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Is it possible to install the admin on a different host?


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My site is 'www.peterdekeer.be', the admin is currently installed under /processwire/.

Is it possible to install it under 'admin.peterdekeer.be'?

I read a few weeks ago about the admin that it's possible to couple it somewhat looser.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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I would assume that the simplest way would be to modify the .htaccess file by:

  • Redirecting www.peterdekeer.be/admin to admin.peterdekeer.be; and below that,
  • Rewriting admin.peterdekeer.be as www.peterdekeer.be/admin

I must admit that I would have to look up how to do this exactly...

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I want to do this so I can disable cookies for my 'just content and informantion' website.

If I disable it on the whole server, I cannot get into the admin anymore (normal ofcourse).

So if I can install the admin seperatly, I can disable it on my content site, not on the admin (.htaccess).

Why do I want cookies disabled? For performance reasons! My host comes with varnish installed by default (Gandi.net)

If I activate Varnish I get insanely good response times.

The cookies interfere with that (when Varnish sees a cookie, it thinks the content is 'user specific' but it's not).

Drupal does this already for quite some time (please see the discussion, reasons and solutions there - "Drupal should support disabling anonymous sessions")

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@PeterDK, I'm not sure if this is really possible nor if it is a good idea, but I want to throw it into the discussion:

If you can use symlinks, maybe you can setup two hosts that point to the same directories of wire and site, but have there own index.php and own .htaccess.

  |-------------------wire-symlink--------| |
                                          | |
                                          | |---------------------site-real
                                          |                     |
                                          |---------wire-real   |
                                               |                |
                                               |                |
  |-------------------wire-symlink-------------|                |
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