, which is long due for a version update. The module still has quite a bit of PW 2.x architecture that I don’t think is needed anymore, so I’m refactoring and improving quite a bit, in addition to feature updates. Thanks for reading and I hope that you have a good and safe weekend!1 point
I pushed release v0.6.13 which fixes the page list action buttons (unpublish, hide, etc.)1 point
I just created a module that might be useful to those interested in this topic: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9496-restrict-tab-view/1 point
In future versions of ProcessWire, including the current PW 2.3 dev branch, you can also do this: if(count($options['pageStack'])) { // don't include header/footer, etc. } $options['pageStack'] is an array of pages that called render(); before the current one. It basically gives a way for a page to discover the context it is being rendered in.1 point