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Page Image Manipulator | API for 1 & 2


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Wow, good find! ^-^

The ratio is stored as extended info for the image and not used further, so a very good find. (and a very stupid bug, info[2] holds the mimetype  :wacko: )

I will fix this with the next update.

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Hi Horst, I think I found one more.

PageImageManipulator.module, line 13: $this->optionNames is always NULL, because it doesn't get defined before (the class isn't even included at this point).

In consequence, param 2 and 3 are not working correctly as described here:



pimLoad($prefix, $param2=optional, $param3=optional)

  • param 1: $prefix - (string) = mandatory!
  • param 2: mixed, $forceRecreation or $options
  • param 3: mixed, $forceRecreation or $options
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Sorry, Horst, I don't want to be pesky, but how does this work:

PageImageManipulator.module, line 142:

if(!in_array(strtolower($outputFormat), array('gif','png','jpg'))) {
	$outputFormat = $p['extension'];
$outputFormat = strtolower($outputFormat);
if(empty($targetFilename)) {
	$targetFilename = $p['dirname'] .'/pim_'. $prefix .'_'. $p['filename'] .'.'. $outputFormat;

$outputFormat is always NULL, that's how it was defined in line 96.

As a result, $outputFormat is always set to the original extension the image has when it was uploaded. Assuming I'm doing a format conversion (png -> jpg), $targetFilename always points to the wrong extension (png instead of jpg), and this file is non-existant. Meaning: everytime all images are recreated, slowing down the page...

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titanium, please can you provide the code line for that with pimLoad?

At line 13 there is only comments. Also without need to test, param 2 definitely work, because I often use it to force recreation of a variations. So you cannot be right with this.

Your post regarding outputFormat, have you tested this or do you see this just by reading the code?

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  On 4/23/2014 at 10:59 AM, horst said:

titanium, please can you provide the code line for that with pimLoad?

Ah sorry, a "1" is missing. It's in line 113.

Regarding the "outputFormat" problem: I noticed that my page was very slow with PageImage Manipulator. I took a closer look and noticed that the image files were created once again every time the page was loaded. After that, I was on a bug hunt...

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Ok, your first post is wrong, because the second and third param is processed by the function.

But you are right with the post regarding outputFormat. The options passed as 2 or 3 param gets processsed but not assigned to $outputFormat if it is a key in options, and unfortunately $outputFormat overrides $options['outputFormat'] at the end of the function.

It is in the todo now. But as a quick workaround for you, you may completly bypass sending the $options together with pimLoad(). Insteed use it this way:

pimLoad('prefix'[, true | false])->setOptions($options)-> ... ->pimSave();

This works as expected. (I will rewrite the pimLoad to use this internally the same way)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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updated to version 0.1.3

  • fixed a bug with ignoring outputFormat when send as $options with method pimLoad found by @titanium
  • added support for php versions with buggy GD-lib for sharpening and unsharpMask
  • added support for the coming module PageimageNamingScheme into pimVariations()
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  • 1 month later...

Are there any known limits with this module?

I'm trying to grayscale 10+ images on a single page using $image->first()->width(320)->pimLoad('bw')->grayscale()->pimSave()->url; and it ends up returning the first 9 images correctly, followed by this error:
Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

This even occurs when the grayscaled images already exist, still getting a timeout. I've resorted to using file_exists() to check for the grayscaled images manually. If they don't it runs the code above, so with a few page refreshes atfer new image uploads I'm able to eventually have all the images converted.

Any suggestions?

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There are no limits with this module but with your max execution time for PHP.

add one line into your loop like here:

foreach($images as $image) {
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);  // this line resets the timer for max_execution_time with every loop.
    // following your code ...


It shouldn't take that long if images are already rendered. Please can you post your code of the loop here?

