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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2012 in all areas

  1. Here's an update on the blog profile. It now supports themes. The first theme I've made for it is based on Nikola's Futura admin theme: http://processwire.com/blogtest/?theme=futura I've also made a ProcessWire theme, but I think it still needs work (a little too girly right now): http://processwire.com/blogtest/?theme=processwire I'll probably put in one or two more themes for the distribution version. You can select the theme from the homepage. It's just a page reference field where it lets you select from pages using the "theme" template. The "theme" template is nothing more than a files field with all of the theme's assets in it. Typically this would be a CSS file(s), JS file(s), and images or font files (if used). I also had color pickers for defining the themes colors, but backtracked on that. I want themes to be self contained so that can create a new "theme" page, drag a ZIP file into the page, and be done with it. Once color pickers get involved, it becomes much less portable. Though I may still provide the option for overriding theme colors, but I have a feeling most people would prefer to just edit the included CSS file and then drag it back in. This version also is better optimized for mobile use. In addition to converting the top navigation to a <select> in mobile views, it now moves the search box and any other navigation to the bottom. That way people on mobile should still see the primary page headline and some of the copy without having to scroll.
    3 points
  2. Hello everyone, this is our latest creation built with Processwire. It's a site for a Photoshopplugin I build to save slices like a boss Let us know what you think! http://photoshopmonkeys.com Team Valentijn Kint (vknt) Thijs Bernolet (recyclerobot)
    3 points
  3. Hey. Is there a way of requiring users to verify their email address when posting comments? Ie when someone posts a comment, it should go into a pre pending approval state, and send an email to the email address of the poster asking them to click a link to verify their email address. Only then, it should have pending status for moderators to approve. To do this, I would create an extra hidden page without template to hold all the posted comments in some fields, include when they were posted and where to plus some id/hash, which then get moved to the comments field on the correct pages once the user opens the correct url with the same hash as a get variable. Is there an obvious and easy way of doing this that I can't think of? Thanks, Lars
    1 point
  4. Ah, totally forgot about the wiki. I agree, that would be a great place to add some quality stuff. As mentioned above; a great start would be to finish the project walk-through. It's already a nice intro, adding some stuff about page relations (page fieldtype) to efficiently manage your content and possibly url segments would be great. I'll see if there is anyway that i can contribute.
    1 point
  5. The module has no url param functions so I'm a little surprized it changes language, so this may from PW itself or you did something to get the url param? However you can simply do something like this: Somewhere in the template I have this before the language switch $lang = $user->language; $langname = $lang->name == 'default' ? 'en' : $lang->name; Then the language switch links // get users current language $lang_temp = $user->language; // set language to default $user->language = $languages->get("default"); $st = $langname == 'en' ? " class='on'" : ''; echo $page->language_published->has( $pages->get("/en/") ) ? "<a$st href='{$page->url}'>EN</a>" : ''; // set language to german $user->language = $languages->get("de"); $st = $langname == 'de' ? " class='on'" : ''; echo $page->language_published->has( $pages->get("/de/") ) ? "<a$st href='{$page->url}'>DE</a>" : ''; // set users language back $user->language = $lang_temp; Like this, the "$page->url" will return the language url already, if the users language is switched while creating the links for each language. So no need for urls params, cookies, sessions or anything. The page field "language_published" references the proxy language pages, so we can easily check if the language is really published (checked), which means it holds the proxy page. Since it's a page reference field we can simply use $page->language_published->has() method. Edit: added missing script needed before.
    1 point
  6. Interesting. I think what we really need regarding documentation are: a) Finish the tutorial (http://processwire.c...ct-walkthrough/) and putting it to the site also, as a first "getting start" section. I am hoping to find time to help Ryan with this one. B) Creating "what's next" section, which has helpful links to other resources and tips how to continue after the first tutorial. It's great to have more resources, but always little worried about disinformation. In the introduction post Clinton writes: There ain't no new user concept coming, that did happen already in version 2.1. The massive number of files and directories PW creates... yes, PW creates a directory per page and that is a problem that is going to be addressed. Not sure what he means with files there and upload / download speed doesn't have anything to do with the fact pw creates a folder per page. Truth is that if anyone wants to contribute, I am sure we find good place for those from the official site also (where most people would find them, most probably). I don't have anything against unofficial docs / blogs / wikis etc, but currently we are so young project, that there is very easy to contribute to the official stuff also. I think we need to better address and communicate this when we get the new site launched. Don't want to sound too picky though - great to see more and more PW resources out there. It tells that we are growing fast! Hopefully the unofficial docs project will keep up the great work they already have!
    1 point
  7. It's on a dev server at the mo, so once it goes live I'll leave the dev version set up and give you a shout
    1 point
  8. Me too. This may be true from a marketing POV, but to me - and I guess others here - you are great with words on this forum. This seems very logical, but sometimes Google indexes really weird stuff like breadcrumbs. I have to say this only happened to me with some e-commerce solutions like Magento and Opencart. Since then I never really relied on this. Also I think that a good written text always contains an introduction and I usually make sume that such an introduction is in the meta description automatically, so that it can be edited later on.
    1 point
  9. I am creazy in Almanac of Architecture & Design this site look tooo full with content i love it and i love processwire template on it great work.
    1 point
  10. ProcessWire can be a great back-end for any kind of user data management needs that you have. But since we're shy about generating markup for your site(s), you won't find non-administrative user and account features like you would in something like Drupal. When it gets to those kinds of things, ProcessWire takes more of a framework (CMF) role, giving you tools to manage data for the things you build. If you are building a site centered around things like user registration and profile management, you may find something like Drupal worth putting up with in such cases. But if you are like me and several others here, you'd rather build these things yourself in ProcessWire, so that you can maximize control over the function and output of them. Should you want to do it, we are here to help you through it and answer any questions as you go.
    1 point
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