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Customizing the admin panel with the output of published pages

Vineet Sawant

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I need to customize admin panel for special requirements.

Basically I've a theatre seat chart which is being generated by repeater field which adds rows to seat chart.

Every theatre has a seat chart which is unique.

Right now, I can display seat chart of any theatre by simply using theatre's id to pull the seat chart.

But my requirement is that this seat chart for each theatre should be visible on the admin side so that I can perform further operations on it as a superuser before making it publicly visible.

I understand that perhaps I'll need to add a page to admin side but I'd like to know if this is the right way or what other proper way can be to accomplish the given requirement.

Thank you all.

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Hi onjegolders,

That was the initial thought but I want to filter some rows from the seat chart which will be manually selected to be kept reserved from the end users. This can only be done from backend I suppose.

Even if just for instance it was okay to do it from frontend, idk how exactly to do that?

Can you please tell me in brief?

Thanks for your reply.

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Hi kongondo,

Thanks for the reply.

It really looks like a very good option to do what I'm looking to.

One question though, do I need to create a page, lets say, shows(which will be seen in main navigation in admin panel) and then create a child page of it to use PW's variables on it?

Thanks a lot.

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One question though, do I need to create a page, lets say, shows(which will be seen in main navigation in admin panel) and then create a child page of it to use PW's variables on it?

Yes, in PW 2.3, you need to create the child page. Both pages (parent ["shows"] and child) will be in the site Tree. The parent will also be listed in the Admin menu (next to Settings, Modules, etc. - depending on the Admin theme you are using.). Clicking on it will open your custom admin page. In the dev version of PW you don't have to create a child page. See Diogo's github for more info. What the module does is render the child page using that child's template.

I find ACP really handy. All PW variables are at your disposal and the page is safely hidden in Admin :). Seen the crazy things I've been doing with it ? :)

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Hi kongondo

I find ACP really handy. All PW variables are at your disposal and the page is safely hidden in Admin :). Seen the crazy things I've been doing with it ? :)

That's some really cool stuff you've got there :)

Thanks for clearing my doubt now I finally understood how it works. It's just amazing :D

I'll now be playing around with it a bit & let you know if I could achieve what I wanted.

Thanks again.

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It depends on your needs. I am no coder myself; I could probably do a simple module that says hello world! and that's it :). A module is good in that it can be shared and reused easily on multiple sites. Just click and install and you are off. But, in some cases, you just need something custom using something familiar to $page API....so you use ACP. Of course you can share (if you wanted to) the code in your ACP (child) template file if others want something similar or if you want to reuse it on some other site. No need to make a module if you can't, at the moment....we will get there eventually, I believe.  O0

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