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O how the mighty have fallen! Nokia anyone?


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Pretty logical after seeing each year the market for desktop pc's and windows bringing less money.

MS buying Nokia is a strategic move to grow more in the smartphone market that is still on the rise

and push windows phone at the same time. Why you think Steve Balmer is leaving MS ? Because

under his supervision Win Vista, MS Surface and Win 8 have flopped. Evolution in MS business model

based on windows and office has stopped years ago. It is slowly dying out. Change is the only certain

thing in life, even for MS. MicroSoft needs people like Steven Sinofsky. At least he saved the MS day

after Vista with Win 7 and shipped products on time. In general, seems to me that the speed of change

is growing each year all over the world. Or is it just me ?

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I did hear, but haven't checked the facts, that the head of Nokia is an ex-MS guy and through this will become a MS employee again. From the outside and with none of the facts to hand It looks a bit like he went to Nokia to help them out and in the process set up a relatively cheap deal knowing he'd be back at Microsoft.

I know it doesn't sound like a cheap deal, but compared to Vodafone's recent transaction it's pocket money :)

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Yeah, the guy was at MS, then went to Nokia, now will be back at MS as VP something...(trojan horse?) :)

An interesting issue briefly mentioned in the above links: Is Tech king or is Software king? Reminds me of the MS-IBM wars...then, same as now, software was(is)(?) king :D

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Yeah, the guy was at MS, then went to Nokia, now will be back at MS as VP something...(trojan horse?) :)

There have been a few rumors flying around about Elop's actions and motives as the CEO of Nokia, but who knows.. there's no solid proof about anything like that, of course. In any case both the fall of Nokia and the fact that they've already embraced Windows could be seen as fortunate things for MS, who seem to be looking for an easy way to grab their slice of the mobile market  :)

Oh, and by the way: MS is only buying mobile phone unit of Nokia. That's just one part of Nokia, although admittedly best known (especially in consumer market.) In a way this could actually be a good move for Nokia, as the mobile market clearly hasn't been working too well for them lately.

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There have been a few rumors flying around about Elop's actions and motives as the CEO of Nokia, but who knows.. there's no solid proof about anything like that, of course. In any case both the fall of Nokia and the fact that they've already embraced Windows could be seen as fortunate things for MS, who seem to be looking for an easy way to grab their slice of the mobile market  :)

Oh, and by the way: MS is only buying mobile phone unit of Nokia. That's just one part of Nokia, although admittedly best known (especially in consumer market.) In a way this could actually be a good move for Nokia, as the mobile market clearly hasn't been working too well for them lately.

Yea, Ericsson have already done the same, and is now all about their telecom network infrastructure, and I don't think they miss the phones much. Kind of like Volvo and Saab/Scania mother companies getting rid of the car divisions to focus on where they have actually made a lot of money over the years (trucks, buses and such). 

Could end up making Nokia much stronger over the long haul, let's hope so. I recently had the pleasure of playing golf with the guy who has had the Nokia distribution in Finland for many years. The last few have been tough, but I think he has seen enough sunshine to make it through a few rainy days without much sorrow. 

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There have been a few rumors flying around about Elop's actions and motives as the CEO of Nokia, but who knows.. there's no solid proof about anything like that, of course. In any case both the fall of Nokia and the fact that they've already embraced Windows could be seen as fortunate things for MS, who seem to be looking for an easy way to grab their slice of the mobile market  :)

Oh, and by the way: MS is only buying mobile phone unit of Nokia. That's just one part of Nokia, although admittedly best known (especially in consumer market.) In a way this could actually be a good move for Nokia, as the mobile market clearly hasn't been working too well for them lately.

Another take here: Maybe a tad harsh...I like the Microsokia joke though..

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http://communities-dominate.blogs.com/brands/2013/09/the-full-story-of-nokia-and-microsoft-how-we-got-here-and-why-microsoft-will-fail-with-nokia-handset.html (it's long, but few first chapters are good review of what happened).

Elop probably has a record as most unsuccessful CEO all time. Of course it is all "what if" discussions now. But CEO saying "symbian is dead" when Symbian is most popular smartphone OS in world by far and NOT even offering alternative OS in 9 months is pretty much suicide. And that is exactly what Elop did.

I wasn't fan of Symbian, but it had very strong position in companies (kind of BlackBerry for rest of the world). I remember talking to our CIO on the "burning platform" day, he said that he just cancelled few phone orders and starts really looking for android and iPhone for business... And next Open Source OS (maemo / meego whatever) was just around the corner (Nokia released Meego phone before Windows Phone phones...). Meego phone (N9) got nice reception, but Elop finished it by saying: No matter how well it sells, it is just "test bed for new technology" and we will not release more Meego phones.

Well, now Nokia should just buy Jolla (it's a startup where many ex-nokians are building phones / os) and should release their first phone this Christmas.

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