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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2013 in all areas
I think you mean something like this: function wordLimiter($str, $limit = 120, $endstr = '…'){ $str = strip_tags($str); if(strlen($str) <= $limit) return $str; $out = substr($str, 0, $limit); $pos = strrpos($out, " "); if ($pos>0) { $out = substr($out, 0, $pos); } return $out .= $endstr; } echo wordLimiter($page->body);2 points
Hi owzim Thanks! I see your point but I think this sort of functionality is hard to implement for a general, simple solution. There are lot's of possible fields of different size. Displaying them below each other - it becomes the same as creating a normal page and fill out the fields there. That's not really 'batch-creating' then IMO. Check out niks After save actions module which lets you create a new page after saving. If you have the need to let your users batch-create pages with a defined template, I'd go with a Process module. You could build a form with the required fields and then create the pages with the API.2 points
ProcessWire Email Obfuscation (EMO) Download | GitHub Email Obfuscation module for email addresses with 64 base crypting. This module finds all plaintext emails and email links from the document and replaces them with span elements including configurable replace text. All the addresses are encoded to 64 base strings and stored in spans data attributes. Then on client side we decode these strings back to their original state. Install Create new 'EmailObfuscation' folder into /site/modules/ and place the content of this repository into the directory. Login to processwire and go to Modules page and click 'Check for new modules'. Find 'EmailObfuscation' and click install. You can make optional configuration changes in the module admin page. Thanks This is a ProcessWire module fork from MODX Evolution plugin emo E-Mail Obfuscation. http://modx.com/extras/package/emoemailobfuscation EDITED ON: 2013-03-03 - Added description. 2020-04-16 - Fixed GitHub links and updated description. Hello all. Just found PW few days ago and it's already looking awesome! Here comes first contribute and some questions for developing it further. There was one existing email obfuscator on reposity that didn't use any crypting for addresses so I decided to do a little test run and port the one that we currenly use with MODX Evo to ProcessWire module. I'd like to make PageAutocomplete like gonfigure option to admin so that one could select and set templates to exclude module action. It looks like autocomplete is tied to pages and since templates are not set to system as pages this is option is no go, am I right?1 point
Hi everyone! With Batcher you can batch-edit and create Pages in the Pw Admin. If you install this module, you get a new Page "Batcher" under Setup. Modules page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-batcher/ Github: https://github.com/wanze/ProcessBatcher Editing How does it work? Search your pages with a selector. You can check if you want to include also hidden/unpublished pages with the filters. Select the pages you want to execute an action (the action only gets executed on "checked" pages). Select the action and if necessary, additional data like the new parent or the new template. Execute. Supported actions: Publish/Unpublish Pages Hide/Unhide Pages Lock/Unlock Pages Trash Pages Delete Pages Change Parent Change Template Batcher does the following permission checkings for the current user: Don't display pages that are not editable Remove Actions if the user doesn't have the permissions (page-delete, page-move, page-template, page-lock) Important notes: When changing a template, data in fields of the old template which are not assigned to the new template gets deleted. When changing the parent, the template of the new parent must accept the pages template as children. This is a setting in the template under "family". Creating How does it work? Select a parent where your new pages will be added as children Add as many pages as you want by clicking "add Page" Click "Create Pages" You must enter a title and choose a template. The name is optional: If left empty, Pw will generate this for you. Includes permission checking and Family template restrictions. This means in detail: The selected parent must accept children and their template The pages template must accept the parents template User needs the permission to add children to the selected parents template User needs the permission to create Pages for the chosen Template Batch-creating tips The chosen template and the statuses are always cloned from the last row. So if you need to add 30 pages with the same template, define it first and the click "add Page" - it'll make your life easier ;-) You can drag & drop the table rows should you want to change the order. The dragging looks ugly but it works. For the lazy dogs and keybord hackers among us, you can add a new row by pressing "ctrl+n". This works (at least in firefox) only if no input has focus. After adding a new row, the title input gets the focus. By pressing 3 times tab you arrive at the published-checkbox, here the short-cut works. Restrict Batcher for a user to only allow editing or creating Create permissions "batcher-edit" and/or "batcher-add". As soon those exists, the module checks if the current user has the permissions. If you only need batch creating, check out the following module by Soma: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2138-process-tools-create-pages-wip/ Cheers1 point
