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Date field as field in the Admin Page List?


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there are in the meantime a lots of Q&As about the Admin Page List but actually I missed one.

Is it possible to output a "Date"-Field ??

Because only with the name of the Field I get back a Timestamp...


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48 minutes ago, Ivan Gretsky said:

That is the topic I was looking for... What if I need to output a created date? Could not find output formatting for it.

I don't think this is an option - I think you need to format yourself with something like PHP's date()

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You can use a hook to append a formatted created date to the end of the page list label. In /site/ready.php...

$this->addHookAfter('ProcessPageListRender::getPageLabel', function($event) {
	$page = $event->arguments('page');
	$created = date('d/m/y', $page->created);
	$event->return .= " $created";


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