Edited by horst
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Sure thing:

<?php foreach ($page->children as $article) {
	$coverimage = $article->cover_image->first()->width(320);
	$bw = $coverimage->pimLoad('bw')->grayscale()->pimSave()->url;
	<a class="archive-item" href="<?php echo $article->url; ?>">
		<div class="archive-item-img"><img class="archive-item-img-overlay" src="<?php echo $bw; ?>"></div>
		<div class="archive-item-text-container"><div class="archive-item-text">
			echo "<div class='archive-item-title'>".$article->title."</div>";
			echo "<div>".$article->contributor->title."</div>";
<?php } ?>
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Hhm, you are not looping through images but childpages. You may try to debug the times for the images rendering.

Also you can do the resize to 320 and grayconvert in one step.

$timerstotal = array();

foreach ($page->children as $article) {
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);
    $timers = array();
    $timer = Debug::timer();
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // start image rendering
    $bw = $article->cover_image->first()->pimLoad('bw320')->width(320)->grayscale()->pimSave();
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // finished image rendering
    <a class="archive-item" href="<?php echo $article->url; ?>">
        <div class="archive-item-img"><img class="archive-item-img-overlay" src="<?php echo $bw->url; ?>"></div>
        <div class="archive-item-text-container"><div class="archive-item-text">
            echo "<div class='archive-item-title'>".$article->title."</div>";
            echo "<div>".$article->contributor->title."</div>";
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // none image stuff finished
    $timerstotal[] = $timers;

// output timers
echo "<pre>\n"; // or "<!-- \n" to output it as HTML comment 
echo "\n</pre>"; // or "\n-->\n";
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a very helpful module! Thank you. However, I miss a feature that would be helpful: 

cropFromCenter(width, height); 

- Resizing and cropping in the original aspect ratio 

The image is reduced first to the width or the height. If it does not fit into the new format, the image is automatically cropped from the middle of the image.



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@David: this is already supported by the core ImageSizer. You can combine ImageSizer and PiM manipulations in any order you like:

$croppedVariation1 = $image->size($width, $height, array('cropping'=>true))->pimLoad('prefix')->grayscale()->pimSave();
$croppedVariation2 = $image->pimLoad('prefix')->grayscale()->pimSave()->size($width, $height);  // cropping is true by default in $config->imageSizerOptions in site/config.php

If this doesn't suite your needs, report back please.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 10:27 PM, horst said:

@David: this is already supported by the core ImageSizer. You can combine ImageSizer and PiM manipulations in any order you like:

$croppedVariation1 = $image->size($width, $height, array('cropping'=>true))->pimLoad('prefix')->grayscale()->pimSave();
$croppedVariation2 = $image->pimLoad('prefix')->grayscale()->pimSave()->size($width, $height);  // cropping is true by default in $config->imageSizerOptions in site/config.php

If this doesn't suite your needs, report back please.

Ah damn. Sorry, my mistake. :)

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  On 6/10/2014 at 5:55 PM, horst said:

Hhm, you are not looping through images but childpages. You may try to debug the times for the images rendering.

Also you can do the resize to 320 and grayconvert in one step.

$timerstotal = array();

foreach ($page->children as $article) {
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);
    $timers = array();
    $timer = Debug::timer();
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // start image rendering
    $bw = $article->cover_image->first()->pimLoad('bw320')->width(320)->grayscale()->pimSave();
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // finished image rendering
    <a class="archive-item" href="<?php echo $article->url; ?>">
        <div class="archive-item-img"><img class="archive-item-img-overlay" src="<?php echo $bw->url; ?>"></div>
        <div class="archive-item-text-container"><div class="archive-item-text">
            echo "<div class='archive-item-title'>".$article->title."</div>";
            echo "<div>".$article->contributor->title."</div>";
    $timers[] = Debug::timer($timer);  // none image stuff finished
    $timerstotal[] = $timers;

// output timers
echo "<pre>\n"; // or "<!-- \n" to output it as HTML comment 
echo "\n</pre>"; // or "\n-->\n";

Thanks for this horst, if I have more than 9 items in the loop it never actually executes the code which outputs the timings.

