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Fredi for add new pages


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Fredi is great! I'll look forward to the arrival of that feature.

I'm trying to prototype a possible pw project where I want a group of users (special members) to edit only their content pages for a couple of different templates. I am using a special role as a flag to limit the list of displayed fredi edit links if a user is logged in, has that role and the created_users_id='.$user->id. This works well so far. I'm wondering if that might be a feature that could somehow be incorporated into Fredi? For the moment I got around the issue of not being able to add by creating a form to add a new page title after the list of current user edit links then used the api to create the page. Once created it appears in the list and they can edit it to complete the data. A bit clunky but it works ok.

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  • 10 months later...

Ok, I habe to decide which way I'll do it.

Try to build a frontend content management. Maybe full integrated (without modal, not admin ui) could be the best way, but than I have to build the inputfield ui (tinymce, page autocomplete, ...) for it.

Fredi or a simple link to backend edit / add form isn't that nice, but should work as expected...

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