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Echo only Tags on page

Peter Knight

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I've followed a tutorial on setting up tags and have a tag field as follows:


allow new pages to be created from field=yes

input field type - Asmselect

Using the following on my template, I can output all the tags on my site

$tags = $pages->get("/tags/")->children->find("sort=title");
echo "<ul>";
foreach($tags as $tag){ //iterate over each tag
echo "<li><a href='{$tag->url}'>{$tag->title}</a></li>"; // and generate link to that page
echo "</ul>";

What I'd like to do is echo only the tags used on the page being displayed.

I thought the trick was to use $page instead of $pages as follows

foreach($tags as $tag){ //iterate over each tag
echo "<a href='{$tag->url}'>{$tag->title}</a></li>"; // and generate link to that page

No joy. 

I think I know why. it's because my field called tags has a separate page for each tag so I probably need to use something like

$page->get"tags" ->children

Obviously thats not realy php but my literal interpretation.

Just wondering if I'm on the right track and where I am going wrong.

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