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Brakha X2 Website

Jonathan Lahijani

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I soft-launched this site a few weeks ago and it's still being refined, however most of it is complete:


Brakha X2 is a production company headquarted in Los Angeles.  They handle many large ad campaigns for well known brands.

The bulk of the site consists of the image galleries (/advertising/, /editorials/, /silent-pictures/, etc.).  The images in these galleries are not coming in via a typical images field since the images are really more like artwork pieces with it's own set of data.  Therefore, I decided to create a template called "image" and a field in it called "image" (max upload of 1) in with some other fields (title, tags [not being used yet], body, etc.).  These images then get assigned to each image_gallery in a Page field I created called image_items.

By allowing each image / artwork piece to have it's own page, it allows for:

  • a specific URL for each artwork piece page (example: brakhax2.com/images/name-of-the-piece/)
  • fine control when people share images via social media (OG tags)
  • the ability to re-use the entry in Page fields

There's some fancy stuff going on in the frontend.  I didn't use a CSS framework since it wouldn't have been a good match.  I ended up using the following packages:

  • Packery: this takes care of the masonry-style layout on the gallery pages
  • ImagesLoaded: this allows the gallery images to show only after all the images have been loaded.  it will show the loading graphic until everything is loaded
  • Featherlight: this is a simple lightbox which is being used for the bios on the contact page
  • Slick.js (aka Slick Carousel): this is being used for the video galleries (/spots/, /inside/)
  • Fresco: a great commercial plugin that powers the lightboxes for the images and videos
  • Responsive-nav: this takes care of the mobile menu logic
  • Animsition: this takes care of page-to-page fade animations

There's a few other little techniques/approaches being utilized on the site, but that covers all the major stuff.  Eventually I will work in a Gulp workflow so that the CSS and JS is packaged and minified.


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Very nice website, I enjoyed looking at all the artwork.   What really caught my eye was "Occupation Dreamer - Arnold Schwarzenegger 2" which actually showed the Jazz great Miles Davis.  Nevertheless, the website is a piece of artwork itself.  Great job!

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Thank you for sharing! I did not read to the end and dug into the source code to spot those js plugins. Came back to reading - and here they are - listed and explained. Always nice to find out some working solutions (although most of them are paid).

Always interested in your posts as they uncover some usefull frontend techniques. Please share your experiense when you're done with integrating gulp workflow.

The only flaw of the site is that it loads forever from 2mbit/s in Russian backwoods where I am at, but I am not target audience anyway :).

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Thank you for sharing! I did not read to the end and dug into the source code to spot those js plugins. Came back to reading - and here they are - listed and explained. Always nice to find out some working solutions (although most of them are paid).

Always interested in your posts as they uncover some usefull frontend techniques. Please share your experiense when you're done with integrating gulp workflow.

The only flaw of the site is that it loads forever from 2mbit/s in Russian backwoods where I am at, but I am not target audience anyway :).

Hi Ivan,

The only paid/commercial plugin is Fresco.

Yes, the site is very bandwidth intensive, which is a tradeoff that had to be made but in opinion acceptable given the primary audience viewing the site.  One adjustment that might be made is lazy loading of images:


Also, maybe a better hosting solution like Digital Ocean.  It's on GoDaddy right now.

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very nice site and helps me how to use the page concept in more versatile ways.

Why wouldn't a css framework not be a good match ?

Although I generally use CSS frameworks, I decided not to use one for this project because most of the features they provide would not be used (especially the grid system).  This site is very low on widget/component-like design, so to me it made sense to selectively bring in only the features that were needed (masonry-layout, lightbox, carousel, etc.).

Bootstrap for example comes with a carousel but it's not as good as Slick.js.  It also has a lightbox/modal, but it's not optimal for lightbox galleries which is why I used Fresco for images/videos and Featherlight for text.  I wouldn't be able to fine-tune the responsive breakpoints Bootstrap provides with its grid system (or at least not without a lot of headache).  The site didn't require 6 button styles, accordions, etc. Easy enough to accomplish these features without a framework.

Bootstrap automatically makes a mobile optimized navigation from the navbar component, but using Bootstrap's navbar (combined with its grid framework) would have caused a lot of trouble with the masonry photo layout since that masonry photo layout has it's own breakpoints that would clash with Bootstrap.

A big CSS framework could be utilized, but my approach is to use the best tools for the task at hand.

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One adjustment that might be made is lazy loading of images

My thoughts too. The site looks stunning, but 7MB+ for the home page without lazy loading is a lot, even for current connections.. and for my relatively slow (and very unstable) 4G it's way too much. Additionally this is going to cause some serious bandwidth usage on your side, though I'm sure you're already aware of that :)

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