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using getid3 inside module


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Hi -

I was able to read id3 tags from audio files very easily using this library and the api, but now i'm stuck trying to get this to work inside a module;

in my api test, i just did this:

$templates = $config->paths->templates;

$getID3 = new getID3;
$album = $pages->get(2130);

foreach($album->children as $track) {
	$audio = $track->audio_file_p;
	// Analyze file and store returned data in $track->tags
	$track->tags = $getID3->analyze($audio->filename);

	echo $track->tags['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0];  
	echo $track->tags['tags']['id3v2']['artist'][0];
	echo $track->tags['tags']['id3v2']['track_number'][0];
	echo $track->tags['audio']['bitrate']; 
	echo $track->tags['playtime_string']; 

but now in trying to get this to work inside a module, i can't get the id3 to return the array, not sure what I'm doing wrong... this code is within a method that runs on a saveReady hook:


	require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/getid3.php'); 

	$getID3 = new getID3;
	$file = $page->audio_files->first();
	$tags = $getID3->analyze($file->filename);
	$title = $tags['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0]; 

I did a print_r into a spare field on the $page but it only returned the number 1..

i guess there is something that isn't quite right about the file path or the way the classes are working together?


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solved: i failed to put the full folder of the getid3, i had just copied only the main class file..

major facepalm

@adrian - forgot to thank you for helping.. (was actually replying to your post when the solution dawned on me..)

by the way, this is pretty awesome, now i can read id3 tags and create pages based on those tags;

also prevent users from uploading mp3 files where the bitrate is too high (in order to keep the filesizes small we use 128 for streaming files)...

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