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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2012 in all areas

  1. I think Ryan has a point about having the need and the impulse of making PW better and more awesome now that there are more users and collaborators. I think it makes sense to look for ways to make money and keep the project healthy and going. I think books and tutorials are a good way to do it. I love buying books or screencasts to learn to code. It is also profitable on the community level. More people learn, develop, help, etc. I would pay for advance add-ons and plugins. I agree with the caution mentioned in the posts above. I really appreciate that PW has in it's core a lot more features than Expression Engine. I just don't buy the whole EE ecosystem... too price, too obscure (I haven't found a solid non-cryptic tutorial about how to develop for it). Looks like their intentions are very focused on profit... Core features in PW are already excellent. Of course I'd like more of them! The ecosystem part of PW should grow, with developers and designers (maybe a-la-codeigniter reactor??) It would be a shame that because of lack of time and resources, the project would not move forward faster and stronger. The more Ryan and team focus time and efforts on PW, the better for everyone.
    2 points
  2. This looks interesting for a FieldType http://filepicker.io/
    1 point
  3. Those all use admin-template, and they all have processModule behind them. If you are looking for code, then they can be found /wire/modules/process/ (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tree/master/wire/modules/Process). But modifying those files is not the way to go here (you should never edit files under /wire/). If you want to have this done: Then you need to do this: Create two roles, user and editor Create new permission, give it name "page-publish" (name should be exactly that) Edit those two roles, but add page-publish permission only for editor, but page-edit for both of them. Other permissions as you see fit. Then edit home-template, access tab and allow edit / create / children for both editor and user roles. Now your user-role users should be able to create and edit pages, but not publish them. Editors should be able publish unpublished pages. Just for reference, there is the commit when this was added: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/commit/330d04d7054f27ce4cd8ed86952f270875488c55 (also be sure to run no more than 2 months old version of pw).
    1 point
  4. For a quick solution: • Populate the name and email inputs with the current user info via jQuery. • Hide name and email inputs via CSS For those who might be interested here's a quick rundown of what I did. jQuery to populate the fields var name = '<?php echo $user->name ?>'; var email = '<?php echo $user->email ?>'; $('#CommentForm_cite').val(name); $('#CommentForm_email').val(email); CSS to hide the fields and labels #CommentForm_cite, #CommentForm_email, .CommentForm_cite label, .CommentForm_email label{ display: none; } Keep in mind, I'm using this on a protected page, so all visitors will be logged in. You could add some logic to check if the user was logged in or not, and show the name/email fields to guests. You'd probably want to hide the fields and labels via JS instead of CSS in that case.
    1 point
  5. Which MySQL version do you use? There was a problem with 5.0.51 (afair) which had a sorting issue.
    1 point
  6. Hi, Did you check the permissions on the assets folder? I am not so familiar with Apache on Windows, but assume that the service account running Apache needs write permission to the assets folder, as well as to it's subfolders. /Jasper
    1 point
  7. Hello, I am new to this intriguing dimension called ProcessWire. I am doing my first steps, but I also get this message: Unable to move uploaded file to: /var/www/vhosts/showled.tv/httpdocs/site/assets/files/5874/20110707_164442-1.jpg I am running the site in Windows-Apache-PHP5.3 Any help?
    1 point
  8. Howdy people, Funny how I keeping coming across the threads of interest with the same crowd that is from EE background. I can share the same thoughts as onjegolders having been in EE shop for some years. The addons are great and freelance developers do great work but there are some fundamental addons that EL refuses to absorb into core (and I speculate) due to fact that they are running thin on support layer or perhaps in content with their earnings . What also attracted me to EE is that I had 1 place to get help. Today, you have to depend on 1man crew developers and cross checks where the issues is coming from - the core or the addon. So my suggestion is to provide some means to your 'developers' to earn % and not want to go on their own because you can facilitate their earnings and get a small % for doing so. Keeping things centralized is the key to organized and controlled growth.Otherwise you will end up with dozens of abandoned and cheap plugins that frustrate users that depend on them...WordPress anyone? The big addons/profiles that come to my mind are: -shopping cart -forums (some simple flavor of it...like Vanilla no pun intended) + forum bridges -photo gallery -LDAP connection (great for using this or any CMS within corporate intranets or SSO systems) ...the list can go on, I am sure plenty of users here can share their ideas. PW is sitting on truly excising grounds because so many things have been done right in its lean core. It would be really nice to see Ryan and few other leading devs. get their rewards and financial freedom from 9-5 tasks since it will only lead to better system for us to use.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for your interest in making this language pack. While I can't help with translation, just let me know anything else I can do to help.
    1 point
  10. I have the same wish. But this is a little more complex than it sounds, so has to wait until there's time to do it right. However, shorter term the intention is that one can use an image field in a repeater to achieve something similar.
    1 point
  11. Thanks Robert. It looks like we had a bug where the multi language fields expected you to have more than 1 language before you started using multi-language fields. I fixed this and posted the update per your GitHub report.
    1 point
  12. I will implement paypal integration for sure. But that is something that we don't need at our company, so I need to do that on my own time. But I don't think that will take more than few hours at best. I just implemented possibility to add multiple shipping options. Yesterday I build small markup module which renders the shopping steps (1. cart, 2. information, 3. confirmation, 4. payment, 5. order complete). Also some minor tweaks here and there. I will also add option to choose currency (I am not planning to support multiple currencies, but possibility to choose what currency the shop uses will be there). Hopefully I get today all wrapped up and can commit it.
    1 point
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