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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2012 in all areas

  1. I found the parseTags() routine from Ryan's Login Notify plugin pretty useful in a couple of modules I wrote recently and will probably reuse it again in other modules. I thought others might find it useful too, especially if it were slightly more flexible in the setup of the context from which it pulled the values to use in its substitutions so I rewrote it as a Textformatter. Originally parseTags() would turn something like this... "Date: {datetime}\nUser: {name}\nIP: {REMOTE_ADDR}" …into something like this… Date: 12th September 2012, 14:45 User: ryan IP: ...using a User as the context for the substitutions. This text formatter extends this to allow an array of WireData instances to be used as the context for substitutions and extends the tag format from simply {fieldname} to {context.fieldname} to allow substitutions from specific places. This could allow you to use data from, say, a User and a Page when parsing your string. Something more complex can then be parsed successfully; like this... Hello {user.name}, where have you been? It's {datetime} now and we haven't seen you in two weeks. Your last edit was on page '{page.name}' from address {REMOTE_ADDR} ...where the name field from both the supplied User and Page can be substituted into the text. It's entered in the modules directory here but most of the documentation is in the readme file on github. There is also a handy Process module that allows you to experiment with it from within the PW admin (thanks to Nik for the idea as it's based on his Test Selectors module.)
    4 points
  2. New site made with PW: http://yogacentergreenwich.com/ [edit - should have provided some details...] - formbuilder for contact form - image gallery pagination code from here - pw logo from here - ecwid for shopping cart - campaign monitor for the newsletter -marc
    3 points
  3. Hi, today I started and finished work on my new module "TextboxList". It includes "FieldtypeTextboxList" and "InputtypeTextboxList". The main function is to create inputfields like Facebook when you have to insert the name of your friend (see the screenshot below). It automatically creates a new "box" if you press "," or "enter". The result will be saved as a comma-separated list. It is based on the TextboxList.js of Guillermo Rauch so I wouldn't use this for a commercial project right now. (But I wrote him a mail if he would allow this). I changed the color schema so it looks like a native element. I recommend to use it if you have something like a tag list (like: bla, christmas, bla, 2011, bla, ...). You can download it here: https://github.com/N...oll/TextboxList Have fun with it! Greets, Nico
    1 point
  4. Please read the following before looking on the big picture ) Here's an idea i got, while experimenting with PW: A lot of cool icon fonts are avaible, on the other hand the page system of pw can be used verry flexible. why not bring these together to improve customized backend usabillity, version a (more complicated to build, i guess): when creating a template you choose the icon of your choice for this kind of content. in the page tree, based on the template that you've choosen for every page, the pages uses an little icon. version b (i guess, maybe simpler): based on the choosen template, the page <a> get's a css class with the name of the template. so you need to attache an custom css in the backend that styles your page list with icons using the :before/:after css-technics, i've seen that each page list item already get's a unique class, but it doesn't look like every page list item gets an class/id based on the used template. i think version b of my idea is nicer, and would bring up more flexibilty so style the page tree, additionaly to the icon solution. however, i did a dirty mockup of version a for better illustration. what do you guys think about the draft? writing something like this myself with php would be a realy big and scary task at the moment, since i'm a young padawan, but maybe some of the jeddai masters like it? <- i did an mistake..on the mockup i mean with "<-*click* a click on the picture symbol, not the pencil >.< EDIT: another "sourcecode mockup" to illustrate what would be cool the get with version b of the draft, so page list items get automatic an template name based icon , styleable with div.basic-page:before { content: "a"; } div.sitemap-template:before { content: "k"; } link with more infos about the css part etc,
    1 point
  5. Perhaps you could look at Ryan's blog profile. The way he uses pages to create tags in the blogpost is very taglike. In fact from a backend POV it couldn't get any taggier. I've used his example in a gallery and the client really liked it.
    1 point
  6. I know that I could solve this with a page type field. But for my taste this is still not as easy to use as a “real” tag field. I doubt that my developer skills are sufficient. But I will at least try to build a tag fieldtype. Theoretically it should not be that difficult. One “only” has to preprocess all the content which is stored site wide in this field and create a clickable listing under the text field. A little jQuery onclick action and that’s it – at least in theory And using Nico’s TextboxList module I think it could look really good.
    1 point
  7. Ok Antti, that's done, thank you. For anyone really having trouble seeing how the tag parser works I suggest installing the helper module that allows you to play with the parser from a new page in the admin interface until you get the hang of it.
    1 point
  8. site.beautuful ! .butt site.sell better if ladies.ware swimsute (bikinee) cd ..
    1 point
  9. Ha ha, I don't personally - haven't used 5.2 since 2010 ... But someone quickly posted a "bug report", and apparently I love working for free - isn't that the spirit of open source?
    1 point
  10. Yes I Help. also interested in lightweight german shopping And dont wanna mess around anymore with bloaty Shopsystems for 5-6 Products...
    1 point
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