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What I want is to revamp the admin but the problem is I tried to copy the templates-admin. The problem is, when I change some of the style and html structure. Nothing change on the admin. I noticed that some of the style is on the located on a module called Default Admin Theme.

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You are correct, admin themes are now modules.

There is a new admin theme that should be added to the dev branch in the near future that has the navigation in a sidebar. The intention is that it will be part of ProcessWire 2.5.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Because we are required to use a template bought by our company.

@Christian: Building a theme is but maintaining it is a whole other story. ProcessWire is evolving quick, very quick. So if the company has the time the money and the knowledge to update custom themes after every bigger PW update, it is doable.

Just a scenario: Say you build a tiny website for a customer, estimated 20 hours of work. But you can't deliver the site within 2 or 3 weeks because the custom theme misbehaves after that awesome ProcessWire update. 

My personal opinion: I wouldn't go for that route. 

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As a starting point, create a folder in /site/modules/ called something like MyAdminTheme

Then copy all the files from /wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/ into your new folder

Change the name of the file AdminThemeDefault.module to MyAdminTheme.module

Edit the file so that the class now says:

class MyAdminTheme extends AdminTheme implements Module, ConfigurableModule {

public static function getModuleInfo() {
    return array(
      'title' => 'Default Admin Theme',
      'version' => 1,
      'summary' => 'Minimal admin theme that supports all ProcessWire features.',
      'autoload' => 'template=admin'

So, the name of the folder, the file name and the class name all match. You can change the title, version and summary to what you want.

Now go to your sites admin and modules and install this new module.

That is your starting point - you can now edit it to your heart's content.

I THINK that is how I did it last time! Someone else might pick up anything I have missed!

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Thank's for your reply :) I already found  a theme that can be a base that can use as a core. I will discuss this matter on the one who will design the admin theme if they still want to start it from scratch :)

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