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Page Protector


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  On 1/29/2018 at 6:51 PM, lpa said:

Hi @adrian, this seems to work now!

But I didn't need the include '_main.php'; -line. When having that, I got the _main.php content rendered twice. 


Great that it's working for you now.

Your _main.php must be included automatically somewhere - probably in config.php. That's why you'd get it twice.

Mine needs to be included manually with the way I have things set up in my sandbox install.

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@lpa - I have just committed another update - turns out my initial fix broke the standard form approach. The new version works with both.

Because of the breaking changes, I have committed it to the dev branch (https://github.com/adrianbj/PageProtector/tree/dev) for now. I would really appreciate it if others using this module could please try this new version. The only change you should need to make is if you are using the custom Login Template option - you will need to change $loginForm to $page->loginForm

I'll push this dev version to master once there's been a little time for others to test it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@adrian - Iam using version 2.0.1 and PW 3.0.15

the code in the template is just the login form for testing.

echo $page->loginForm;

 My prepend/append setup within the config is

$config->prependTemplateFile = 'head.inc';
$config->appendTemplateFile = 'foot.inc';

I also check the disable prepend/append within the template setup.


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Hi @Jon - thanks for the details, but I guess I am not sure what you are expecting to have happen.

If you don't want the head.inc and foot.inc to be loaded, why not just use the standard (no login template) way of adding the login form. That's how it's designed to work. maybe if you could provide a mockup of how you expect it to look I might be able to get a better idea?

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I have pages like this:

  - page1.1
  - page1.2

Page1 has been given access to roles: musician, assistant. Page1.2 has been given access to role musician only. 

When logged out, both pages ask to be logged in. When logged in as the user with only assistant role, I still can see the page1.2. I can't figure out why the roles based restrictions don't work at the moment. How should I debug this?

Second question: can I hide the page1.2 from the user with assistant role in my navigation somehow? What should I do in my navigation script to hide the pages that the used doesn't have view access to?

Third question: I need to customize the login-form by including some content from PW, but now when the customized login-form is not a PW form, I can't run any functions from the PW templates. How should I customize the login-form content when I need something more than just the form?

Edited by lpa
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@adrian Thanks for your reply, I just wanted to customise the login page a bit to match my site a bit more. I have managed to do this with the standard template now. One thing I cant seem change is the default Login Message Ive set this in the module settings but the changes arent reflected in the frontend?



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  On 2/13/2018 at 9:24 PM, Jon said:

One thing I cant seem change is the default Login Message Ive set this in the module settings but the changes arent reflected in the frontend?


I expect you are changing the main default in the module settings. This populates the value on the Settings tab of the page that is being protected, but if a page has already been protected, you will need to change the value for that page. It allows for different messages for different pages. Does that make sense?


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1) I'll look at the hierarchy you described in a minute

2) You can check if a page is protected by checking $page->protected eg:

if(!$page->protected) {
	//show in navigation

3) I have just made the message function hookable, so you will be able to put this is your ready.php file:

$this->addHookAfter("PageProtector::getMessage", function($event) {
    $event->return = 'My custom message';

I'll commit this once I look at your first issue.

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@lpa - I am not seeing the issues you are regarding access to the child. My thought is that you might have checking the "protect children" checkbox for Page 1. If you are separately protecting child pages, I think you don't want that checked. Can you try that and see if it works as expected?

I have committed the change that makes that hook available. Please let me know how you go with that also.

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@adrian Thanks for that works prefect :)

  On 2/13/2018 at 11:32 PM, adrian said:

I expect you are changing the main default in the module settings. This populates the value on the Settings tab of the page that is being protected, but if a page has already been protected, you will need to change the value for that page. It allows for different messages for different pages. Does that make sense?




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1. No, the protection is not taking in account the role at all. Even if I change just one page without child protection to be protected, I can access that page after login with a user account that does not have the required role!

2. Yes, $page->protected works, but it does not make any difference on who is accessign the page. Should it give different results based on the users roles? I would like to make it to not show the navigation item if the page is protected for that particular user. 

3. What is actually the message the hook returns? I would like something like this:

// Give me a random picture to the login page
$image = getRandomPict($homepage);
$content = "
<div class='row'>
	<div class='large-12 columns'>
$event->return = $content;


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@lpa - just heading to bed here, but 

1) I am not seeing any problems like that here - any chance this site is live and you could give me a login to check things out?

2) I'll need to confirm the role stuff in the morning - you might be onto something though - I might need protected vs prohibited?

3) The part I made hookable is just the message before the username/password fields. I think if you want custom classes around the login form you should just put them in your template file you as want - no need for a hook for that. Does that make sense?

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@lpa - for now I am going to attach the new version here. This adds support for the new "prohibited" property so now you can check if a page is protected and then also check if it's prohibited for the current user.

I refactored a few things so don't want to commit the changes just yet.

Can you please test this for your needs. I would also like to help you with Issue 1, but will might need some access to test that. As for Issue 3, did you try my suggestion?


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1. I'll send you a private message on this. 

2. Thanks, the $page->prohibited works just as I wanted based on  a quick test. 

3. At the moment I have a login.php file that is included on every page in _init.php. That page has my own logic without PageProtector. There, if I need the login form, I can format it just like I want and even use the getRandomPict()-function which is in _func.php. But if I use the PageProtector I use the $page->loginForm, as show above, where I can't use my getRandomPict()-function, because it is not a PW template. I get errors like: "Call to undefined function getRandomPict()". I don't want to add the image to every template.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@adrian has a great support on his modules! All the problems solved with his help a long time ago! Thank you very much! 

And this module is great for cases where the PW template based access rights scheme is not so flexible.

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  On 3/8/2018 at 6:33 AM, lpa said:

@adrian has a great support on his modules! All the problems solved with his help a long time ago! Thank you very much! 

And this module is great for cases where the PW template based access rights scheme is not so flexible.


Thanks for your help @lpa in fixing those issues.

FYI for everyone else - all the changes that were included in that zip posted above are now in the master repo on github.

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  • 1 month later...

A feature request for the future: allow login only with a password. As a workaround I used a simple str_replace and added hardcoded "value=USERNAME" attribute to the username input, plus a good old display: none to it. This way it doesn't show up but contains the username pre-filled.

The same could be perhaps achieved if there was a per-page setting where we could enter one username. Then the module could add a hidden input with an encrypted username (instead of a text type username input). But maybe you have a better idea.

I needed this because the client needed a password protected page without asking for a username. Fortunately the protection doesn't need to be bulletproof so my workaround is fine for now, but in the future it would be nice having this built-in.

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I get an 500 error after the third failed login attempt:

Please wait at least 10 seconds before attempting another login. (in /wire/modules/Session/SessionLoginThrottle/SessionLoginThrottle.module line 97)

SessionLoginThrotte settings are the default ones, 5 sec and 60 sec, no IP throttle. I'll disable the SLT module for now but I'm curious whether this happens for others too. 

Using PW 3.0.100 and PageProtector 2.0.4, but just checked on another site running on 3.0.52 / 0.2.1 and it happens there too.

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