This module generates a "stubs.php" file containing PHP-classes with documentation for the properties of each Template, based on it's fields - which means IDE support (auto-complete, inspections, documentation) for templates in modern IDEs that perform static analysis, such as PhpStorm. The output looks like this: <?php /** * Generated by TemplateStubs module 2013-04-13 15:29:33 * This file may be overwritten at any time. */ namespace tpl; use Page; /** * "basic-page" template * * @property string $title Title * @property string $headline Use this instead of the Title if a longer headline is needed than what you want to appear in navigation. * @property string $summary Summary * @property string $body Body Content * @property string $sidebar Sidebar * @property Pageimages|Pageimage[] $images Images */ class basicpage extends Page {} To use the generated documentation, start your template-file like this: <?php /** * @var tpl\basicpage $page */ Documentation and more details on this page: https://github.com/mindplay-dk/TemplateStubs You can consider this an alpha-release - I haven't tagged a release yet, and some details like template-class naming convention may change before I tag release 1.0.1 point
You are right, my request might be beyond/off the scope of your module. Thank you for the other suggestions, will definitely check them out.1 point
Hi @Wanze, I may be late to the party to thank you but nonetheless, thank you for this great Module—I am sure I am going to be using it.1 point
I'm using Font Awesome, and wanted to be able to add icon markup to parent pages only. Soma mentioned using "xtemplates", but in my case parent and child pages all use the same template. So after I flew to Switzerland to hand Soma a beer, he suggested I use a hook. This may be useful to someone else, so here's what I did: 1. add a text field called "icon" to your template. 2. add the code below before you call $treeMenu->render(); function addIcon(HookEvent $event){ $page = $event->arguments[1]; if ($page->icon){ $event->return = "<a href='{$page->url}'><i class='icon icon-{$page->icon}'></i> {$page->title}</a>"; } } $treeMenu->addHookAfter('getTagsString', null, "addIcon");1 point
PS: things are already simple - nothing wrong with making them simpler though, especially when it's no additional work or overhead for those using the module and working with an IDE. For me, personally, having full IDE support for any piece of PHP software has become a sign of high quality - it means everything can be validated automatically, which usually means it has been. You can't expect a person to do the same for 10,000 lines of code on every release. And vice versa, if a computer can't infer the meaning of your code, how can you expect a person to? Whether you have IDE support for the users who use an IDE or not, having IDE support means you have automatic safeguards and checks that cannot be performed by a person.1 point
The problem is scalability. Putting them on top wil give performance issues as it has to reassign the index for all siblings.1 point
add this in header $(document).ready(function() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, editable: false, events: "json-code.php", eventRender: function(event, element, view ) { if (view.name === "agendaDay") { element.find('.fc-event-title').append("<br/>" + event.description); } }, eventDrop: function(event, delta) { alert(event.title + ' was moved ' + delta + ' days\n' + '(should probably update your database)'); }, loading: function(bool) { if (bool) $('#loading').show(); else $('#loading').hide(); } }); $oldTable.remove(); this in json-code.php function pagesToJSON(PageArray $events) { $json = array(); foreach($events as $event) { $json[] = pageToArray($event); } return json_encode($json); } function pageToArray(Page $event) { $data = array( 'id' => $event->id, 'title' => $event->title, 'start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$event->date_start), 'end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$event->date_end), 'url' => "$event->url", // event ID is the url segment 'description' => "$event->summary", 'allDay' => false, ); return $data; } // end else $calendarPosts=$wire->pages->get('/events/')->children(); echo pagesToJSON($calendarPosts); end in page where you want the calendar, <div class="tab-pane" id="calendary"> <div id='loading' style='display:none'>loading...</div> <div id='calendar' class='calendar-page'></div> </div>1 point
In case that someone wants to use this in 2.1: it works nicely, but only for superusers. This is how you get it working for your client (if you don't want to give superuser permission): Create new permission: redirects-admin Edit ProcessRedirects.module, add to line 14: 'permission' => 'redirects-admin', Then add that permission to roles you want to be able manage redirects. If setup page is not showing, then you need to edit admin-template and give access there also (too lazy to test this one).1 point