Stripped it back to 9 items, this is the output:

array(9) {
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0001"
    string(6) "0.0243"
    string(6) "0.0280"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0150"
    string(6) "0.0172"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0250"
    string(6) "0.0267"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0484"
    string(6) "0.0502"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.1159"
    string(6) "0.1179"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.2891"
    string(6) "0.2927"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.8478"
    string(6) "0.8514"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "2.8584"
    string(6) "2.8602"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(7) "10.3439"
    string(7) "10.3459"
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as you can see all image renderings are less than a second. Only number 7 = nearly 3 seconds and number 8 is more than 10 seconds!

It seems that this is a much to big image, maybe.

Also the ini_set('max_execution_time', 30); seems to be disabled / forbidden on your server.  :(

I would try to get this enabled. Can you ask your hoster about this? Also you can try to use set_time_limit(30) instead first, but I guess this will be disabled too. You should have a look to your phpinfo() under safe_mode and disabled functions.

Second point: do you really need that large images like under #8 that takes 10 seconds for rendering a 320 thumbnail? You can set a max dimension for width and height for the images-field under Setup -> Fields -> yourimagesfield -> Input -> Max Images Dimensions. This will render the uploaded image to these max dimensions (e.g. 1200 or 960 px or what ever you need) and takes this as source for all smaller sizes.

Also it looks that your images don't get cached? Do they get recreated every time you run that script? This is not the normal behave and sounds very strange if so. ??

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Hi horst, thanks for looking at this so quickly!

The last two images that are taking ~3s and ~10s, the originals are only 450 x 600px (25kb) and 536 x 712px (74kb). They're no bigger than any of the other images, actually quite small compared to some others. Seems strange that each image is taking progressively longer to render?

The process is also still taking this long even though the images aren't being recreated each time, they're all saved in the assets directory and aren't being overwritten as far as I can see.

EDIT: Is this looking like it's something to with my server configuration? This is all happening on my local XAMPP server.

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Yes, this is looking very weird. If it is on your local server, you can configure php.ini according to my suggestions above, (allowing set_time_limit(), etc). You need to check phpinfo().

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set_time_limit(300) did it. Could only load two more, but here's the output:

Last image took 158 seconds to render!


array(11) {
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0001"
    string(6) "0.0880"
    string(6) "0.0928"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0338"
    string(6) "0.0357"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0454"
    string(6) "0.0477"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.0879"
    string(6) "0.0898"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.1946"
    string(6) "0.1964"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "0.4132"
    string(6) "0.4180"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "1.1618"
    string(6) "1.1657"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(6) "3.4625"
    string(6) "3.4644"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(7) "11.8296"
    string(7) "11.8319"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(7) "43.1316"
    string(7) "43.1335"
  array(3) {
    string(6) "0.0000"
    string(8) "158.5707"
    string(8) "158.5729"
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hhm, but this is not the solution. There must be something completely wrong, because if the images once are rendered, it should only took 0.02 seconds for each image, regardless if it is the first or the 19. ??

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  • 1 month later...

hi  @horst  :

i want to add a watermark for page image. and use this module then got an error:

Error: Call to a member function pimLoad() on a non-object 

this caused error:

$img = $page->images->first();

$wmi = $page->watermark->pimLoad('wmi')->colorize('red')->pimSave();

$imgsrc = $img->pimLoad('tw',true)->width(180)->grayscale()->watermarkLogo($wmi, 'southeast', 0)->pimSave();

echo "<img src='{$imgsrc->url}' /><br />";

i use this,its works well, i found the new image be created:

$img = $page->images->first();
$imgsrc = $img->pimLoad('myPrefix')->setOptions($options)->width(300)->pimSave();
echo "<img src='{$imgsrc->url}' /><br />";
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Hi @leoric,

I assume the error occures on the imagefield named watermark as you can use the pimLoad method with the field named images.

