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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2012 in all areas

  1. As a bit of a MediaWiki learning experience i've put the project walktrough on the wiki. Not sure if this is the place where it ultimately resides, but anyways. http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Small_Project_Walktrough The wiki could do with a bit of syntax highlighting. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi Maybe later on i can actually contribute to the actual content of the tut.
    2 points
  2. It is always interesting to find where processwire is mentioned, so this is the topic to post links to articles, blog posts, discussions, tweets etc which are about or related to ProcessWire. I started with this one, which is well written article about some basic differences between WP and PW: http://www.globi.ca/articles/articles/processwire_vs_wordpress/
    1 point
  3. I've been working on a blog profile that we can have as an installation option for ProcessWire. The goal is to have a profile that someone could download and setup a pretty nice website/blog without having to touch any code (i.e. it's ready-to-run and populate). I'm hoping that this is something that may help us to grow our audience beyond the web development community. The requirement is that it must be as easy (or easier) than WordPress, both to install and use. This profile is also for web developers, as it's a blog profile ready to be styled and enhanced -- a good starting point. It uses the Zurb Foundation CSS framework, so it is fully responsive and mobile-ready. It's not much to look at now, but should be fully functional. I'm making progress and wanted to post a preview. The content you see here is from one of my client's blogs and the content is just here to test things out. http://processwire.com/blogtest/ I'm hoping to get this up on GitHub next week. I've never really done much blogging, so am seeking feedback on what others would suggest to make the blog profile as good, powerful and simple as it can be. Right now it's pretty much a generic Zurb Foundation "look and feel", so it probably needs at least some color tweaks and integration of some masthead photo(s) or something.
    1 point
  4. I'm having this problem in my RSS Feeds. The images are pulled locally in the regular posts so often times the images do not appear correctly in the RSS Feeds. Here's what I'm doing to fix it now: // send the output of the RSS feed, and you are done session_start(); ob_start(); $rss->render($items); $contents = ob_get_contents(); $contents = str_replace("<img src=\"/site/assets/files/", "<img src=\"http://clintonskakun.com/site/assets/files/", $contents); ob_clean(); echo $contents; ?> I use output buffering to fix the broken URLs in the RSS Feeds. Is there a cleaner/better way to do this?
    1 point
  5. This probably won't be useful to most people, but this is a module I put together a couple weeks ago for my own needs. I thought it might be helpful with a question that came up in another thread, so just wanted to post it here too since I figured all the modules should be listed here. ProcessWire Modules Fieldtype Fieldtype that stores reference to one or more other modules. This is similar to FieldtypeModule except that it stores multiple modules. It uses asmSelect to make the selection sortable/searchable. To install Copy to /site/modules/ and go to Admin > Modules > Check for new modules. Usage notes Note the configuration settings that appear on the details tab when creating a new field that uses this module. Lets say you created a field called my_modules that uses this Fieldtype. The value of your $page->my_modules will be a PHP array. When $page->outputFormatting is TRUE, the values of the array will be selected module objects (already instantiated/initialized). When output formatting is FALSE, the values will be module IDs (integers). Those IDs can be converted to either the module class name or an instance of the module using existing $modules API methods. Download https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/FieldtypeModules
    1 point
  6. I posted before on the forum this article in German http://web-developer-blog.com/2012/04/processwire-das-geniale-opensource-cms.html You can use google translate, just as i did
    1 point
  7. Fixed. Sorry, that was a left-over old index.php file I forgot to replace with the new one.
    1 point
  8. However, I'm not sure you really want to use that fieldtype as it is limited to special types of modules based on the parent class. May I suggest using a regular page field with ASM select inputfield or alike, and create pages for each module you want to be able to select. Then use the title on those pages to load the module in the frontend. So you could even have multiple modules and sort them the way you want them to load. Depends on what you're up to. // when multiple select foreach($pages->selected_modules as $mod) { $module = $modules->get($mod->title); $module->render(); } //or just a single select $module = $modules->get($page->selected_module->title); $module->render();
    1 point
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