Here are a few questions:

  • Does your template / page have an imagefield with (exactly) that name?
  • Is this imagefield set to accept only a single image?
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  On 7/19/2014 at 8:41 PM, horst said:

Hi @leoric,

I assume the error occures on the imagefield named watermark as you can use the pimLoad method with the field named images.

Here are a few questions:

  • Does your template / page have an imagefield with (exactly) that name?
  • Is this imagefield set to accept only a single image?

big help.

@horst, thank you!

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I was able to reproduce POWERFULHORSE's speed issue.

some images hang for 30-40 seconds on an operation after they have been successfully rendered once.  

PHP: 5.4

PW: 2.4

GD: 2.10 compatible


foreach ( $albumimages as $albumimage ) 
$imgSrc = $albumimage->size(1000,600,array('upscaling' => true,'cropping' => false,'quality' => 70))->url;
//Fast with some files, but killer slow with others
$imgSrc =$sized->pimLoad('watermarked')->watermarkText("Gail Gelburd", 20, 'SW', 5, 100, null)->pimSave()->url;

The PIM portion of this operation can hang the the page for many seconds, even after successful rendering of page it does not get any faster on subsequent  page loads.  I can Upload the offending images if that offers any clues as to what can be going on.  If I can offer any additional debug info that might give any helpful clues as to what is going on let me know. Thanks for a great module Horst. 

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Hi @neeks,
at first: I'm not really sure if you have the same effect as powerfulhorse has had, because he has used a loop through childpages and even has had large amount of processing times for cached images?! Doesn't make much sense, hhm?

second: especially the watermarkText method never was meant to be used in bulk rendering. It uses much cpu and memory for calling many memory image copy operations and also inspect images by histograms to autodetect the best used color for the text, etc. So that is a lot of work it does and that is time consuming, - sorry I haven't noted this in the first post here. It was meant for something like showing thumbnails without watermark text on a page and only watermark larger (single) images when requested. Also its text output can be a bit (or very) ugly!?! - If you want add the same text to all images, you should create and use a transparent png with a nice (and maybe smooth) text together with the watermarkLogo method instead.

third: you may use and inspect debug timers with your code. If there are no significant differences with images processed later (comparing to images processed first), everything seems to be ok. If you get significantly larger times only with later processed images in your loop, then this can be due to some (weird?) design in PHP? PiM uses the correct code to release and free memory (pointers) for all objetcs / instances, but the PHP interpreter internally only seems to set this objects to zero but do not really free the memory to the system site. Somewhere I have read about a discussion between the PHP Group and others and "the others" said that the PHP devs have said that it isn't necessary to release / free pointers because all pointers and handles will be released / freed at the end of every request, (because the complete php instance is closed / released then). I haven't investigated further on this, and maybe I have overlooked to release some objects. I will take a closer look to it when finding time for it. But don't expect it in the near future.


On the other hand do I use the watermarkLogo method within a loop on a gallery site where it sometimes create 100+ watermarked image variations [2] at first call of an album page without any drawbacks:

$gallery = "<div id='myGallery'>\n";
if(count($page->images)>0) {
    // display imageThumbs
    $num = -1;
    foreach($page->images as $image) {
[1]     set_time_limit(5);
        $imageName = pathinfo($image->name,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
        $imageDescription = strlen(trim($image->description))>0 ? ', ' . preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-ZöüäÖÜÄß -]/msi', '', trim($image->description)) : '';
[2]     $gallery .= "\t<a id='uid$num' rel='nofollow' title='{$imageName}{$imageDescription}' href='{$image->pimLoad('full',false)->watermarkLogo($wmPng)->pimSave()->url}'> </a>\n";
$gallery .= "</div>\n";

All source images are max 1000 px and as you can see in the loop I use a time_limit of max 5 seconds [1] per loop.

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